Chapter 96 Proud Box Office

As the most popular newcomer in the film industry since the beginning of 82, Zhang Yang received an enthusiastic response after his name was posted.

Whether you are looking forward to it or looking down on it, no matter what others say, the new generation of kung fu stars changed their past style and went to make an unpopular zombie movie, which is enough to attract people's attention.

Thanks to this, the attendance rate at the midnight premiere of "Mr. Zombie" far exceeded Jiahe's original expectations, reaching about [-]%. This also made Qian Xiaohao, who secretly came to watch the premiere, secretly happy.

At the beginning of the film, watching Lin Zhengying dressed as a Taoist priest explaining the Feng Shui layout of the Dragonfly Point Water Point to Mr. Ren, the audience subconsciously stretched their ears.

These days, there are only a handful of Hong Kong people who are not superstitious, especially when it comes to Feng Shui. Even those who don’t believe in it are mostly out of curiosity. It’s rare that a video is willing to break it down and talk about it, so everyone will naturally listen. very serious.

Following this Feng Shui pattern, the film soon got down to business and moved to zombies.

And when Lin Zhengying introduced the origin of zombies and the things they are afraid of, the audience was even more refreshed.

It turns out there is such a saying!

In the movie theater, there was a burst of discussion. Qian Xiaohao quickly pricked up his ears and listened.

"The screenwriter of this show is Zhang Yang, right? Isn't he a boxer? How come he still knows about zombies?"

"Then who knows? Anyway, I don't think it's just nonsense. Maybe your ancestors were Taoist priests?"

"Cut, I don't believe that you will publicize that your ancestors are Taoists, but Lin Zhengying is so professional, maybe your ancestors are."

Hearing the comments from the audience, Qian Xiaohao couldn't help but cover his mouth in amusement.

In fact, let alone the audience, during the filming, when they saw Lin Zhengying's flowing movements, they couldn't help but ask Lin Zhengying. Naturally, Lin Zhengying rolled his eyes a lot.

And before the audience could argue about the zombie setting for a long time, as the music of "Ghost Bride" played, a female ghost dressed as a bride floated up and landed on Qian Xiaohao's car seat. There was an exclamation at the scene.

the music!The vibe!
Many were timid and covered their eyes with their hands, but they couldn't help but expose a slit between their fingers to take a peek.

Fortunately, the unlucky female ghost did not succeed. Instead, the zombies parked in the village successfully transformed into corpses due to the negligence of Xu Guanying and Qian Xiaohao, and even directly killed Mr. Ren. At this point, the tension of the film has increased again. Up a level.

Next, in the entire theater, the audience's exclamation, laughter, and exclamation continued to alternate.

The movie, which lasted for more than an hour, successfully aroused the emotions of the audience. Whether it was Lin Zhengying's performance, Qian Xiaohao and Xu Guanying's performance, they were all recognized by the audience. When the movie ended and the cast list appeared, There were even some unsatisfied spectators who did not want to leave, but stood up and applauded.

Seeing the enthusiastic response from the audience, Qian Xiaohao in the corner breathed a sigh of relief.

Qian Xiaohao quietly put on his cap and mask and walked out of the theater. However, he was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he waited for the audience, mingled with the crowd, eavesdropped on their conversations, and left together.

"Hey, what the photo says is that if you can't swallow before you die, you will turn into a zombie. Do you think there will be zombies in Hong Kong now? Hiss, no, no, you must buy some glutinous rice when you go back. At home, be prepared for any trouble."

"There is also black dog blood. Judging from the effects in the film, black dog blood is sharper than glutinous rice."

"By the way, the one who plays Qiu Sheng... I didn't realize that he had money before. He's quite handsome."

"I don't think he is that handsome, but Li Saifeng is the real beauty. I liked her in Jingwu Hero."

"Come on, let me tell you, none of these people are as beautiful as Taoist Priest Lin Zhengying."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that Lin Zhengying would be so sharp as a Taoist priest. Do you think he can really do magic?"

"I don't know if he knows magic or not, but now that I see his face, I feel so safe."

"It does feel safe enough. I wonder if Mr. Lin's posters are for sale. Otherwise, I can hang one up when I go back..."

If the audience's reaction on the set just now was a reassurance for Qian Xiaohao, then the audience's discussion after the show was more like a shot in the arm for him.The response at the scene was enthusiastic, and it aroused continuous discussion among the audience after the show.

This "Mr. Zombie" is undoubtedly already a hit!
As for what happens next, it depends on how high the final box office numbers can be.


"The premiere received rave reviews from the audience. A new generation of kung fu stars may have top screenwriting potential!" 》

The box office of "Mr. Zombie" broke one million in two days, and Zhang Yang broke the doubt with his new work! 》

"The first week's box office broke the record of Jingwu Heroes, approaching the 700 million mark, and the performance of the new film may reach a new high!" 》

"Shock!The price of glutinous rice in Hong Kong has increased, and the reason behind it is actually related to the new movie! 》

"Zombie culture has swept across Hong Kong. It will be broadcast at midnight tonight to discuss with you whether zombies really exist! 》

A week after the film was released, in the office of Jiahe headquarters.

He Guanchang unscrewed the cork of the red wine bottle on the table, hummed and filled the red wine glass on the table.

Anyone who comes at this moment can tell at a glance that this senior leader of Jiahe is very happy now.

The gloom and gloom he felt when "The Nightmare" was released two weeks ago completely disappeared from his brows. He turned to look at the first week box office report of "Mr. Zombie" on the table, and the smile on his face became even stronger. .

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the office door, and the secretary's delicate voice sounded.

"Boss He, Mr. Zhang is here."

"Okay, invite him in."

The door was pushed open and Zhang Yang stepped in. He Guanchang picked up the two glasses of wine on the table and placed them on the glass coffee table.

"Yangzi, you came just in time. This is the 78 red wine I just opened. Sit down and drink it with me."

Dragging Zhang Yang to sit down in front of the glass coffee table, He Guanchang's face was filled with an eager smile.

After the two sat facing each other, He Guanchang took the lead in toasting, and Zhang Yang could only join in toasting and drinking together when he saw this.

After drinking the four-year-old wine, Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows slightly. Although he knew it was good stuff, he really couldn't get used to it.

Putting down his wine glass, He Guanchang sighed with emotion before Zhang Yang could speak: "Yang Zi, I really didn't expect you to be so talented. The box office of Mr. Zombie really surprised me. .”

Zhang Yang was not too surprised by He Guanzhang's sudden change.

After all, no one in this world would treat their own cash cow coldly.

But what he was more curious about at this moment was that it was something else.

"Mr. He, what are you calling me in such a hurry for?"

"What else can I do? You are our movie star in Jiahe. If you are invited to come, I will naturally ask you to make a movie."

(End of this chapter)

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