Chapter 74 Make It Bigger

"Reporter from TVB? Wow! Please come in quickly, please come in quickly."

In the afternoon, Chen Yijie led the way attentively and led a woman with a slightly arrogant look into the boxing gym.

In the boxing gym, apart from Zhou Billi and Qian Jiale, Dalong, Ajian and other six or seven club members were also waving their fists intently in front of the sandbags, while Zhang Yang stood beside them holding a water glass, From time to time, I made a few remarks to everyone.

"Hey, Yang Zi, take a rest first, the TV reporter is here to interview you!"

Seeing that Zhang Yang didn't notice the movement at the door, Chen Yijie raised his voice and shouted something.

His voice not only startled Zhang Yang, but also caused the rest of the people to look curiously at him.

Being stared at by so many people present, the female reporter was startled.

Others can say that Dalong and Ajian have dragon tattoos and tiger tattoos on their bodies, with scars and wounds. One can feel the social demeanor exuding from them at a glance. No matter how you look at it, they don't look like good people.

After all, he is considered a public figure, but he still hangs out with such people?
If not, it would be big news!
The female reporter's eyes were a little bright, but seeing Zhang Yang who was smiling and walking towards him, she could only temporarily suppress her curiosity, and Qian smiled and stretched out her hand and said, "Mr. Zhang, hello, I am a reporter from TVB, Xu Wanshu .”

"Hi, Miss Xu, Dalong, help me bring two chairs here!"


Amidst Zhang Yang's greetings, Dalong, who was still vicious just now, was very obedient at the moment. He came to the corner of the hall in a regular manner and moved two chairs. After supporting them, he returned to his original position and continued to "boom Bang" hit the sandbag.

Seeing such a fierce person appearing so cute in front of Zhang Yang, Xu Wanshu was even more surprised.

There is definitely an inside story to dig out here!

Resisting the impulse of curiosity, Xu Wanshu took out the notepad and tape recorder that she prepared in advance from her bag, and started the interview according to the questions recorded above. At the beginning, her questions were similar to those of Zhang Yang's interview with Ming Pao last time, except In addition to these routine questions, more of her questions focused on the front and backstage of "Jing Wu Heroes".

It wasn't until after the last question was asked that Xu Wanshu closed the notepad in her hand, and then pretended to ask a question subconsciously.

"Mr. Zhang, these students in your boxing gym look a little unusual."

"There are two shoulders and one head. What's unusual?"

"It's different. At least ordinary people shouldn't have dragons and tigers like them, don't you think?"

Xu Wanshu blinked her eyes, as if deliberately showing off.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang suddenly straightened his face at this time, showing a serious expression.

"Miss Xu, prejudice is a very bad behavior!"

Xu Wanshu was stunned by Zhang Yang's words. Seeing that Dalong and the others also stopped their movements and cast strange glances at her, she panicked and stopped asking questions blindly. Instead, she picked up the tape recorder and rushed to Zhang Yang. Qian smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, this is the end of today's interview. There may be more related interview reports in the future. I will come again then."

After finishing speaking, Xu Wanshu stood up and left the boxing gym as if fleeing for refuge.

Looking at her fleeing back, Dalong came forward, frowned and asked Zhang Yang in a low voice: "Brother Yang, this eighth-grandmother doesn't seem to be hiding any good intentions. Do you want me to find some brothers to warn her?" Get off her?"

"What are you warning? Are you warning her that Zhang Yang is a member of the society? Stop making trouble."

Zhang Yang sneered and waved his hands.

"Let's ignore her. If she wants to spread rumors, I will ask a lawyer to handle it."

The small disturbance caused by the interview did not stay in Zhang Yang's heart for long.

There are still many things he needs to worry about at this time.

And the most important thing among these things is naturally the soon-to-be-established Eagle Films.

As the box office of "Fist of Heroes" exceeded [-] million two weeks later, Zhang Yang also officially received an invitation from Golden Harvest.

When I came to the Peninsula Hotel again, the room was still the same as before, but this time, apart from He Guanchang who I met last time, Zou Wenhuai, the real head of Golden Harvest and the highest among the three founders, also Came to the scene.

in the hotel room.

Zou Wenhuai's secretary pushed a contract in front of Zhang Yang.

The content of the contract is similar to the information Zhang Yang got from Hong Jinbao.

After the establishment of Eagle Films, Golden Harvest will directly inject 500 million yuan in the first phase, accounting for 50% of the shares. In addition, Golden Harvest also requires Eagle Young to submit the script of the next film to Golden Harvest before the end of this month. side review.

After the script review is approved, Eagle Films will make sure to complete the film delivery before October this year.

As for the box office revenue after the film is delivered, it is written in black and white on the contract that it will be split [-]-[-].

But obviously, this [-]-[-] split probably only goes to the local box office in Hong Kong. As for the revenue and profits from overseas distribution and subsequent video tape releases, how much can be considered a [-]-[-] ratio is entirely up to Golden Harvest. .

After all, the accounts in this area are really difficult to compile, and it is not transparent within Jiahe. How much you can get depends on your fate.

The only thing that can be counted as a good thing is that from now on, there are still four and a half months before the film is handed over.

For Yingyang Pictures' "first film", Golden Harvest still gave it enough time.

But Zhang Yang didn't dare to be careless in his heart, because he knew very well that if the film was messed up, it would not be so easy to ask Jiahe to pay for it willingly next time.

After Zhang Yang signed his name on the contract neatly, Zou Wenhuai's face showed a smile.

He didn't talk about the contract or the next film, but sighed.

"Jiahe rose to prominence because of kung fu movies, and now it relies on kung fu movies to establish its brand. You have great potential, and you finally decided to choose our Jiahe. It shows that you, a young boy, have a vision. If you work hard, the company will not treat you badly."

Zhang Yang is not a newbie, so naturally he won't shed tears of gratitude for Zou Wenhuai's high-sounding words of honor.

He just echoed with a smile: "Mr. Zou, I am very much looking forward to working with Golden Harvest."

After the scene was finished, Zhang Yang was about to get up and leave when He Guanchong, who was beside Zou Wenhuai, suddenly spoke.

"I heard that you recently engaged in two mixed martial arts fights. It seems quite a sensation?"

Zhang Yang paused, turned his head to look at He Guanchong, but did not rush to speak.

He Guanchang raised his head, met Zhang Yang's eyes, and asked with a smile: "There are still four and a half months before you submit your new film. If you have more time, have you ever thought about boxing? Make it bigger?"

Mentioning this, Zhang Yang immediately regained his spirits.

He put the contract back on the table, sat across from the two of them again, and looked at He Guanchang with burning eyes.

"Mr. He, I don't know if you want to make this bigger, what do you think, is it big enough?"

(End of this chapter)

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