Chapter 71 First Day Surprise
Hearing Cheng Long's words, Hong Jinbao couldn't help resting his chin in thought.

Will Zhang Yang only be the second Liu Jialiang?

If he hadn't had personal contact with Zhang Yang, maybe Hong Jinbao would really have the same idea as Cheng Long.

After all, if you just show the different effects of fighting, you might get tired of it at some point in front of a picky audience.

By then, Zhang Yang's future should not be much better than Liu Jialiang's.

But after actually getting in touch with Zhang Yang, Hong Jinbao felt that things might not develop as Cheng Long wanted.

The reason is simple. Zhang Yang is very good at creating topics.

From the hype of "Black Fist" to two boxing matches to build momentum for "Fist of Fury", Hong Jinbao, who has followed Zhang Yang very early, can be said to have seen with his own eyes how Zhang Yang used topics and controversies to arouse everyone's infinite curiosity about him Heart.

And these discussions and controversies will eventually turn into fist fight tickets and movie tickets, which will flow into Zhang Yang's pocket.

Although Hong Jinbao is still not sure whether Zhang Yang can continue this pattern, judging from the packed movie theater in front of him, his method has obviously produced obvious results.

"Come on, it's Zhang Yang's signature style of play!"

While Hong Jinbao was still thinking secretly, Lin Zhengying who was sitting beside him suddenly sighed.

He quickly raised his head and looked at the big screen.

On the screen, Chen Zhen, who had repeatedly failed to attack, had changed his position.

With both hands clasped in front of the chin, the figure is slightly lowered, and the center of gravity is leaned forward, like a tiger in the forest that is about to pounce at any time.

Fujita just looked up and down at Chen Zhen's hold, seemingly unable to spot any weaknesses, so he simply tried to break it with brute force. He swept forward with his right leg and kicked Chen Zhen in the head!

Chen Zhen took half a step back with his front foot, let go of Fujita Takeshi's sweeping kick, followed by kicking the ground with his feet, and his whole body was like a sharp arrow with a full bowstring, suddenly shot out!

onslaught!A series of dazzling attacks!
Facing the steel-framed robot of Fujita Takeshi, at this moment, Chen Zhen began to do what he had learned.

Boxing's combination of straight hooks and combos made Fujita hurriedly raise his arms to protect his head. But the next second, when Chen Zhen stretched out his hands again, they had turned into Muay Thai's hoops and knees, hitting his abdomen continuously. The severe pain made Fujita Go's expression change, which had not changed for thousands of years, and his face began to change.

Roaring angrily, Fujita Tsuyoshi pushed Chen Zhen away with both palms, but after taking a step back and standing firm, Chen Zhen hit Fujita Tsuyoshi in the chest with a Sanda kick. While Fujita Tsuyoshi fell back due to the heavy blow, Chen Zhen took two steps. He stepped forward and jumped up, punching down again!
Superman flying punch!


The fist hit Gou Fujita's face, causing Gou Fujita's figure to shake slightly. After landing, Chen Zhen folded his fists in front of him and aimed at the center line where Gou Fujita's goal was wide open. He attacked in rapid succession along the way, accompanied by "bang bang bang" as dense as a machine gun. "The sound was heard, and the punches were continuously attacking from bottom to top, from the chest to Fujita Go's face!

Wing Chun, the Japanese word punches!
Seeing Fujita Tsuyoshi shaking uncontrollably under repeated attacks.

After Chen Zhen's last punch landed, he suddenly took a step forward with his front foot and landed behind Gou Fujita's front leg. He followed him like an overloaded truck and pushed forward with all his strength!
Bajiquan, burying the roots, and the iron mountain!

Fujita was knocked upside down and rolled twice on the ground. He just barely managed to get on the ground and knelt down firmly. He was not allowed to breathe anymore. As soon as he raised his head, Chen Zhen's figure was already flying towards him. He was in sight. Zoom in quickly!
American wrestling, flying shoulder thrust!

Taken Fujita was caught off guard and was knocked to the ground again by Chen Zhen.

Then, Chen Zhen locked Fujita Takeshi's neck firmly with both arms, and used the naked twist behind his back. Under the close-up of the camera's face, the audience witnessed that Fujita's face turned red from being suppressed a little bit, and the strength of his struggle changed from weak to Strong, and from strong to weak.

It wasn't until the end that the big villain finally died in Chen Zhen's arms that the audience breathed a sigh of relief.


This last series of fighting scenes was really enjoyable!

Different fighting styles, in the hands of Zhang Yang, switch continuously without intervals. Some moves are familiar to the audience, but they have never heard of some moves. This novel and beautiful fighting scene completely satisfies the audience's eyesight.

Even until the end of the film, there were still many audience members in the theater who were reluctant to leave. Instead, they dragged other audience members around, arguing about which school or faction the moves that were shown at the end should come from.

Even Hong Jinbao, Cheng Long and others were not exempt from this. On the way out of the cinema, there were still constant arguments.

The next day, evening.

A new edition of the Ming Pao Evening Issue is released.

In the film and television information section, the four big characters "Jing Wu Heroes" occupy the most eye-catching position.

And below the title, there is a simple line of news overview.

"The box office of the premiere of the midnight show is 80 yuan, and the real Kung Fu star Zhang Yang's second appearance on the screen may earn tens of millions of box office!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

The executive office of Eagle Films.

Chen Huimin put down the newspaper in her hand, and the smile on her face never restrained.

What is the concept of a box office of 80 yuan on the first day?
At the beginning of this year, "Best Partner", which caused a sensation in Hong Kong Island, had a box office of just over one million yuan at its premiere. In the end, it earned more than 700 million yuan in box office in Hong Kong Island alone.

As soon as the first-day box office of "Fist of Heroes" is released, it is certain that the local box office in Hong Kong will exceed 1000 million. The only question now is, how much will the final result of this film be? ?
If it can reach 800 million, this movie will be even more popular than Chenglong's "Master Dragon".

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in her heart, Chen Huimin turned her head and looked at Bo Tsai beside her.

"Tell Dalong and the others that from now on, no matter whether they eat or drink, they must keep an eye on Yangzi. Just like what happened last time, we will never allow it to happen again. Who dares to show off to Yangzai? Muzzle, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you still have to drag his whole family down to fill the sea for me!"


Just when Chen Huimin was excited because of the box office hit of "Jing Wu Heroes", Zhang Yang was talking on the phone with Miao Kexiu in front of the martial arts counter.

"Yang Zi, you are really imposing this time. When I go out to the street now, I can hear many people talking about you. Hey, after you are not famous, forget about your old lover. When will you come to see me? "

"Stop joking with me, Sister Miao. Although the movie has been released, it is the busiest time now. You should know better than me. When I have time, I will definitely go see you first."

"Okay, okay, I know you are busy, big star, remember to find me when you are free."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang didn't even have time to wipe the sweat from his forehead when the phone rang again.

But this time, there was a deep male voice on the other end of the phone.

"Yang Zi? It's me, Hong Jinbao. I'm coming to the Peninsula Hotel tomorrow. Mr. He will ask you out."

(End of this chapter)

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