Chapter 93 Sponsorship
In the corner of the boxing gym.

Zhang Yang took two chairs and sat opposite Pan Disheng beside the octagonal cage.

Pan Disheng looked at the octagonal cage in front of him, and opened his mouth with a smile.

"If I'm not mistaken, this octagonal cage should also be designed by Mr. Zhang?"

"That's right. How about it? The effect looks pretty good, right?"

Pan Dickson was not in a hurry to answer. Instead, he looked at the center of the ring through the barbed wire, as if imagining what it would be like when two fighters were fighting each other in the ring.

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows, and asked: "The competition is still in the audition stage, there will be competitions to be played every night, do you want to stay and watch with Mr. Pan?"

"Forget it, I still have an appointment tonight, let's talk about business first."

Pan Disheng brought the topic back to the right track, sat up slightly, and said to Zhang Yang: "Not long ago, I just got the franchise of Jourdan Sports Products in Asia. The reason why I want to sponsor this competition is also to use Mr. Zhang's competition will increase the popularity of Jourdan on Hong Kong Island."

"No problem, I just don't know how much money Mr. Pan plans to pay." Zhang Yang simply agreed and asked a question at the same time.

Pan Disheng was slightly startled and said curiously: "Why, the bids are different, is there any difference?"

"of course."

Zhang Yang smiled and raised his hand and pointed to the octagonal cage.

"If it is just the most basic sponsorship, we will print Jourdan's logo on the corner posts of the Octagon. If Mr. Pan is willing to pay more, we will print the relevant logo in the middle of the floor of the ring. If Mr. Pan is more generous, If there are some, we can also let the boxers wear jourdan brand fighting shorts and fighting gloves..."

After a pause, Zhang Yang lowered his voice a little.

"When the auditions are over, we will after each main match. If the players are willing, we can help them publicly auction the gloves they are wearing this time to fans after the match, as a peripheral of the match."

Around the event?

As soon as this novel vocabulary came out, Pan Disheng's interest was immediately aroused.

In fact, after careful calculation, the jourdan brand should also be regarded as one of the peripherals of the competition, but Zhang Yang's mixed martial arts competition is only in the early stage of creation, and he has thought so far, which really makes Pan Disheng look a little different.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhang is quite good at doing business. Okay, let's calculate according to the highest standard. How much does Mr. Zhang plan to ask for?"

"200 million Hong Kong dollars." Zhang Yang paused, and then reminded, "This is only the price of the first competition from July to the final in September. If Mr. Pan still has cooperation intentions, we can discuss it later. .”

In the early 80s, a total investment of 200 million was made.

Other investors would have struggled for how long, but Pan Disheng didn't even blink and simply nodded.

"No problem. Tomorrow I will send someone to sign the contract and make payment. There is another matter that I need to discuss with you."

"please say."

"On the day of the final, I will invite the TV station to broadcast it. This broadcasting right?"

Someone took the initiative to spend money to send the boxing match on TV, how could Zhang Yang refuse.

The Peak Fighting Competition is still in its earliest stages, and it is far from being able to be paid on demand.

At this time, there are TV stations willing to broadcast, which is already a good thing for the fighting peak competition.

If he really wanted to learn the history of the UFC and make money from TV broadcasting rights, at least he would have to wait until September, when the half-dead Lidi changed to Asia TV Golden Channel and competed with TVB again, then he might have a chance.Zhang Yang's clever concession on broadcasting rights immediately made Pan Disheng take a higher look at him.

After setting the initial intention to cooperate, Pan Disheng didn't stay in the boxing gym for too long before he got up and left.

Zhang Yang personally sent him outside the gate, saw the other party get into the car, and then returned to the boxing gym, while Chen Yijie walked out from the counter and asked curiously: "How is the talk going?"

"It's all done, just wait to sign the contract and get the money tomorrow."

"It's fine once it's settled. By the way, Yang Zi, I have to confirm with you about the process of the main match."


June is fleeting.

During this period, Yingyang Pictures was busy with the post-editing and production of "Mr. Zombie", while Zhang Yang frequently traveled to the Mixed Martial Arts Center and Fude Club, busy dealing with various issues in the Peak Fighting Competition. .

With the end of the nearly one-month audition, the contestants for the three groups of light, medium and heavy have also been finalized.

In order to be different from the slightly sloppy audition stage, in the main competition stage, everything started to be serious and formal.

All players selected for the main match will be ranked according to their rankings based on their audition performance and past records.

In the three groups, only the top two with the highest ranking points are eligible to step into the Hong Kong Island Stadium after the two-month main match to officially compete for the championship.

In addition to the changes in the game system, on the morning of the game, there will be a weighing ceremony and a pre-match confrontation. Zhang Yang knows very well that the players talk trash to each other and attract the attention of the audience. This is the future of UFC. The secret to success, so this link must not be omitted.

As expected, with the start of the main match in July, the popularity of the Fighting Peak League has soared again.

During the three days of competitions held from Friday to Sunday every week, whether it was the Mixed Martial Arts Center or the Fude Club, the spectators who came to watch the excitement were overcrowded. Even Pan Disheng, a big water pipe, after watching a main match , and began to frequently bring other friends to watch the games.

Of course, the people who can be brought by Pan Disheng are naturally rich or noble just like him.

Deliberately pulling them here, Pan Disheng's purpose is obviously not just to show them the game.

Zhang Yang was naturally happy to see the results.

He didn't ask people to bother to take care of him, just let them sit in the audience like everyone else and enjoy the game to their heart's content.

As the last race at the end of July came to an end.

In the boxing gym, Chen Yijie looked at the account book in his hand, grinning almost to the ears.

Although the course fees in the training center have dropped significantly after entering July, but with the start of the main game, the ticket revenue for the game has filled the vacancy very well.

As of the end of July, after excluding various expenses, the monthly profit of the boxing gym has successfully reached a little over 20.


The boxing gym can earn so much money every month. Before, Chen Yijie didn't even dare to dream about it.

Not to mention, these are just boxing gym income.

As for the real income from the competition, there is also Pan Disheng's sponsorship fee of 200 million yuan!
Just when Chen Yijie excitedly wanted to report the results to Zhang Yang, he found Zhang Yang standing at the door of the boxing gym, happily greeting a fat man. And this fat man was none other than Jiahe's "marshal", Hong Jinbao!
(End of this chapter)

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