Chapter 80 Who is the champion?

June tenth.

One week before the overseas release of "Fist of Heroes", the Fist of Fury Cup finally started.

Hong Kong Island Stadium, Tuen Mun.

It's this familiar venue again. The [-] spectator seats are almost full half an hour before the start of the game. Only a few vacant seats in the first row of spectator seats have been written in advance. name.

He Guanchang, Zou Wenhuai, Liang Feng, Hong Jinbao, Cheng Long...

Not only did the three founders of Jiahe come to the scene, preparing to participate in the kick-off ceremony, but even Jiahe's most important generals, Hong Jinbao and Cheng Long, also came to the scene half-heartedly, adding a touch of heat to the already heated scene.

"Jiahe is well-known for action kung fu, and has also prospered because of action kung fu. The development of modern fighting will also profoundly affect the development of screen kung fu. Jiahe will also accompany the fans and audiences at the scene to witness this change. ..."

Ten minutes before the start of the match, Cheng Long stood on the ring and personally delivered a pre-match speech to the audience on behalf of Jiahe.

And when he appeared, the cheers on the scene were so loud that they almost toppled the ceiling.

There is no doubt that although Zhang Yang's recent performance has been particularly eye-catching, at least at this moment, the action star who truly occupies the top position in Hong Kong Island is still the daring and courageous Chenglong brother.

Finally, the long speech was over, and the contestants stepped onto the center of the ring from both sides of the aisle.

Cheng Long took the microphone, stepped to the lottery bucket, reached in, took out two small balls, and cleared his throat.

"Then the two people who will kick off this competition are..."

"One of the four kings of Kyokushin-style karate from Japan, the winner of the 70-year All-Japan Competition, Kazuyuki Hasegawa!"

"His opponent is a real-combat kung fu star who has risen recently, a pioneer in mixed martial arts... Zhang Yang!"

The game started with such a blockbuster showdown, and the cheers from the audience immediately started again.

Zhou Xingxing was among the crowd of spectators, shouting desperately.

"Brother Yang, come on! Destroy that Dongying Boy!"

"That's right, don't show mercy and blow him up!"

"I don't believe that this Dongying person can beat Fujita Takeshi, Yangzi, come on!"

Many of the people who can come to watch the game are die-hard fans of Zhang Yang. Naturally, they have also watched "Fist of Heroes". Now that the scene in the movie where they defeat the Japanese masters is about to happen in front of them, it is naturally a comparison. An excitement.

Countless shouts continued one after another, and even Zhou Xingxing's neck-stretching shouts were quickly drowned in the shouts of other people, but it didn't matter whether you could hear what they were shouting clearly. It was this burst of enthusiasm from the audience that made He Guanchang and Zou Wenhuai couldn't help but look at each other, with smiles on their faces.

Looking at this situation, when the competition is over, not to mention how much money overseas ticket warehouses can make, just from the video tapes they release later, they should be able to take advantage of the popularity and make a lot of money. I don’t know if this counts. Not a surprise.

The personnel for the opening match were finalized, and the other contestants got out of the ring one after another, and came to the side of the ring to watch the fight.

Only Zhang Yang and Kazuki Hasegawa, his opponent, were left on the field.

retreated to the corner post.

Zhang Yang looked his opponent up and down.

Karate, perhaps for many people who don't understand fighting, the impression stays on the "juggling" of splitting wood.

But in fact, as a fighting skill, the actual combat ability of karate is not weak, especially Kyokushin-ryu. They advocate full-contact fighting without wearing protective gear. Therefore, a person who studies this school cannot resist fighting. His ability and striking power are both excellent, and he is especially good at frontal kicks in his legwork. His power can be said to be very astonishing.

Of course, while any single fighting technique genre has advantages, it also has its own disadvantages.

Like Kyokushin-ryu Karate, because hitting the opponent's head is not allowed in regular competitions, players from this school often lack attack and protection on the head. Regardless of the attack with fists or legs, the target is more focused on the opponent's chest. work hard.

This shortcoming alone is fatal, not to mention that in order to facilitate attacks with left and right fists and kicks, Kyokushin-ryu usually adopts a straight body stance, which will undoubtedly greatly increase its own exposure to injuries, and although Kyokushin-ryu focuses on leg techniques Attacking, but not paying attention to pace and movement, and lacking pace coordination, this is simply asking for death in the eyes of modern fighting.

After sorting out the pros and cons of his opponent's system in his mind, Zhang Yang already had a plan in mind.

With the ringing of the competition bell and amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, Zhang Yang, like Li Xiaolong, jumped forward and pressed forward with light boxing steps, while stretching out his front hand, silently measuring the distance between the two. distance.

as predicted.

After seeing the steps under Zhang Yang's feet, Hasegawa frowned.

However, although he felt a little irritated, Hasegawa was not too worried.

Because after receiving Jiahe's invitation, he also inquired about Zhang Yang's deeds.

But most of what he heard was about Zhang Yang's outstanding performance in the movie.

He studied under Dashan Beida, and many of Dashan Beida's disciples have gone to the film and television industry to develop. For these people who are active on the screen, Hasegawa is too aware of how weak their actual combat capabilities are. He doesn't think so. As a fighter, I will lose to an actor who can only win under the arrangement of the script!


Accompanied by the shouts, Hasegawa decided to take the initiative to attack, took a step forward, raised his legs and kicked, and went straight to Zhang Yang's heart!
He has absolute confidence, as long as he can kick it, he can instantly kill the jumping "flea" in front of him on the spot!


The scene he expected did not appear.

While Zhang Yang dodged sideways, he slapped his front hand and successfully slapped his front kick away.

Then, without even waiting for Hasegawa to turn around, Zhang Yang took advantage of the moment when his leg fell to press forward in front of him. He used his back hand to meet the straight fist with strong wind, and punched him hard on his unsuspecting cheek. Go up!

The fist precisely hit Hasegawa's eye socket!

With a powerful punch, Hasegawa's vision of his left eye was completely blocked with just one punch. The teardrops dripping from the soreness and stimulation flowed out from the gap in the rapidly swollen eye socket, making him suddenly feel like there are stars in front of him.

It's not over yet!
Zhang Yang shouted violently from the bottom of his heart, grabbed the gap of Hasegawa's back fist, kicked sideways, and ran towards Hasegawa's ribs!


With a powerful side kick and flying legs, accompanied by the excited cheers of the audience, he kicked his opponent to the ground directly!
Holding back the pain in his ribs and cheeks, and feeling annoyed that he had underestimated the enemy, Hasegawa slapped the ground with both hands and tried to stand up, but at this time, he was already accustomed to the flamboyance of chasing the ground and punching, and he had already run away. He rushed forward, took advantage of Hasegawa's kneeling position, showed his iron knee, looked at Hasegawa's cheek, and ran straight into it and hit him hard!


There was a loud noise that could not be covered by the cheers of the audience.

Hasegawa fell to the ground and fainted on the spot.

The opening match lasted less than a minute, and ended with Zhang Yang's crisp KO.

He raised his right arm high, came to the side of the ring, and directed at the audience who were still cheering, he took a deep breath and shouted loudly at the audience.

"Tell my opponents loudly for me, who is the champion of this Jingwu Cup?"

After saying this, Zhang Yang put his hands to his ears, as if listening attentively.

"Zhang Yang!"

"Zhang Yang!"

"Zhang Yang!"

The shouts grew louder and louder than ever before. Not to mention Zhou Xingxing, who was among the audience, even Hong Jinbao, who was sitting in the front row, couldn't help but laugh and shouted Zhang Yang's name along with the audience.

And these bursts of shouts reached the ears of other players, and everyone changed their expressions. Only two people had different reactions.

One of them, of course, is Zhou Bili. He has only infinite admiration for Zhang Yang's strength, and he has no doubts about Zhang Yang's victory. In his opinion, everything is just as it should be, and it will happen naturally.

The other person is Sharma.

Hearing the successive cheers in his ears, he glanced at Zhang Yang on the ring, shook his head, and let out a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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