Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 87 I Don't Like Being Controlled

Chapter 87 I Don't Like Being Controlled

"A bigger bet?"

Zhang Yang's words made Zou Wenhuai raise his eyebrows, and also made He Guanchong, who had deliberately turned his head away earlier, look sideways.

Before Zou Wenhuai could speak again, He Guanchong, who was upset, smiled angrily and said, "Okay, how do you want to bet?"

Zhang Yang flicked the contract in his hand and said softly: "You might as well add one more thing to the above. If the box office of this film exceeds 500 million, Ying Yang's box office share will be increased to [-]%..."

"You want to take 500% of the 500 million? Oh, you really dare to think, but I'm afraid you won't be able to sell even [-] million!"

"It turns out that Mr. He is worried about this. Don't worry, I haven't finished what I said. If the final box office of the film "Mr. Zombie" does not even reach 500 million, Eagle Films can directly withdraw from this project." The box office is divided into, not a cent."

Directly withdraw from the box office share, do not get any points?
Zhang Yang's words made Zou Wenhuai and He Guanchong raise their brows slantingly.

I really didn't expect this kid to be so gambler!
He Guanchong clicked his tongue and did not speak, while Zou Wenhuai took a sip of coffee, then put down his cup and said, "As far as I know, Mr. Chen Huimin also holds [-]% of the shares of Yingyang Company. If there is no box office share, Why do you deal with him? His background is not simple, I don't want to be held at gunpoint to collect debts because of your wrong words. "

Telling Chen Huimin to point a gun at Zou Wenhuai's head to ask for debts, he probably didn't have the guts to do it.

Therefore, Zou Wenhuai's intention in saying these words was essentially for Zhang Yang.

Jiahe brought Zhang Yang here not only to avoid losing money, if because of a bet against them, Zhang Yang would be killed by Chen Huimin before they could take advantage of Zhang Yang's popularity, this was not their goal.

"You don't have to worry about this. Although I don't have much money now, I can still afford it out of my own pocket."

Dispelling the only remaining doubts in Zou Wenhuai's heart, Zhang Yang pushed the contract back to the two of them.

"If the two bosses have no objection to this proposal, can I trouble you to find someone to re-draft the contract?"

"I'm OK."

Zou Wenhuai picked up the coffee cup again, calmly, while He Guanchang smiled and pointed to the contract on the table.

"You want to save money for our Golden Harvest Company, I can't wait to sign it right away."

"That's good. I won't disturb you two anymore. I'll leave first."

Zhang Yang stood up, walked to the door of the box, was about to pull the door, but suddenly stopped.

Then, he slapped his head and turned around to add a sentence.

"Almost forgot, there is another clause that I have to trouble the two bosses to add for me. If the box office of this film exceeds 500 million, I hope that I can skip the review of the script for the next film of Eagle Films. This process, I know you all want to control me, but what a coincidence, I just don’t like to be controlled by others.”


The door was closed heavily, and Zhang Yang left the box.

Looking at the tightly closed box door, the corners of He Guanchang's eyes twitched slightly, he gritted his back molars, and opened his mouth slowly.

"This kid, I really hate him more and more now."

"As long as he can still make money, it doesn't matter whether we like him or hate him, Golden Harvest will keep him."

Zou Wenhuai raised his coffee cup and took another sip slowly.

After putting down the cup, he picked up the contract on the table, wiped it lightly on his mouth, and squeezed it into a ball.

"But if he doesn't have the ability to continue to make money, then...just throw it away."

The ball of paper drew a light arc and landed precisely in the trash can in the corner.


After leaving the cafe, Zhang Yang took a taxi and returned to Tsim Sha Tsui.

But this time, when he returned to Tsim Sha Tsui, he didn't go to a boxing gym or Ying Yang Company, but to go home.

That's right, more than half a year after he met Chen Yijie in time travel, he finally had a home on Hong Kong Island.

Taking the elevator to the top floor of the apartment, Zhang Yang opened the door with the key.

A house with an area of ​​more than 1000 square feet, converted into an inland square meter, is in the early 120s. As Dalong said earlier, the original landlord was in a hurry to immigrate, so the furniture and equipment in the room were very complete.

In the spacious living room, the sofa faces a Samsung TV. The three doors on the left lead to the master bedroom, bathroom and guest room respectively. On the right side of the living room, in addition to the kitchen, there is a built-in balcony that is not too large. , standing here, Zhang Yang can take in half of the night view of Tsim Sha Tsui in his eyes.

After walking around the living room, Zhang Yang was quite satisfied, especially since the living room area is wide enough, and it is also convenient for him to do some simple exercises at home to adjust his physical condition.

As for the real need for high-intensity training, the soon-to-open mixed martial arts center is obviously a better place to go.

Pushing open the door of the master bedroom, Zhang Yang realized that Dalong was far more careful than he thought.

The mattress, quilt, and pillows on the original bed have been removed, and replaced by a whole set of new products that have not been opened, and there is even a landline phone on the side of the bedside table, which is really thoughtful Could not have been more thoughtful.

After making the new bed, the exhaustion from the competition and the intrigues with He Guanchang and others all came rushing back.

Feeling groggy and sleepy, Zhang Yang spent his first night in this new home.

The next day.

While Zhang Yang was still immersed in sleep, the phone next to the bedside table suddenly rang in a hurry.

Rubbing his dazed head, Zhang Yang gradually came to his senses, staring at the phone in a daze.

It's the first day I moved here, who on earth would know the phone number here?
Curiously reaching out to pick it up, Dalong's familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello? Brother Yang? Get up quickly, something happened!"

"An accident? Is it something about Brother Min?"

"No, Brother Yang, it's the film crew. Something happened to the film crew. They called the company and couldn't reach you. The people from the company simply called me. A Jian and I were ready to rush there. Come quickly too, I just heard what Chen Jiashang said, if we go too late, I'm afraid today... we will see blood!"

See blood? !
Hearing these two words, Zhang Yang suddenly shivered!
Now that "Mr. Zombie" is on the crew, many people are the core team members of Eagle Films. If something happens to these people, let alone the future, this "Mr. Zombie" alone can teach Zhang Yang There are no underpants left!

"Okay! Hurry up and hurry there, I'll be right there!"

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, a carp stiffened, jumped off the bed, grabbed the clothes hanging on the hanger, and rushed out the door.

(End of this chapter)

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