Chapter 92 Under the Darkness

The gentle evening breeze blows towards our faces, making Hong Kong Island fade away from the sweltering heat of the day.

After paying the fare, Zhang Yang picked up the drowsy Li Saifeng and got out of the taxi.

It's so light.

The light and soft body was pressed against the back, and the orchid fragrance full of alcohol was sprayed to the ears, which made Zhang Yang feel itchy at the roots of his ears. He sighed and lifted the hands holding Li Saifeng's legs up Lift it up, lest the little girl fall, and step upstairs.

Going up the steps, Zhang Yang didn't know if it was an illusion, but Zhang Yang felt his back getting hotter and hotter.

After finally getting to the top floor, he fumbled and took out the key from his pocket, stood in front of the door and poked for a long time, finally entered the door.

Put the little girl on the sofa, Zhang Yang took out a bottle of ice water from the refrigerator and took a big gulp, the heat on his body completely faded away, he exhaled foul air, turned his head to look at Li Sai who was sprawled on the sofa Feng, Zhang Yang felt a headache again.

I just bought a new house, and now there is a bare bed in the guest room.

A 17-year-old girl, Zhang Yang can't just leave her on the sofa, so he just doesn't care about anything, right?

It seems that I can only give up the master bedroom, and I have to deal with it on the sofa all night.

Reluctantly, she returned to the sofa, picked up Li Saifeng, and threw her on the bed in the master bedroom.

Yawning, Zhang Yang returned to the sofa in the living room, and fell asleep under the urging of sleepiness.

The night is getting darker.

There was a slight snoring sound, and after about an hour or two, Li Saifeng in the master bedroom suddenly opened his eyes.

so thirsty...

Sitting up from the unfamiliar bed, she looked around with her head still a little dazed.

where am i?
In a completely unfamiliar environment, alarm bells rang out in her heart.

Tiptoely crawling down from the bed, not daring to wear shoes on the floor, with bare feet, Li Saifeng walked out of the bedroom and came to the living room.

In the living room, the moonlight shines in from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony. Zhang Yang is lying on the sofa, sleeping soundly.

Seeing Zhang Yang's familiar face, Li Saifeng's drowsy head finally woke up.

I'm at... Brother Yang's house?

Li Saifeng came back to his senses, and couldn't help being slightly startled, his heart couldn't help but "boom-boom" beating wildly.

Like a thief, Li Saifeng looked around, but the silence of no one around made her "thief courage" even more.

Take a closer look, just one look!
Encouraging herself in her heart, Li Saifeng slowly moved to the seat next to the sofa and squatted down slowly.

Zhang Yang on the sofa had his eyes closed, and his sunny and handsome face was clear-cut under the reflection of the dim moonlight. Li Saifeng felt that his heart was beating wildly, as if it would jump out of his chest at any time. .

Breathing in a small mouth, for fear of disturbing Zhang Yang, Li Saifeng just squatted in front of Zhang Yang, staring at Zhang Yang's cheek, dazed, but the clouds came from nowhere, and they were so uninterested that they blocked the moonlight.

The light in the living room was even darker, in order to see Zhang Yang's appearance clearly, Li Saifeng unconsciously got closer and closer.

Finally, the obstructing clouds drifted away, and the bright moonlight shrouded the room again. Only then did Li Saifeng realize in shock that she and Zhang Yang were within easy reach, and she could clearly feel the hot air he exhaled when he breathed through his nostrils.

brother yang...

I don't know if it was because of the heat that she was dizzy, but Li Saifeng couldn't help but closed her eyes and kissed her gently.

The moment his lips came close, it was like an electric shock. Li Saifeng backed away in a panic, blushing, forgot to drink water, turned around and left the sofa as if fleeing, and returned to the bedroom, closing the door forcefully .

...The next day, dawn.

After dealing with Zhang Yang all night on the sofa, he woke up from his dream with sore body.

I reached out to touch the water bottle I had placed on the coffee table before going to bed last night, but I found it empty.

Zhang Yang opened his eyes in confusion, but heard a "sizzling" sound coming from the kitchen. He looked up curiously and saw Li Saifeng busy in the kitchen at this time.

"Feng, you..."

"Wake up, Brother Yang."

Hearing Zhang Yang's voice, Li Saifeng in the kitchen turned his head, with a smile on his red face.

"Wait a moment. I fried two eggs for you, but the refrigerator is so empty. I originally wanted to cook two more dishes to thank you, but in the end I only saw this."

Zhang Yang scratched his head, and didn't know how to respond, because according to his habit, he would only eat simple fitness meals at home on weekdays, and when he really wanted to satisfy his appetite, he would directly go out to eat out.

Just as he was hesitating whether to get up and go to help, the phone in the bedroom suddenly rang.

Unable to stand the publicity of this warmth, I hurriedly ran into the bedroom and picked up the phone from the bedside table.

"Hello? Yangzi, it's me, Ajie, someone asked you to talk about cooperation, when are you free?"

"What cooperation are you talking about?"

"It seems to be fully sponsoring our competition. I don't know much about it. You can come and talk to him about it."

Some investors took the initiative to send it to your door?
This news immediately lifted Zhang Yang's spirit.

"Okay, I'll go over later, tell him to wait for me for a while."

After hanging up the phone and walking out of the bedroom, Li Saifeng happened to be carrying a plate and placing it on the dining table.

At this moment, Zhang Yang didn't care to continue the ambiguity with her. He had a simple breakfast, and after sending her away, Zhang Yang took a taxi and went straight to the boxing gym.

When Zhang Yang arrived at the boxing gym, Chen Yijie was chatting with a young man.

After seeing Zhang Yang arriving, Chen Yijie immediately took the initiative to introduce him.

"Yang Zi, this is Pan Disheng, Mr. Pan, you can talk to him about the next thing."

Pan Disheng? !

Upon hearing this name, Zhang Yang suddenly became energetic.

Although this person did not appear on the big screen, anyone who has a little understanding of the Hong Kong Island entertainment industry may have heard of this name.

As for the reason, to a large extent, it has to do with his subsequent investment in Debao movies in order to promote Yang Ziqiong.

Of course, even if the identity associated with the film and television industry is discarded, Pan Disheng's resume is definitely dazzling enough.

As someone who comes from a family of watches and jewelry, he was a representative figure among the rich second generation of Hong Kong Island in the 80s.

However, he did not directly take over his family business like other rich second generations. Instead, he returned to Hong Kong Island in 80 after studying abroad and working as an apprentice in the most famous watch and jewelry store in Switzerland for 100 months. Borrowed [-] million US dollars directly from his father as a venture fund, and established Disheng Watch and Jewelry Store by himself.

Relying on his overseas experience and his father's contacts in the watch industry, Pan Disheng soon achieved great success, which also provided him with strong assets. Even after he entered the entertainment industry, in order to continue to expand the influence of Debao movies, He even directly took all the half-buy and half-rent of the Shaw Cinemas, which had ceased production and closed down, under his command.

With this hand, Pan Disheng simply let Debao replace Shaw Brothers, making it a new theater chain that successfully competed with New Art City and Golden Harvest in the mid-80s...

There is no doubt that for Zhang Yang today, this Mr. Pan Disheng is a top-notch faucet!
(End of this chapter)

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