Chapter 76

What should I shoot?

Looking at the cast list next to him, Zhang Yang tapped his index finger on the table, lost in thought.

He was worried, not because there was nothing to photograph, but because there were too many things to photograph, and he didn't know where to start.

Among the many movies that came out, the first ones that were excluded by Zhang Yang were series of movies such as "Ip Man", "John Wick" and "Ultimate Fighter", especially the series of movies that could be starred by him.

This is not because the series of movies is not good. On the contrary, when a movie can become a series, it just shows that the quality of the movie is excellent enough. He has not forgotten that Yingyang is still just a subsidiary of Jiahe. Even if it is really well-received, series, the copyright and IP are only used as wedding clothes for Jiahe. Even if it is a loss-making transaction, they will not do this.

In addition to the series of movies, Zhang Yang also silently passed the movies with too much investment in his heart.

He weighed it very clearly in his heart. With the current size of Yingyang, he can't support a big production. It will only drag him down in vain. Receive a wave of videos.

If this requirement is more optimized, it is best to have a movie within the past two or three years, because this will not lose part of the flavor of the movie due to the large age gap, and also avoid wasting precious opportunities, etc. After two years, I let other people shoot it, and I have no chance to continue shooting.

Combining the above factors, plus the current cast of actors, soon, a name popped up.

But if this drama is being filmed, it seems that there is no need for me to appear in person, right?
Zhang Yang touched his chin, put down the script, and picked up the phone on the table.

"Hello? Brother Jinbao, it's me, Yangzi. I want to discuss something with you. Well, I'll find you later, okay."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang grabbed the notepad and pen on the table and left the spacious office.


After half an hour.

Inside a box of a coffee shop in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Hong Jinbao looked at Zhang Yang in front of him with surprise on his face.

"You want me to borrow someone to shoot a movie? What exactly do you want to shoot, Yangzi?"

"What I want to shoot is this."

Zhang Yang took out a notebook from his pocket and placed it in front of Hong Jinbao.

On the page that was opened, there were only four large characters.

"Mr. Zombie".

Looking at the four words in front of him, Hong Jinbao thought it strange.

Because no matter how you break these four words apart and look at it, this kind of title does not look like a movie that Zhang Yang would make.

"Zombie... Phantom film? Yang Zi, why did you suddenly think of making this kind of thing?"

"Actually, I have always been interested in this kind of film."

Zhang Yang prevaricated, and then brought the topic to the main text.

"Brother Jinbao, don't worry about what I think. Can you lend me Lin Zhengying and Liu Guanwei?"

"If they like it, I'm fine with it."

Hong Jinbao said it, but in fact he always felt strange in his heart.

Because he had originally planned to shoot the sequel to Ghost Fight this year, but since the script has not been officially finalized yet, he went to shoot the movie "Beware of Little Hands" first, but now that he has free time, Zhang Yang actually He came to him to borrow someone, and he still wanted to make the same type of fantasy film, which made him feel very strange.

"Really? That's settled, I'll go discuss it with them now."

Zhang Yang can fake anything no matter what Hong Jinbao thinks. The 2000 million box office of "Mr. Zombie" is actually real money. Having the opportunity to put this money into his pocket is naturally more important than anything else!

"Ah, that's good, but I..."

Before Hong Jinbao could finish speaking, Zhang Yang had already stood up and put away his notepad and pen. Looking at his irritable expression, Hong Jinbao could only swallow back the half of the unfinished sentence.


In the afternoon of the same day, Zhang Yang returned to the company and started writing furiously. Relying on the memory in his mind, he quickly compiled a brief outline of the story. Then he set off the next day with this somewhat crude "script" in mind. Go straight to Golden Harvest headquarters.

Inside the Golden Harvest headquarters building.

After learning about Zhang Yang's intentions, the front desk staff brought Zhang Yang to Jiahe's screenwriting department.

Pushing open the door of the screenwriting department, Huang Bingyao, who was bowing his head to work in front of the desk, raised his head, pushed down the glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at Zhang Yang in front of him, and said in a slightly blank tone: "Mister, are you...? "

"Subordinate of Golden Harvest, Zhang Yang of Ying Yang Production Company."

While he was talking, Zhang Yang had already sat opposite the scissor kick master.


The name sounds familiar...

Huang Bingyao was slightly taken aback, carefully searched the memory in his mind for a long time, and then exclaimed.

"Zhang Yang?! The one who played "Black Fist"?!"

"You actually know "Black Fist"?"

Now, the astonished person turned into Zhang Yang.

Huang Bingyao knew himself, but Zhang Yang didn't find it strange. After all, "Jing Wu Heroes" is now popular in Hong Kong. When he went to meet Hong Jinbao just now, he was recognized by others, but Huang Bingyao mentioned it after seeing him. It was the film "Black Fist", which really surprised Zhang Yang.

"Black Fist" has some reputation and achievements, but most of the people who watch this movie are pure fighting and kung fu movie lovers. Huang Bingyao's figure obviously does not seem like someone who is interested in this aspect...

Is it true that the scissors will kill you?
When Zhang Yang looked at Huang Bingyao suspiciously, Huang Bingyao couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Life is full of surprises.

When Chen Huimin brought the script of "Black Fist" to him for review, he made an own mistake.

Unexpectedly, it was because of this oolong that Zhang Yang was achieved by accident. Now that he has transformed from a passerby to a popular action star nowadays, it is no wonder that Huang Bingyao couldn't help being surprised by the sharp contrast. Voice.

"I've seen the movie. You acted very well. You wrote the script of that movie, too."

"You even know this, is this also my die-hard movie fan?"

Zhang Yang happily closed the relationship, and began to think about whether he could bring this great god into his company.

But this idea is only limited to thinking about it. After all, his status in Golden Harvest, especially among the screenwriters, is at the same level, so how could he condescend.

"You say yes, what is the reason you came to see me today?"

Huang Bingyao always felt that Zhang Yang was a bit restrained, and he didn't want to get entangled in words and urged the other party to talk about business.

Seeing that the other party didn't follow suit, Zhang Yang stopped pushing his nose and face, but took out the written script and put it on the table.

"This is the script of the new movie prepared by Yingyang Company, please trouble Brother Bingyao to review it."

(End of this chapter)

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