Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 70 The Exaggerated Villain

Chapter 70 The Exaggerated Villain

Facts have proved that the audience's worries are unnecessary.

How could Chen Zhen, the protagonist, be absent from such a heavyweight decisive battle?

Returning to the secluded thatched cottage, Chen Zhen received a farewell letter left by Guangzi.

Seeing that Photon took the initiative to stay for himself, and then left on his own initiative, the light in Chen Zhen's eyes was particularly enthusiastic.

Now, as a martial artist and a Chinese, he already understands what is the most important thing at the moment.

The screen turns.

The next day, Chen Zhen took the initiative to find Huo Tingen who was preparing to face Fujita Takeshi.

The two strongest combat forces of the Jingwu Sect came out together. Not only the entire Jingwu Sect was excited, but even the audience in the theater couldn't help but get excited. As they watched, the brothers shared the same hatred and stepped into the arena again. Hongkou Dojo.

In the Hongkou Dojo at this moment.

Tsuyoshi Fujita, nicknamed Robot, is currently practicing his killing skills accompanied by several soldiers.

The fist breaks the stone, and the foot breaks the stone.

All the previous scenes that pursued a real sense of impact were ineffective in Fujita Tsuyoshi.

Exaggeration, extreme exaggeration!

On the screen, Fujita Takeshi, played by Zhou Bili, seems to be like a robot, with steel and iron bones, which makes people shudder!

Seeing such a terrifying scene, the audience collectively gasped.

On the other hand, Hong Jinbao sat up straight and looked very seriously.

"The foreshadowing of the countless real-sensing shots in front is probably for this moment!"

"Well, it should be right. With the foreshadowing of those previous scenes, the pressure of Fujita Gou's hard bridge almost overflows the screen. Their arrangement is indeed clever enough, although the shot of the biggest villain is not There are many, but this suffocating feeling of soldiers approaching the city is simply too brilliant."

Even Cheng Long nodded in agreement at the moment.

Although Chen Jiashang's unique use of lenses and flamboyant style of play are skills that they are currently unable to use, this does not prevent them from seeing the mystery and appreciating its wonderful arrangements.

Lin Zhengying, who is familiar with Li Xiaolong, is even more looking forward to it.

The previous fight scenes have proven the quality of the film. Now he just wants to know what wonderful arrangements Zhang Yang will make in this final decisive battle so that this film can truly be worthy of paying tribute to Li Xiaolong. sentence.

The soldiers backed away. Fujita had just put on his military uniform and put the four-character plaque by his side.

Chen Zhen and Huo Tingen walked into the Hongkou Dojo. Fujita just stood up, and the soldiers who had dispersed earlier also showed up and pointed their guns at the two. Then Fujita told them that he would not Let the two get out alive.

It seems that in order to make the two people die willingly, Fujita Go even asked the soldiers to take the initiative to bring out the traitor who killed Huo Yuanjia, shot him to death, then picked up the four-character sign next to him and stepped on the traitor's The corpse humiliated the countrymen.

What Go Fujita said made the audience furious.

Especially when Fujita stepped on the corpse of a traitor on the ground and wanted to use this scum's disposition to generalize and humiliate all the people in the country, the audience sitting in the front row even clenched their fists, wishing to rush Get into the screen and have a fight.

No matter how oppressive you feel, no matter how tall and strong you are!
What makes the Chinese people what they are today has never depended on the strength of their fists and cannons, but on the tenacity in our backbones!
Just as the audience collectively held their breath, on the big screen, the young and energetic Huo Tingen rushed out first.

He attacked with heavy punches, but what was unexpected was that Fujita Takeshi did not dodge or evade, and directly resisted Huo Tingen's fist.

Seeing Fujita Gou receiving several heavy blows one after another, but still remaining motionless, Fujita Gou counterattacked. The heavy punch was followed by a brutal kick, which actually kicked Huo Tingen upside down and flew several meters away. !

This exaggerated expressiveness forms a sharp contrast with the restrained fighting scenes in previous films.

The audience collectively opened their mouths wide and gasped!

This bastard is too strong!
How can you fight him? !
Just when the audience felt chills, Fujita threw the plaque in his hand towards Huo Tingen. Seeing the plaque roaring towards him, the hearts of the audience were tightened again. Fortunately, at this moment, Chen Zhen finally made a move up!


Accompanied by a beautiful kick, this four-character plaque full of humiliating memories was smashed to pieces by Chen Zhen!
The audience cheered collectively, their cheeks flushed, and they shouted at the top of their lungs.

"Good! Chen Zhen, kill this buster!"

"Use all your strength to teach this poor boy a good lesson, and teach him to know what Chinese Kung Fu is!"

"Yes, kill him! Kill him!"

The chaotic and disorderly yelling quickly turned into the three words "beat him to death" in unison.

And as the audience raised their arms and shouted, the battle between Chen Zhen and Fujita Takeshi officially began!
As soon as Fujita stepped forward, Chen Zhen used his signature side kick again, kicking him backwards and flying away.

But this kick that directly kicked Huo Tingen in the past, Fujita Goshi landed steadily, and then dusted his chest with his hand, his face was still calm, obviously his physique and Huo Tingen were not at the same level at all. level.

The battle started again, and the two sides opened up their stances. For a moment, the scene was really like a confrontation in a boxing ring.

Chen Zhen took the initiative to attack, using exquisite legwork to attack continuously, but Fujita had just endured several heavy attacks, but did not move. Not only that, his heavy leg counter kicked, like a cannonball, abruptly jumping Chen Zhen Fly out!

The fierce exchanges between the two continued. The audience in the stands sometimes cheered and sometimes frowned. They were obviously completely immersed in the fighting in the film. Zhou Xingxing was even more excited to watch, and even raised his hands and kept gesticulating. It was as if he had also transformed into Chen Zhen, facing this vicious opponent.

In the theater on the other side.

Lin Zhengying said with emotion on his face: "This publicity, his action design is really solid, Fujita Takeshi's steel and iron frame characteristics are brought into full play by him, not to mention, Chen Zhen's methods of cracking are also clever enough. It's really sharp."

"Yeah, speaking of it, Liu Jialiang is also a martial artist with real kung fu, but his style of play is too strong, traditional kung fu, too rigid, and his moves are clear. In the early years of the Republic of China, kung fu movies were shot so much. Too much, the audience has long been tired of watching these, and it also made him fall into the bottom line."

Hong Jinbao nodded in agreement, and when he looked at Zhang Yang on the screen, the admiration in his eyes became stronger.

Cheng Long, on the other hand, has remained silent since the last fight scene began and looked at it extremely seriously.

Seeing this, Hong Jinbao asked strangely: "Why, do you think something is wrong?"


Cheng Long shook his head, but a confident smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"I think that if Zhang Yang's play still can't escape this framework, then at most he can only be the second Liu Jialiang, not the second Li Xiaolong."

(End of this chapter)

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