Chapter 83
"The classic duel is perfectly reproduced, Chen Zhen once again beat Fujita Takeshi, and the actual combat superstar Zhang Yang advances to the final!"

"Kill the opponent in seconds! The Muay Thai champion showed his terrifying strength, provocative and publicized after the match, showing the true qualities of the four-time champion!"

Inside the Peninsula Hotel room.

Looking at the more eye-catching headlines in several evening newspapers, He Guanchang laughed happily.

"Giving Sharma this 20 appearance fee is really not in vain. The performance of this play is quite enjoyable!"

Zou Wenhuai sat next to him, glanced at He Guanchang, who was looking happy, and sighed.

He Guanchong raised his head when he heard the sigh, and asked curiously, "Why, what's wrong with my arrangements?"

"No, the popularity of the Jingwu Cup competition has actually far exceeded expectations."

"Then why did you..."

"I'm worried about Zhang Yang's new film."

Zou Wenhuai interrupted He Guanchong's questioning and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"This Zhang Yang, I really don't know what he thinks. Doesn't he know that his movies are all sold by his skills? Now he has to make some zombie movies, and he originally planned to arrange for him to deal with New Art City during Christmas. Well, it's really unreliable!"

Hearing Zou Wenhuai's complaint, He Guanchong stroked his chin and thought for a moment, then murmured and opened his mouth.

"I think that what I haven't seen is all bad things."

"Oh? What ideas do you have, let me tell you." Zou Wenhuai raised his eyebrows.

"Since he is so blindly confident this time, we might as well go to him and sign a betting agreement. If his new film's box office can exceed [-] million again this time, we will increase his box office share to [-]%. If the new film's box office cannot exceed Don't worry, we not only want to reduce his share, but also firmly hold the script rights of his next movie in our hands."

Speaking of this, He Guanchong already looked like he had the chance to win.

"Anyway, I've already inquired. He didn't take part in this "Mr. Zombie". Arranging his role will prevent him from messing around like this time again."

After He Guanchong finished speaking, Zou Wenhuai's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly.

"Well, yes, what you said is a good idea, but this guy is a very clever guy. What if he doesn't agree?"

"It's impossible for him not to agree, unless he doesn't want to ask us for the budget for his next movie."

He Guanchong put down the newspaper in his hand, and smiled at Zou Wenhuai.

Brat, why don't you take it seriously this time?


at the same time.

With the end of the second day of the Jingwu Cup, Zhang Yang returned to the boxing gym after a long absence.

At this time, the scaffolding in front of the gate of the boxing gym has not been removed, but stepping into the boxing gym, the hall on the first floor has been remodeled, and placed in the center of the hall is an octagonal cage ring. Place chairs to serve as seats for watching matches, or as a simple training ground for boxers.

But if you really want to have professional training, you still have to go to the second floor of the boxing gym.

The dormitory that was originally separated by a simple partition on the second floor has been completely opened up and turned into an open area.

Auxiliary training equipment such as standing sandbags, pear balls, and yoga mats were piled up in the corner.

While Zhang Yang was looking at the layout of the second floor and thinking about how to arrange the equipment, Chen Yijie shook his hands and walked out of the newly remodeled locker room. After seeing Zhang Yang, he was slightly startled and followed to greet him.

"Hey, don't you have a game tomorrow, why are you so free, and come back when you have time."

"I'm here to check on the progress of the renovation. How is it going? How long will it take for it to open?"

"If there are no accidents, in five days, everything will be settled."

Chen Yijie put his hands on his hips and looked at the brand new boxing gym with a satisfied expression on his face.

"I don't know how many people will come after this reopening."

"There will be many people coming." Zhang Yang lowered his head and narrowed his eyes slightly, "And there will be more people than you can imagine."

"Hopefully, haha."

Chen Yijie smiled, obviously only taking Zhang Yang's words as a kind of vision, completely unaware of what Zhang Yang wanted to do.

Zhang Yang didn't explain much. After confirming the progress of the boxing gym's renovation, he turned and went downstairs.

Chen Yijie followed him down the stairs. As soon as he came to the lobby on the first floor, he found that Dalong had also arrived at some time. He was standing by the counter, looking at the octagonal cage in the lobby curiously, and clicked his tongue in amazement.

"Well, do you want to go in and try?"

Seeing Dalong staring at the octagonal cage in a daze, Zhang Yang came to his side and asked with a smile.

Da Long, who heard the sound, quickly turned around, scratched his head and said with a smile: "Brother Yang, don't be joking, Brother Billy is not your opponent, how can I dare to fight with you, but the shape of this arena is really unique. , just looking at it from the outside, I can feel the pressure, Brother Yang, how did you think of doing this?"

"Suddenly feel something."

Zhang Yang smiled and said something casually without further explanation.

In fact, compared to the traditional square ring, in addition to giving people a more exciting sensory experience, the octagonal cage is also actually very different from the square ring.

For example, the four corners of the square arena, because they will restrict the lateral movement and dodging of the fighters, so during the match, boxers will often avoid retreating to the corners, so the utilization rate of the corners is extremely low, while the octagonal cage arena is not. will be so.

Of course, the more important reason besides this is that the square arena has only four corners, and naturally there are only four sponsor positions in the corners. And the octagonal cage... just has eight corner posts covered with advertisements. You can also make a lot more money.

"Dalong, why are you here?"

Chen Yijie next to him asked curiously. Dalong came back to his senses and quickly took out a bunch of keys from his pocket.

"Brother Yang asked me to help him find a house. Didn't I just send him the keys?"

While speaking, he handed the key to Zhang Yang.

"It's all according to your requirements. The area is more than 1000 square feet. It's not too far from the boxing gym and the company. The landlord is eager to immigrate and bring a full set of furniture. The price is only more than 50. The house these days , Whoever sells it loses money."

When Dalong finished speaking, he couldn't help shaking his head.

In the first half of 82, the negotiations had not yet settled. It was the most turbulent era on Hong Kong Island, and housing prices repeatedly hit new lows.

If it weren't for the lack of capital in his hands now, and if he wasn't short of money, Zhang Yang might have joined the army of house hoarders.

But even though hoarding houses is impossible right now, it is indeed the best time to buy a house for yourself. Otherwise, if you want to spend more than 50 yuan to buy a house of more than 100 square meters in Tsim Sha Tsui in the future, it will be pure nonsense.

"Come on, Brother Yang, I borrowed Brother Bozai's car, and I'll take you to identify the door?"

After handing over the key to Zhang Yang, Dalong suggested, but Zhang Yang shook his head.

"I'm not going to pass today. I'll just go to the company to sleep overnight. There's still a tough battle to be fought tomorrow. It won't work if I don't get enough rest in a strange place."

(End of this chapter)

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