Chapter 75 Signing
"Now "Jing Wu Heroes" is gaining momentum, I can contribute 200 million yuan to hold a Jing Wu Cup fighting competition."

"As for the rules of the competition, just follow the rules of mixed martial arts that you are best at. I can ask overseas publishers for help and ask them to invite professional boxers from Southeast Asia and Japan to participate. What do you think? ?”

After He Guanchong finished speaking, he stared at Zhang Yang with burning eyes, waiting for Zhang Yang's reply.

Going to invite experts from Southeast Asia and Japan?

Zhang Yang frowned, and after a little thought, he immediately figured out what He Guanchong was planning.

"Heroes of Fist of Fury" has performed so well in Hong Kong Island, and it is a certainty that it will be released overseas.

And if Zhang Yang can win the championship by defeating the masters from Southeast Asia and Japan before it is released overseas, it will definitely cause a lot of topics and discussions when the film is released overseas.

To some extent, this can be regarded as a variant of Zhang Yang's previous tactics to promote "Jing Wu Heroes".

Zhang Yang would be happy to have a boxing match, but the appearance fee should not be less.

After all, making movies and boxing matches are two different things.

Zhang Yang pressed his finger on the contract on the table and spoke slowly.

"As for boxing, I really like boxing, but sometimes boxing is like making a movie. It's not only for my own enjoyment, but also to make money to support my family. Do you think I'm right, Mr. He?"

At He Guanchang's level, who is not a human being?
As soon as Zhang Yang's words came out, he immediately understood what Zhang Yang meant, smiled and said: "It is very important to make money to eat, but whether a person drinks good soup or swill depends on whether the person works hard enough, so good Well, if I contribute more money, in addition to the boxer’s appearance fee, I will also get another 100 million as a bonus for this championship. It’s a bit of a gimmick to say it this way.”

He Guanchang's answer is very clear, it's okay for Zhang Yang to get more money, but only if you become the champion and complete Golden Harvest's publicity goal, you will have a chance to keep it in your pocket, otherwise they would rather take this money Give money to others.

This was a fair deal, Zhang Yang naturally had no reason to refuse, and simply nodded in agreement.

"How capable you are, how much money you make, it's reasonable. Mr. He can call me at any time when the competition is ready."

Shaking hands with He Guanchong, Zhang Yang took the signed contract and turned to leave.

After Zhang Yang left, He Guanshang turned to look at Zou Wenhuai beside him.

"Well, do you think he is reliable?"

"Both Su Long and Jiang Fude lost to him. At least in Hong Kong Island, no one is his opponent. If he is unreliable, Hong Kong Island will have no reliable people." Zou Wenhuai turned his head and looked out the window, wondering what he was thinking.

But hearing his words, He Guanchong frowned and added another sentence.

"I'm not talking about boxing, I'm talking about movies."

"Didn't the young man just say that? Boxing matches are sometimes the same as movies. At least for now, his "Jing Wu Heroes" is likely to be the most profitable film of Golden Harvest this year. Since he can make money , then he is naturally reliable."

"But no matter how I look at him, he doesn't look like a man who keeps his own law..."

"It doesn't matter whether he is a law-abiding person or not. Now that he can make movies and make money, that's enough."


After getting the contract and investment from Golden Harvest, Zhang Yang's previous preparations can finally be officially put to use.

After signing the equity transfer agreement with Chen Huimin, the original Eagle Films was officially delisted, and the original brand was replaced by the four characters of Eagle Films. However, Zhang Yang did not decorate the company with much fanfare, and still maintained the original.

It's not that Zhang Yang is reluctant to spend money, but that Ying Yang is a start-up company now, a grass-roots team, even if the company is refurbished up and down with great fanfare, it will not be of much use. Instead of wasting this money, it is better to spend it on more Where it should be used.

The first to bear the brunt is naturally to sign a contract with the actor.

Qian Xiaohao, Qian Jiale, Zhou Billy, Li Saifeng and Chen Jiashan were the five team members he hired. As soon as the company was established, Zhang Yang contacted them and asked them to sign the Yingyang contract. .

In terms of the content of the contract, Zhang Yang's salary is not generous, but correspondingly, there are not many restrictions.

According to the content of the contract, for the above actors, the company will give a guaranteed salary of 5000 yuan every month, and there is no mandatory restriction that the actors cannot accept films outside the company, but each time the company’s film is shot, it will be given one month in advance. The shooting notice, one month later, actors must give priority to filming films produced by Eagle Films.

In addition to the basic salary mentioned above, after each announcement, the company will send someone to discuss the film’s salary with the actors. This film’s salary is not only related to the importance of the role, but also related to the actor’s reputation. Naturally, it is impossible to directly give an accurate figure.

However, in order to prevent actors from being famous and raising prices, or deliberately making it difficult for them not to fulfill the company's contract, when the actor and Yingyang Pictures cannot reach an agreement on the salary, unless there is another crew who can clearly offer a higher price than Yingyang , otherwise the actor will not be allowed to join other crews during the filming of the film that has not been agreed upon by the actor.

Because he knew the strength of several people, the first contract signed by Yingyang Pictures was a five-year long-term contract.

Among these few people, Zhou Bili signed the most happily.

He almost got the contract on the spot, without even looking at the content, and signed his name with a big stroke of his pen.

Among the few remaining people, Li Saifeng and Chen Jiashang had a great time signing the contract. Only the Qian brothers, after thinking about it all night after returning, came to the company again the next day and signed their names on the contract.

When the contracts of several people were finalized, and the brand-changed Ying Yang Movie officially opened amidst the sound of firecrackers, the time finally came to the end of May. The release time of "Jing Wu Heroes" in Hong Kong Island was coming to an end. The debate on whether the box office can surpass "Master Dragon" has finally come to an end.

On the third day before the film was released, the box office of "Jing Wu Hero" officially exceeded 800 million, surpassing "Master Dragon" filmed by Jackie Chan during the Spring Festival at the beginning of the year, and "temporarily" became the runner-up of the 82 annual box office list.

Of course, the reason why it is said to be temporary is not because there will be films made by other people in the future that can exceed this score.

It was because of Zhang Yang, who was sitting in the manager's office of Eagle Films at this moment, facing the company's cast list, trying to conceive his next film according to the previous request of the Golden Harvest executives.

After all, it was clearly stated in the contract that Zhang Yang was required to submit the script for his next movie to Jiahe for review before the end of the month.

And now, there are only three days left before the manuscript is due.

(End of this chapter)

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