Chapter 91 Income
At night, the sky gradually darkened, and the crowds that crowded Kimberly Road in the afternoon gradually dispersed.

In the mixed martial arts training center, those who came just to watch the fun have almost left.

Those who stayed at this time were either boxers or enthusiasts who wanted to learn boxing, or investors who concealed their own investigation goals. They were taking the trouble to consult Chen Yijie about comprehensive martial arts training and fighting peak competitions. thing.

And what about Zhang Yang?

After leaving these tedious tasks to Chen Yijie, he was holding a rag and carefully wiping the blood stains on the floor of the octagonal cage. At the same time, his mind was still recalling the sighs of the audience when they left.

"This game was more enjoyable than I imagined. The punches, kicks, hugs and wrestling were really eye-opening."

"What's the matter, I would say the most enjoyable, it was the lightweight fight, the man was pushed to the ground and beaten, I'm holding it, when the referee stopped, his face was swollen like a pig's head."

"It does feel very fresh. I don't know why, but I always feel that the matches I saw today are more cruel than the fighting matches I watched before."

"Is it possible that it has something to do with the venue? When I think about it now, the octagonal cage looks like it came from the Colosseum."

"Well, yes, it should be related to that..."

"What do you want to do so much? It's good enough to watch. Anyway, next time I have time, I will definitely watch it again."

For Zhang Yang, the organizer of the event, no matter what kind of praise, the audience will come back to watch the game next time, which makes him even more excited. Judging from the feedback from the audience today, this fight is at its peak The competition undoubtedly won a good start.

After wiping away the blood on the ring, Zhang Yang stood up and wiped the sweat off his head.

Chen Yijie, who had just stepped out of the octagonal cage and had already taken care of the customer, handed the water glass to Zhang Yang and spoke at the same time.

"Yang Zi, it seems that the boxing gym needs to hire two more people. If Dalong didn't come to help me today, I would be so busy and dizzy, and there are things like cleaning the floor. You and I can still mess with each other for a day or two. , after a long time, I can’t still come with you, right?”

"You're right, it's time to hire some people."

Zhang Yang took the water glass and took a sip, then raised his chin at the counter.

"How's your income today?"

When the income was mentioned, Chen Yijie immediately became elated. He grinned and said, "100 yuan per class, 500 yuan per month, let me do the math. Today, the income from the course fee alone is more than 5 yuan. Moreover, many boxers who have advanced to the competition have plans to come to us to continue their studies, and the income from course fees will only increase."

After a pause, Chen Yijie sighed with some regret.

"It's a pity that they didn't collect tickets on the first day of opening. Otherwise, with the number of spectators today, the ticket price would be at least three or four times more than the course fee. If you calculate it this way, you can earn at least 10,000+ today. La."

Seeing that Chen Yijie was still worried about the ticket money, Zhang Yang couldn't help but be amused.

"Save it, if you really have to charge tickets, I'm afraid there will be more than half the number of people coming today. It's still an audition competition, and the players' abilities vary greatly. If you charge tickets to watch a bad game, people won't treat us like this. It’s strange that the boxing gym has been overturned.”

After drinking all the water in the cup, he threw the empty cup to Chen Yijie with his backhand. Zhang Yang continued: "As previously ordered, the entire audition will be free for the audience. When the first month of auditions is over, we will enter the two-month league. Next time, we will collect tickets from the audience."

"Now you are the big boss, I'll let you arrange everything." Chen Yijie shrugged with a smile.

"Ajie, I'll leave it to you to take charge of the boxing gym. Do it well, have some snacks, and don't be lazy like before."

"Don't worry, you think I like to be lazy? In the past, I had nothing to do because I was not lazy. Now you have paved the way for me. I don't need snacks anymore. I'm afraid I can sleep at ease."

Raising his hand and patting Chen Yijie's shoulder, Zhang Yang said no more.

Trust this thing, just mention it occasionally. Mother-in-law and mother's nagging may have the opposite effect.

"Let's go." Waving his hands, Zhang Yang left the boxing gym and returned to his residence.


With the mixed martial arts center officially on the right track, Zhang Yang did not show up at the boxing gym for the next half month.

And Chen Yijie did not disappoint Zhang Yang's trust in him, and still kept the mixed martial arts center hot.

Every weekend, he would even take the initiative to call Zhang Yang and report the weekly accounts.

In just half a month, the mixed martial arts training center has earned nearly 30 yuan just relying on the course fees, which not only wiped out the previous renovation and expansion costs, but also recruited some new helpers in the boxing gym.

Among the helpers hired was Lu Huiguang, whom Zhang Yang had focused on before.

However, although he has already recruited someone to his account, Zhang Yang is not in a hurry to see him, because in the past half month, apart from the matters in the boxing gym, Zhang Yang's real focus of work has been on the crew of "Mr. Zombie" .

Although he loves fighting in his heart, Zhang Yang is still very clear about it.

Regardless of the fact that the mixed martial arts center is in a hot profit situation at this time, that is firstly because the freshest enthusiasm has not passed, and secondly, because many boxers come to learn and pay the monthly course fee directly, plus hired The manpower has not yet begun to settle wages and expenses, so the income is so gratifying.

After this heat has passed, plus the expenses of various expenses, not counting future ticket income, if the boxing gym can still maintain a profit of tens of thousands of yuan a month, Zhang Yang will have to burn incense. If you want to make money, you still have to watch movies.

But fortunately, the crew of "Mr. Zombie" did not disappoint Zhang Yang.

After Zhang Yang, the nominal producer, was on set for half a month, the filming of the film was finally completed.

Next, just wait for the team led by Chen Jiashang to complete the post-production and editing, and hand over the negatives to Jiahe. Zhang Yang can wait for the film to be released and prepare to enjoy the box office share.

On the day of filming, Zhang Yang was in a good mood and imitated Chen Huimin and held a filming banquet.

At Fu Kee Restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui, everyone ate and drank until late at night.

Seeing that it was almost one o'clock in the morning, even Zhang Yang's face turned red and his whole body felt hot.

"Yang... Yangzi, I can't drink anymore. First, go back and rest."

Lin Zhengying, who was already 30 years old, was the first to be unable to resist and left the box. Seeing this, Xu Guanying, Qian Xiaohao, Chen Jiashang and others also followed suit and stood up and left one after another.

After everyone left for three games one after another, the Nuo Da box became empty in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Yang, who was not in the mood, yawned and was about to pay the bill, but he just stood up, but he couldn't help but startled.

In the corner of the box, there are three chairs put together at some point.

On the chair, the young and beautiful Li Saifeng was half lying on the chair, snoring slightly.

Almost forgot about this girl!

Zhang Yang slapped his forehead hard, looked at the groggy little girl, and sighed.

These days, I don’t even have a mobile phone, and I don’t know her home phone number...

It seems that tonight I can only take care of her by myself.

(End of this chapter)

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