Chapter 95

Upon hearing Zou Wenhuai's question, Hong Jinbao pointed to his nose with a look of astonishment on his face.

He Guanchang reached out and patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry too much, just say whatever you think."


Hong Jinbao responded helplessly, then held his chin and recalled the content of the film.

In fact, Hong Jinbao undoubtedly has a preference for the genre of fantasy kung fu comedy and has a strong say in it.

If not, Baohe's original venture wouldn't have been the ghost-fighting movie that pioneered the psychedelic kung fu comedy genre.

With this preference, coupled with the already good quality of "Mr. Zombie", Hong Jinbao's evaluation is naturally very high.

After he straightened out the thoughts in his mind, he slowly said: "I think this movie is very good. The comedy part is good enough, the kung fu part is solid, and there are no flaws in the script's rhythm. It's definitely a hit." through the Nightmare."

Zou Wenhuai didn't say anything after hearing this. Seeing this, He Guanshang turned his head and looked at Huang Bingyao.

"What about you?"

Huang Bingyao knew he couldn't avoid it, so he simply said: "Let me tell you, the most interesting thing about this film is that it reorganized the zombie setting. This is something that has never been seen in zombie films before. The audience will definitely I’ll love watching it.”

After hearing both of them finish their respective opinions, He Guanshang turned his head and looked at Zou Wenhuai.

Then he waved his hand, signaling Hong Jinbao and Huang Bingyao to leave first.

After they left, He Guanchang slowly spoke.

"The two of them talk a lot about it, but I think this movie..."

"It's not as good as they said, is it?" Zou Wenhuai replied flatly.

He Guanchong nodded with a wry smile.

Based on their preferences, they still prefer to watch movies that tell serious stories, or simply big-budget movies.

"Mr. Zombie" is obviously difficult to hit their hearts.

However, although they may not like this kind of movie in their hearts, at this stage of their lives, they will naturally not judge based on their own likes and dislikes. As long as the movie reaches the passing mark, they are never really responsible for testing it, but yes……


"Inform the people in the theater department to arrange for the release of "Mr. Zombie" in a week."

Zou Wenhuai was the first to make the decision, and He Guanchang could only sigh with emotion.

"Although I have never been optimistic about this Zhang Yang, now that it has finally been released, I still hope that it will come back with good results. Even if it is not too much, at least it will sell for 800 or [-] million, so that we will not suffer too much loss. Just do it."


Under the efficient operation of Golden Harvest, soon, the theaters started the warm-up promotion of "Mr. Zombie".

But what gives the publicity staff a headache is that in the entire "Mr. Zombie" cast, only Xu Guanying can barely be considered a big name. As for Qian Xiaohao, Li Saifeng and others, although they also starred in the popular "Fist of Heroes" , but their situation is actually the same as Lin Zhengying at this time. The reputation of their characters is far greater than their own fame.With this kind of cast, the publicity department's past expertise in relying on actors and casts to hype up the show is obviously no longer possible.

Naturally, they turned their attention to other people behind the scenes.

After searching for a long time, the people from the publicity department finally set their sights on Zhang Yang.

There is no way, after all, at this time, who is the most popular in the film industry, apart from Xu Guanjie and Mika who filmed "The Best Partner", it is Zhang Yang.

And what's different from the first two is that compared to them, Zhang Yang is really good at causing trouble.

Regardless of the sensation created by his "Jing Wu Heroes", the previous Jing Wu Cup and the current Fighting Peak Competition alone have caused a lot of noise in Hong Kong Island. The popularity is so close that the people from the theater publicity department , How can I let it go.

So on the afternoon of the day when we received the mission from Jiahe's senior management, red banners were hung outside Jiahe Hospitals in each district.

On the banner, it was clearly written, "Kung Fu Rising Star presents another masterpiece, written and produced by himself, "Mr. Zombie" will be released soon!"

This red banner that was suddenly hung at the entrance of the theater not only attracted the attention of the audience, but also attracted the attention of many media in the film and television industry. On the evening of the next day, the Film Weekly published a special article on the film in its new issue. , made some predictions and critical reviews of "Mr. Zombie".

Inside the gym that was renamed the MMA Major League.

He came to watch the game and at the same time visited Zhang Yang's Dalong. He was holding the latest issue of Film Biweekly in his hand. He was gnashing his teeth and gearing up to read it. Seeing his indignant look, Zhang Yang, who had just checked the account at the counter, was curious. came together.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

"Brother Yang, these big-mouthed reporters are actually talking bad things about you. I'm talking about his mother. If I get the chance, I'll light his newsroom on fire. A group of ignorant people will rush to the street and tell them to talk nonsense!"

Seeing Dalong's indignant look, Zhang Yang curiously took the magazine from his hand and glanced at it.

"Kung Fu Rising Star writes and produces it himself? A vulgar horror film might just become a money-making masterpiece."

Zhang Yang has long been accustomed to the exaggerated style of headlines that the media has always used. After being baptized by later generations, Zhang Yang has long been accustomed to it. Compared with this headline that is specifically designed to attract attention, what makes Zhang Yang more curious is obviously the content.

The person who wrote this review obviously still has a little bit of skill. Under such a sensational title, he quickly listed several "strong evidences" to support his point of view.

Among them, there are doubts about Zhang Yang's screenwriting skills and the subject matter of zombie movies.

After all, before this, whether "Black Fist" or "Fist of Heroes", the films shot and the scripts written by Zhang Yang were all quite serious-themed scripts, and "Mr. Zombie" is obviously on the lighter side from the introduction. Comedy style, Movie Biweekly obviously has great doubts about whether Zhang Yang can conquer the audience's laughter.

Secondly, regarding the theme of zombie movies, it is not that no one has made zombie movies in Hong Kong Island before, but the box office is often dismal. Under this inertial experience, obviously no one would think that Zhang Yang can break the law. After all, when it comes to kung fu movies and skills, you Zhang Yang You do have a brush, but if you leave the circle of kung fu movies, no one will treat you like a treasure.

Dalong was a little confused when he saw that Zhang Yang was holding the movie biweekly and not only was he not angry, but was actually reading it with gusto.

He lowered his voice and said, "Brother Yang, why aren't you angry even if these gangsters talk nonsense?"

"Angry?" Zhang Yang was startled, then smiled and shook the magazine in his hand. "What's there to be angry about? How do they like to make predictions? It will slap them in the face. What does it have to do with me."

"But these people's nonsense won't affect the movie's box office?" Dalong scratched his head, confused.

"It might affect it a little bit, but as long as the film is good and it makes money, it will definitely make money."

Zhang Yang put down the film biweekly in his hand and said confidently: "Anyway, the film will be released next week. By then, they will honestly change their tune without us having to talk about it."

(End of this chapter)

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