Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 82 The Strong Muay Thai King

Chapter 82 The Strong Muay Thai King
After listening to Li Saifeng nagging for a long time and promising to continue teaching her kung fu, Zhang Yang always appeased this "fan".

When he turned to look for the director, the props team had already begun to busyly unfold the scenery. Chen Jiashang had already taken the script and was explaining the scenes to several principals, while Liu Guanwei was playing with the camera, seemingly looking for a shooting angle.

Seeing everyone starting to work in an orderly manner, Zhang Yang scratched his head and had no intention of disturbing them.

After all, in the current team, although the two directors are still relatively young, the three leading actors have sufficient shooting experience, especially Lin Zhengying and Xu Guanying. They were already active in Hong Kong in the 70s. There is absolutely no doubt about the professional quality of the island film industry.

The production crew went smoothly, and Zhang Yang, the producer, didn't have much room to play.

When the filming of the first scene of the film officially started, Zhang Yang sat next to Chen Jia Shang. After mentioning the effect he was pursuing for the film from time to time, he made sure that the filming was going on normally, then he got up and left the studio.

He had a game to play at the Hong Kong Island Coliseum in the afternoon, so naturally he couldn't follow the crew all the time.


Five p.m.

The Hong Kong Island Coliseum once again showed a scene of huge crowds of people.

After a round of newspaper bombardment in the early morning, Hong Kong people's enthusiasm for the Jingwu Cup was not only not consumed, but it seemed to be louder because of Zhang Yang's wonderful performance and the reappearance of the upcoming classic showdown.

Hong Jinbao, who was assigned by Jiahe to be the host, took the stage again. After briefly introducing the players, he officially announced the start of the first round of the four-to-two contest.

Zhang Yang and Zhou Bili stepped onto the ring one after another, each standing at a corner.

In the expectant eyes of the audience, the two looked at each other and smiled.

For half a year, Zhou Billy spent almost every day training with Zhang Yang in the boxing gym.

The two of them have become so familiar that they already have a clear answer in their hearts before the game even starts.

But although there will be no surprises in the result, it does not delay the relationship between the two, especially Zhou Bili, who showed what he has learned to his heart's content.

As soon as the bell rang for the game, Zhou Billy pressed forward with his indomitable momentum.

Straight punches, whip legs, fierce attacks that ignore the opponent's attack!
Facing his fierce attack and suppression, the audience couldn't help but exclaimed.

so similar!
Damn oppression!
At this moment, Zhou Billy in the boxing ring is really like Fujita Tsuyoshi in the movie, surging forward!

And what about Zhang Yang?

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but his fighting style is actually moving closer to Chen Zhen in the movie.

Facing Zhou Billy's attack, he began to continuously use Muay Thai, Sanda and Brazilian capoeira kicks.

But without the slowdown to cater to the camera, the audience just felt dazzled and overwhelmed.

"Hiss... This seems to be more violent than in the movie!"

The fierce collision of fists and legs, the fierce speed, and the deafening "bang bang" sound of heavy blows left the audience stunned.

Before the start of the game, everyone was looking forward to the two of them recreating the classic showdown between the two in "Fist of Heroes".

But now it seems that this is not a reappearance of the classics, it is simply going to surpass the classics!
Zhou Xingxing, who was among the audience, clenched his fists in excitement and cheered along with the other audience members.

But as a person who has really practiced boxing, there is still a trace of doubt in his heart that cannot be suppressed.

Because a real boxing match, due to constant testing of fake moves, and in order to preserve one's own physical strength, will always be different from what is shown in the film. But the showdown between Zhang Yang and Zhou Billy is enjoyable enough, but I don't know Why, he always felt like there was some trace of a fancy performance...

Facts have proved that Zhou Xingxing’s idea was not wrong.

Because the publicity on the boxing ring is indeed deliberately leading this situation.

Of course, the current effect is also due to the tacit understanding between them and Zhou Billi.

Although it is not enough to make fake punches and release water, whether it is Zhou Billi or Zhang Yang, they are indeed silently making the fight on the scene more attractive, so that each of them has sacrificed a little bit of physical retention and reduced mutual temptations of fake moves. .

And under the tacit understanding between the two, the duel finally lasted for three rounds. It was not until the last round that Zhang Yang slowed down the rhythm of the game and used a beautiful leg hug to throw He knocked Zhou Billy down, dragged him into the ground, and finally used a riding cross to force Zhou Billy to surrender with a slap on the ground.

At the end of the game, when the two stood up out of breath, the audience immediately responded with warm applause. Even He Guanchang and Zou Wenhuai who were in the stands applauded cheerfully. People's performance is very satisfactory.

But while they were watching happily, there was one person whose disdain on his eyebrows was even worse.

This person is naturally the hottest player in this competition, Muay Thai champion, Sharma!

After Zhang Yang and Zhou Bili came off the stage to watch the match, when the second round of the four-in-two competition began, Sharma, who took the lead on the stage, did not immediately stand at the corner post and prepare for the battle. Instead, he followed the side rope and came to Zhang Yang .

In front of a total of [-] spectators, Sharma spat fiercely at Zhang Yang on the ring.

Don't need too many words, don't need too many expressions.

This contemptuous action alone caused the audience to boo violently!

Those who supported Zhang Yang, especially Zhang Yang's die-hard movie fans, gave Sharma the middle finger without hesitation.

"I grabbed your mother and threw her into the street without even being beaten. How dare you show off your face!"

"Shit on you, damn Muay Thai boy!"

"Pretending to be sharp now, I curse you for not making it to the finals!"

To be able to become a Muay Thai champion across four weight classes, there is no doubt about Sharma's psychological quality.

Even though the audience was booing at this moment, Sharma did not panic. Instead, he faced the audience openly and raised his middle finger.

You guys give me the middle finger, and I give you the middle finger too.

So what if you don't agree?
When his opponent came on stage, Sharma sneered and put down his hand, waiting quietly for the bell to ring.

Soon, against the boos of the audience, the game officially began.

Facing this opponent in Singapore, Sharma did not show mercy at all. As soon as the match started, he fired with full firepower.

This Singaporean player is already mediocre. In the first match against an opponent of the same poor level, he barely won by relying on points. How could he be the opponent of the four-time Muay Thai champion Sharma in front of him.

The first round only lasted for less than 30 seconds. Sharma used his most iconic side kick to hit the opponent's liver on the spot. The opponent clutched his ribs and fell to the ground with pain on his face. rise.

As the referee raised his hands to signal the end of the game, Sharma did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he followed the side rope again and came to Zhang Yang. He looked down at Zhang Yang and raised an index finger on his neck. Slowly across.

No need for words, everyone clearly understood what he meant.

Obviously, he planned to let Zhang Yang repeat the tragic situation of the Singapore player today!
(End of this chapter)

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