Chapter 81
With Zhang Yang defeating Hasegawa neatly, the first day of the Jingwu Cup also proceeded smoothly.

After nearly two hours of fighting, in the end, as expected, both Sharma and Zhou Bili successfully advanced to the semi-finals, and the last lucky person to advance to the semi-finals was a boxer from Singapore.

The drawing ceremony for the second round begins.

Amid the cheers of the audience, Hong Jinbao stepped onto the ring, reached into the box, and grabbed two small balls.

"Next, in the four-in-two match, the first match will be Zhang Yang and... Zhou Billi!!"

Listening to Hong Jinbao raising the ball and shouting his name, the audience suddenly burst into cheers.

Zhang Yang versus Zhou Billy?
This is the most classic duel in "Jing Wu Heroes"!

In this movie, not only Chen Zhen, played by Zhang Yang, was widely praised, but Fujita Go, played by Billy Zhou, also left a very deep impression in the film thanks to Chen Jiashang's lens.

Now that the two can compete on the same stage again and stage the classic duel in "Jing Wu Heroes", the audience is naturally hooked.

But unlike the excitement of the audience, when he heard the lineup, Zhang Yang on the stage frowned slightly and glanced at He Guanchang who was sitting in the audience, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

This old boy, you can't talk too much...

He Guanchang in the audience seemed to have noticed Zhang Yang's glance, but he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong at all. Instead, he smiled at Zhang Yang and waved his hand, as if he didn't take his attitude seriously at all. .

After the second round draw ceremony, the first day of the Jingwu Cup competition also officially came to an end.

Taking into account the physical condition of the players, the subsequent four-to-two and finals will be staged in the next two days.

After stepping off the ring, Zhang Yang approached He Guanchong immediately, and asked a low-key question.

"Mr. He, the result of the draw of four to two, doesn't seem like it should be like this?"

"In matters like drawing lots, who but God can know the results in advance? Besides, this arrangement is not bad. In such a big scene as the finals, you have to compete with overseas players to make it more interesting for everyone, you said Right? Yangzi."

He Guanchang smiled and patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder. Without further explanation, he stood up and left with Zou Wenhuai and others.

As for what he said, Zhang Yang naturally didn't believe it at all.

It is said that no one knows the result of the lottery in advance. In the eight-to-four competition, how could it be such a coincidence that Zhang Yang and Hasegawa Kazuyuki were duel in the first round?The result of the lottery was clearly done by He Guanchong on purpose.

As for the purpose, naturally, as he said, he wanted to stage a showdown between Hong Kong and Thailand in the finals, so as to retain the maximum popularity of the finals and make it more topical when released overseas.

In fact, Zhang Yang can't say he dislikes He Guanchang's arrangement. After all, in the process of commercialization of boxing matches, in order to ensure the greatest attraction to the audience, cleverly arranging the opponents of the match is also a very important part.

As long as he doesn't fake fights or match-ups, Zhang Yang has already been honed by the UFC on some of the arrangements on the matchup table.

After all, no matter how disgusting it is, how can it be more disgusting to wait for a championship match when it is obvious that it has the strength and qualifications to compete for the championship.

If he hadn't experienced these things, how could Zhang Yang have the ability to hype up topics today.

Looking back at the lottery of the Jingwu Cup, in fact, what really annoyed Zhang Yang was He Guanchang's back-and-forth.

After all, he had clearly mentioned that he wanted to face Sharma in the four-to-two matchup. He Guanchang also agreed at the time, but now he suddenly changed the original arrangement without notifying himself.

This attitude of not caring about himself at all is what Zhang Yang really hates.

Jiahe, after all, is a big business.

Looking at the back of He Guanchang chatting and laughing with Zou Wenhuai as he left, Zhang Yang took a deep breath.

Bear with it for now.

Ask yourself, Zhang Yang doesn't think he is a magnanimous person.

This tone, sooner or later, he will have to get it back with this Mr. He Guanchong!

In the first round of the Jingwu Cup, Zhang Yang defeated the King of Japanese Karate, and in the second round, he will replay the classic duel with Zhou Bili in "Jingwu Heroes". Reports the next morning.

Many movie fans who have watched Zhang Yang's movies but do not have a high degree of love for fighting, so those fans who did not go to watch the match, after seeing the news reports, all smiled happily.

For these people, the process of the game is not important, just hearing the result of Zhang Yang beating the Dongpu people is enough to be happy.

After all, this is enough to prove from the side that although "Fist of Heroes" is a movie, it may not be impossible to stage in reality.

Suddenly, Hong Kong people's support for Zhang Yang went even further. Some people even went to Golden Harvest Cinemas again and strongly requested them to re-release the already released "Fist of Heroes" so that more people can take advantage of this news. , come and review this movie.

Of course, Jiahe was moved to reject this request.

After all, the filming in theaters is all arranged, and "Heroes of Fist of Fighting" that has already been released will naturally not be shown in theaters again. However, the distribution company that produced the video tape by Golden Harvest has been ordered to die by the high-level, and it must end in the finals. Before, the video version of "Fist of Heroes" was released in order to take advantage of the popularity of this competition and sell more.

The heat and trends from the outside world did not affect Zhang Yang too much.

In the morning, he did not train and prepare for the game like yesterday. Instead, he came to Studio No. [-] at Jiahe Headquarters.

Today, he will attend the opening ceremony of a movie as a producer for the first time.

And this movie is naturally the pioneering work of Eagle Films, "Mr. Zombie".

After experiencing the two movies "Black Fist" and "Fist of Heroes", Zhang Yang is already very familiar with the process of the boot ceremony. However, perhaps because of too much influence from Chen Huimin, the statue of the boot ceremony is still the same. A familiar Mr. Guan.

After everyone finished offering incense, Zhang Yang briefly expressed his expectations to everyone, and was about to talk to Chen Jiashang and Liu Guanwei about their plans for the filming of this film, but Li Saifeng suddenly came up to them.

Looking at Zhang Yang, her eyes shone with admiration and excitement: "Brother Yang, I watched you compete with me yesterday. You are really amazing. That Hasegawa is no match for you!"

"Did you go to watch the match yesterday?" Zhang Yang was taken aback.

"Yeah, not only me, I also brought my friends to buy tickets to support you, and I told them that I have learned kung fu from you, and they were all envious, hehe, Brother Yang, When you are free next time, teach me again, okay?"

"That's right, that's right, I prepared this for you when I went to watch the game, let me show you."

Li Saifeng took off the backpack he was carrying, and pulled out a banner about [-] centimeters from it.

Looking at the clear words "The Strongest Superstar" on the banner, as well as Li Saifeng's excited and pretty face, Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel a little dazed for a moment.

Damn it, this little girl won’t become his fan, right? !
(End of this chapter)

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