Chapter 88

Half an hour later, the taxi stopped outside the headquarters of Golden Harvest, Zhang Yang threw down a note, and didn't even have time to wait for change, so he rushed straight in the direction of No. [-] studio.

When we came to Studio No. [-], there was already a large circle of people outside the studio.

After pushing through the crowd, Zhang Yang discovered that the crew of "Mr. Zombie" were gathering together and confronting another group of people. No one on either side was willing to take a step back.

Dalong and Ajian, who came earlier than him, were accompanied by Qian Xiaohao and Chen Jiashang, and they were abusing each other fiercely, and even started pushing and shoving each other. If they disagree, they will start fighting.

Fortunately, I came in time, and I haven't really fought yet...

Zhang Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, walked quickly between the two groups of people, and raised his hand to call for a stop.

"Stop arguing now, Jia Shang, what's going on?"

Hearing Zhang Yang's inquiry, Chen Jia Shang took the initiative to step forward and said angrily with uncontrollable anger: "Mr. Zhang, these people are so unreasonable. Our crew has always used Studio [-], but today we are We were just a little late, but they actually said that the right to use this shed belongs to them, and our prop team hasn’t had time to remove the scenery..."

Before Chen Jiashang could finish speaking, someone in the crowd on the opposite side rushed to talk: "Who has robbed your shed? We reported to Jiahe last night that we will use studio No. [-] today. The people from Jiahe Agreed too, you are the ones who call Changchang, I will throw your mother into the street!"

"You bastard, try swearing again!"

Hearing that the other party's words were not very clean, Dalong suddenly opened his eyes and started to roll up his arms and sleeves. However, despite Dalong's size, he seemed to be really not afraid of hurting him. Several people in the crowd joined in. The performance was about to begin, as if they were ready to fight.

Zhang Yang glanced at them, but still saw a few familiar faces, and subconsciously asked in surprise, "Yuan Xiangren?"

In the other party's crowd, the man whose name was called was startled, pointed to his face and said, "You know me?"

"How come I don't recognize him from Yuan's class?"

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he took a closer look at the appearance of this group of people. As expected, apart from Yuan Xiangren, there were also Yuan Shunyi and Yuan Richu in the crowd, all of whom were the core members of the Yuan family class.

After knowing that the other party was from Yuan's class, Zhang Yang immediately felt relieved.

At least in his understanding, Yuan Heping, the boss of Yuan's class, was not an unreasonable gangster, so he shouted directly at him: "Where is Master Eight? Can you come over and have a chat?"

Being called out by famous people, even if Yuan Heping didn't like to show his face, he had to stand up.

The crowd parted, and the leader of the Yuan family stepped out, nodding slightly to Zhang Yang.

Seeing that he didn't take the initiative to answer, Zhang Yang took the initiative to say: "This No. [-] shed has been used by our production crew since the first day of construction. You must have seen it, Ba Ye?"

"I know." With Yuan Heping's character, it is naturally impossible for him to talk nonsense with his eyes open, but after he simply nodded and admitted, he continued, "Because you have been using it before, so we specially used it last night. Notified Golden Harvest, and Golden Harvest also agreed for us to use studio No. [-] today."

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and turned to ask Chen Jiashang beside him.

"Did anyone inform you of this when you came last night or this morning?"

Chen Jiashang shook his head.

Obviously, if someone had informed us in advance, the situation would not have turned into what it is now.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang's face suddenly darkened.

A company as big as Golden Harvest would not have made such a small mistake, and it was obvious that someone was secretly trying to mess with him when this happened.

But who would this person be?
He Guanchong?
No, it shouldn't be.

Although this Boss He had a somewhat tense relationship with him because of the Jingwu Cup, but with his level and rank, he would not play such a trick at all. People who like to do such bad things are probably not the terrible King of Hades, but It was the group of rambunctious brats who followed Hades...

Jiahe, Jiahe.

The temple is big, so is the evil wind.

After roughly clarifying the matter in his mind, Zhang Yang asked Chen Jiashang another question.

"The scene in this shed, how many scenes are still left to be filmed?"

"If there is no accident, after the daytime scenes are finished, we will shoot two night scene scenes at night, and we will basically call it a day. The subsequent scenes will have to be shot outside, Mr. Zhang..."

Chen Jiashang wanted to speak again, but was interrupted by Zhang Yang waving his hand.

He turned back and said to Yuan Heping: "Master Ba, you heard it too. Jiahe didn't notify us of this. Besides, we have more scenes left. How about this? We will continue to use this shed today, and I will I promise to give it to you.”

Yuan Heping frowned and didn't speak, but the young and energetic Yuan Richu behind him was still upset and mumbling.

"We obviously came here according to the rules, why should we let you! It's just a fluke to make a good movie, what kind of big-headed ghost..."

"You little bastard, I'll fuck your old mother, try it again!"

Dalong had been looking at this kid for a long time just now, but when he heard that he dared to make a fuss, he immediately raised his fist.

"big dragon!"

Zhang Yang scolded, then turned to look at Yuan Heping with an apologetic face.

"I was born in boxing, and the brothers around me are also rough people who like to practice boxing and compete for victory. Ba Ye, in the film and television industry, I can be regarded as your junior. Everyone is living in Jiahe's trough. There is no need to make a mess." It's too stiff, you let me wait for a day, and when the filming of our two families is finished, I will set up a table alone to reward the brothers in Yuan's class, and I will also ask Eighth Master for advice, how about it?"

Zhang Yang's words were soft but hard.

The first half of the sentence first clearly told this Yuan Baye that although martial arts masters also rely on strength to make a living, they are obviously not as rough as those who specialize in boxing. If they really continue to make trouble, the Yuan family has never seen it. What benefits can be obtained.

And the second half of the sentence is regarded as a step up. At that time, whether the meal is really eaten or not, it doesn't matter, and it doesn't matter at all.

Yuan Heping has been in the film industry for so long, so he can be regarded as an old Jianghu. In addition, most of the people in Yuan's family are his brothers. He made a public appearance and put on an attitude of tolerance from the seniors.

"Okay, since you've said that, you guys will use it here today, but next time you have to let your crew maintain good communication with Jiahe, and don't go back and do this kind of thing again."

After speaking, Yuan Heping turned around and left with the members of Yuan's class.

After they left, Zhang Yang called Chen Jiashang and they went back to continue filming, followed by Da Long and A Jian.

"You two, go somewhere with me."

"Brother Yang, where are we going?"

Dalong scratched his head, looking confused.

On the other hand, Zhang Yang raised his hand and pointed directly at Jiahe's headquarters building.

"Ah? What are you doing there?" Dalong was a little dazed.

"I'm not interested in slowly finding out which brat is going to make trouble against me."

Zhang Yang paused and narrowed his eyes.

"Anyway, he got into trouble with me, so I have to vent my anger on the King of Hades on his head first!"

(End of this chapter)

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