Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 90 The First Shot in the Contest

Chapter 90

"Everyone, line up, line up, don't squeeze!"

"This is a fighting training hall, not a celebrity meeting, and we don't provide autographs!"

"Come here, hello, this is the entrance, not over there!"

Outside the just-opened mixed martial arts center, there were already two long queues.

Of course, due to the popularity of the previous Jingwu Cup and the influence of the first day of opening, many of the long lineup came for the sake of spectating celebrities or watching the excitement, and the real long-term customer base, On the contrary, it is not too much.

But even so, compared to the previous desertedness in the boxing gym, and even compared to other fighting training gyms or fitness training gyms on Hong Kong Island, this newly opened mixed martial arts training center can be said to be unprecedentedly hot.

Facing the turbulent crowd, Zhang Yang, who finished the opening ceremony, immediately hid on the second floor, not daring to set foot in the hall again.

After all, most of the people coming outside are his movie fans, even fanatical die-hard fans. In the short time when the opening ceremony was held downstairs, many people rushed to him Asking for autographs, even some courageous female viewers and fans were unwilling to get autographs, so they simply ruthlessly touched Zhang Yang's muscles.

If he really continued to stay in the hall, I'm afraid that the hairs on his body would be bald by these people in the evening.

"Hey, Yang Zi, the audition roster you wanted, it's ready."

Just sitting on the bench on the second floor, and not long after resting, Chen Yijie ran up from the first floor in a hurry, without caring to wipe off the sweat on his face, he threw the small notebook in his hand in the direction of Zhang Yang, and repeatedly Without a word of extra explanation, he turned around and went downstairs, not forgetting to keep shouting: "Hey, people at the door, line up!"

On weekdays, I had only seen him being lazy and public. Seeing Chen Yijie who was suddenly busy and diligent, he was still a little uncomfortable. After shaking his head and laughing, he picked up the roster that had fallen on the ground and started to look through it.

At the end of the Jingwu Cup competition last time, he had publicly announced that he would hold the first Hong Kong Fighting Peak Competition at the same time as the opening. The roster in his hand is the registration materials received in the boxing gym within this week.

Opening the booklet, Zhang Yang simply scanned it.

Although Chen Yijie is usually unreliable, but when it comes to the boxing gym, he is quite attentive.

For example, in the roster this time, he not only recorded the names of the participating players in detail, but even made simple remarks in a few words for some well-known players or players he knew, which undoubtedly saved Zhang Yang a lot. thing.

Looking through the audition list in his hand, Zhang Yang soon found a name that he was very interested in.

Candidate for lightweight category, Hong Kong Muay Thai champion, Lu Huiguang.

When it comes to Lu Huiguang, only a few people know that he has won the Hong Kong Island Muay Thai Championship for seven consecutive years.

More people know him because of his wonderful performance in "Drunken Master 94" in 2.

Of course, to Cheng Long, Lu Huiguang is not just a martial artist in the family-making class.

In fact, since the two met in 86 because of the film "Twisting Miscellaneous Brands", Lu Huiguang not only joined the family class at that time, but also served as Chenglong's personal assistant and bodyguard. He has been doing this since 2009 .

There is no doubt that whether it is in the film and television industry or in the fighting industry, if he can be recruited to join the banner, it will be a great help to Zhang Yang, and Zhang Yang will naturally not want to miss it.

Behind his name, there is a small asterisk marked. Just as Zhang Yang was about to continue browsing, the door of the dressing room on the second floor was suddenly pushed open. Zhou Bili, who had changed into his combat shorts, stepped out from inside. .

Zhang Yang closed the audition roster in his hand, turned his head and glanced, with a smile on his face.As a martial artist, he could clearly feel that Zhou Billy was in excellent condition at the moment and was obviously completely ready to go on stage. He glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that the time was almost there.

After putting away the roster, Zhang Yang stood up and raised his chin at Zhou Billy.

"Let's go, this time, demonstrate to the audience and your opponent what real mixed martial arts is!"

Zhou Bi nodded vigorously, and walked down from the second floor together with Zhang Yang.

At this time, the hall on the first floor was still overcrowded.

The middleweight opponent with Zhou Bili had already stood in the octagonal cage and was familiarizing himself with the field, while the referee, who was invited temporarily, was also standing in the octagonal cage to check the situation in the field.

And a large number of spectators who came to watch the game, because there were too many people, had no place to sit at all. Instead, they all stood on the outside of the octagonal cage, watching the players in the cage through the barbed wire, as well as this brand new venue and arena. , whispering.

"Zhang Yang deserves to be Zhang Yang, the arena is so different, what is it called?"

"Octagonal cage, big brother, didn't you just introduce it just now? I'll hold you in my arms, so I'll forget it so soon."

"I didn't pay attention to it just now, but I don't know the difference between watching the game through this cage."

"I don't know, anyway, I haven't watched the game like this before..."

The two people standing outside the cage had just expected half of it, when there was an exclamation from behind them.

The two quickly turned their heads and looked over, only to see Zhou Bili stepping into the cage accompanied by Zhang Yang.

When two boxers confront each other in this narrow cage, the feeling of the octagonal cage is completely different in an instant.

The barbed wire that originally seemed to block the line of sight now filled the entire space in the cage with a murderous aura, causing the audience to subconsciously hold their breath, and when the contestants were observing the field and subconsciously touched the barbed wire, the metal made a sound, It also made the feeling of chilling clearer.

After sending Zhou Bili into the octagonal cage, Zhang Yang took the microphone from Chen Yijie.

"Everyone, for the first match of the first Hong Kong Fighting Peak Competition, I, Zhang Yang, will personally explain to everyone on the spot. Next, please accompany me to count down to five numbers, 5, 4... 1! The match ,Officially begin!"

"Okay, after the start of the match, the contestants on both sides did not attack by force, but used fake moves to test each other. After all, they are the first time to touch the new field of the octagonal cage, and they need to re-master the distance between them and their opponents... attack! Zhou Bi Li seems to be the first to adapt to the new field, and began to actively attack and oppress the opponent!"

Amidst Zhang Yang's commentary, Zhou Bili, who was in the octagonal cage, attacked first, punching him head-on!


The muffled sound of fists and punches resounded throughout the house. The opponent couldn't hold back Zhou Bili's attack, and immediately retreated. He retreated to the side of the cage in two steps, and his body hit the barbed wire, making a "clang clang" sound. , the audience suddenly exclaimed unconsciously.

The audience who were still studying the difference between the Octagonal Cage and other arenas just now no longer care about these trivial matters, and are truly immersed in the competition. Zhang Yang, who was commenting with a microphone, saw the enthusiastic response of the audience, and his heart suddenly A boulder fell to the ground.

In any case, judging from the feedback on the spot, the first shot of the Fighting Peak Contest was fired!
(End of this chapter)

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