Chapter 89

In the office of the Golden Harvest Headquarters Building.

He Guanchong sat behind his desk, looking at the plan written by his hand.

This year, the sudden rise of New Art City with the help of "Best Partner" is like the sword of Damocles, hanging over the heads of the two bosses of Golden Harvest and Shaw Brothers, telling them both to sleep and eat Uneasy.

In fact, if New Art City is just a simple production company, no matter how good its box office is, it will not make the two of them feel anxious. What is really terrible is that behind New Art City, there is a Golden Princess Cinemas.

The competition for the number of customers in the theater chain is what really caused the Golden Harvest and the Shaw Brothers a headache and shook their foundations.

In order to fight against New Art City and Golden Princess, both Jiahe and Shaw Brothers have made a lot of efforts.

Like Golden Harvest, recruiting Zhang Yang, a new star, is just one of countless plans.

However, the co-screening project with Shaw Brothers in He Guanchong's hands is another different plan.

According to the plan of this plan, in August, Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest theaters will show each other's films. Perhaps because the situation has deteriorated in recent years, Shaw Brothers seems to attach great importance to this joint screening, and even spared no effort to show it. In the early years, the ace IP, "Tathagata God's Palm", and Golden Harvest also gave enough to Cheng Yi, directly using the people of Yuan's class to create "Qimen Dunjia".

Just when He Guanchang looked at the plan and nodded repeatedly, there was a sudden argument outside the door.

what happened?

He Guanchong was startled, and was about to get up and push the door to go out to have a look, but the door of the office was pushed open instead.

Zhang Yang ignored the secretary's obstruction, and led Dalong and Ajian to rush in aggressively.

After entering the door, he was in a hurry to speak, but sat down on the sofa opposite the desk.

The secretary stood awkwardly at the door, looked at He Guanchong, and didn't know how to speak for a while, but in the end He Guanchong frowned and waved his hands, and the secretary turned and left in a panic, and at the same time closed the door behind him.

"Zhang Yang, what are you doing?"

There were no outsiders in the house. This gentleman, who was always humble and polite when he was outside, could no longer hold back his anger and shouted angrily.

"Mr. He, I want to ask you this."

Zhang Yang knocked on the glass coffee table with his fingers, also showing an angry look on his face.

"Studio No. [-] has been used by my crew since a few days ago, but last night, people from Yuan Jiaban provided an application for the use of Studio No. I didn't hear any news until the end, if I didn't rush this time, the two waves of people would probably be bleeding like rivers!"


He Guanchang looked astonished and was shocked in his heart.

Whether Zhang Yang and the members of the Yuan family had disputes or conflicts, he neither cared nor cared.

But if there is some bloody incident on the set due to the competition for the studio, which will affect the release of the film, or even affect the co-screening plan with Shaw Brothers, then it will really hit He Guanchang's seven inches. It is a big mistake that really affects the operation of Golden Harvest!
Seeing He Guanchong's astonished expression, Zhang Yang suddenly sneered uncharacteristically.

"Mr. He, I know that you and I are unhappy because of this Jingwu Cup incident, but I think since we are cooperating to make movies to make money, there should be a bottom line in some things. Just because the relationship between the two of us is Isn't it too shameless for you to actually send someone to use this method to mess with me over this little conflict? Are you really not afraid of starting a fight and making a big fuss?!"

Zhang Yang knew that He Guanchong couldn't do such a thing, but without hesitation, he directly put the shit bowl on his head.

Just like what he said to Dalong earlier.He wasn't in the mood to find out which brat next to He Guanchong was making trouble for him.

Anyway, the kid can hide, but you, He Guanchang, the Prince of Hell of Jiahe, can't hide, right?
If your subordinates do something wrong, I will take you as the boss to vent my anger.

As for who to vent your anger on?That has nothing to do with his publicity.

Anyway, if you, He Guanchong, want to find the troublemaker under your command, it is a thousand times, ten thousand times easier than him.

Faced with Zhang Yang's unfounded accusation, He Guanzhang was really a bit dumb at the moment and couldn't tell the story of his suffering.

After all, he was also one of the founders of Jiahe, one of the three big bosses. How could he ask about such a small thing as renting a studio, but he wanted to explain. As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhang Yang used the topic again.

"Mr. He, I'm speaking to you calmly now. I hope you can understand that the small conflict between you and me is insignificant in detail, but if you make things worse because of your small belly, it doesn't matter to you or me. , or to Jiahe, there is no benefit at all. This time, I can be magnanimous and not continue to argue with you, but if there is a next time..."

Zhang Yang raised his hand violently and slammed his fist on the coffee table in front of him.


The countertop made of glass shattered on the spot, and the debris was scattered all over the place.

Zhang Yang stood up and said in a deep voice, "I'm leaving, Mr. He, you should think about it again!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang led Dalong and Ajian, turned and left.

From the beginning to the end, he did not leave room for He Guanchong to explain and refute.

After they left, in the office, looking at the broken glass coffee table, He Guanchang gritted his teeth and shouted at the secretary outside the door at the top of his lungs.

"Call me the person in charge of the syndication project now, immediately! Immediately!"


In the afternoon of the same day, Jiahe issued an internal notice, seriously informing the heads of all studios that no matter which crew used the studio, they must leave strict written records. People must also communicate and keep files.

Anyone who fails to follow this process will be fired without mercy by Jiahe.

In addition, according to people working at Golden Harvest headquarters, the person in charge of the joint screening project was suddenly announced to be on leave for unknown reasons, and he was originally in charge of the joint screening task and was handed over to other people.

However, Zhang Yang didn't care too much about the drama of Hades punishing the kid under his account.

Anyway, the anger in his heart had already been vented in the morning. After leaving Jiahe headquarters, he just returned to the "Mr. Zombie" crew and chatted with his team. After confirming that the filming process was back on track, he Left the set.

At this time, it will still take at least two months before the release of "Mr. Zombie", so Zhang Yang naturally doesn't need to worry at all. What he really needs to worry about now is the upcoming mixed martial arts center, as well as the MMA center that will be opened at the same time. The peak fighting competition held.

A few days later, Kimberly Road, Tsim Sha Tsui.

Along with a series of firecrackers, the red cloth covering the sign was torn off by Zhang Yang himself.

The Mixed Martial Arts Center, which has been in preparation for a long time, finally officially opened!
(End of this chapter)

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