Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 97 Mr. He’s changed face

Chapter 97 Mr. He’s changed face
Ask yourself to make a movie?
Looking at the cheerful He Guanshang in front of him, Zhang Yang was a little confused.

He was confused, not because of He Guanchang's request. After all, as a filmmaker, it was perfectly normal for him to be asked to make a movie.

What really surprised Zhang Yang was the timing of He Guanshang's proposal...

Brother, "Mr. Zombie" has only been released for a week. Even if new movies need to be planned in advance, is it necessary to be in such a hurry?

In fact, it's really that urgent.

After all, according to Golden Harvest's original plan, they originally planned to use the joint screening plan in August to test the enthusiasm of New Art City, and then grandly launch the film shot by Zhang Yang during the Christmas season to compete head-on with New Art City. , waving his wrist.

But who would have thought that the joint screening plan that they had high hopes for was thwarted, and coupled with their disapproval of "Mr. Zombie", Golden Harvest executives decided to release "Mr. Zombie" ahead of schedule to cope with New Art City's offensive.

After all, according to their original idea, "Night Terror" is a horror film, and "Mr. Zombie", as a zombie-themed film, naturally also contains elements of horror films. If they compete in the same category, even if they cannot achieve good results, they can at least do well. It plays the role of diverting the audience of "Night Terror" so that the joint screening plan will not lose too ugly.

But neither He Guan-shang nor Zou Wenhuai could have imagined that "Mr. Zombie" not only did not fail, but also achieved unprecedented success. The box office revenue in the first week alone was close to the total after three weeks of release. "Nightmare".

The effect was as if Xinyi City had a pair of sevens and they lost four twos.

They are happy now, but what should they do during this year's Christmas season?
Counting on the fingers, there are only about four months from mid-August to the Christmas season. If Zhang Yang is not allowed to hurry up and plan a new film, they will not have the confidence to compete with Hong Jinbao's "The Scary Man." The new art city is at its peak.

Thinking of this, He Guanchang took the initiative to sit next to Zhang Yang and spoke softly.

"Yang Zai, you mentioned before that the little conflict that happened in the Jingwu Cup was insignificant. As for the movie "Mr. Zombie", we Jiahe despised it, so naturally we also paid the corresponding price in the gambling agreement. , now that your morale is booming, and the Hong Kong film market is easy to make money, you naturally need to make more movies now, and make more movies to make money..."

Zhang Yang heard He Guanchang's deception, but he shook his head and sneered in his heart.

Pay a heavy price for underestimating "Mr. Zombie"?
what price?
[-]% of the total box office in Hong Kong?
Zhang Yang has not forgotten that "Mr. Zombie" was also a big hit overseas.

The box office of NT$4400 million and the box office of 6.5 million yen. Although this was achieved only in 85 and will be reduced now, but even so, compared with Jiahe's initial investment, this overseas income , which is enough for their glory.

As for the box office share of overseas distribution, how much money Zhang Yang can get depends on Jiahe.

Even though there is a strong competitor like Xinyi City, Zhang Yang does not expect to get the income that should belong to him from the overseas share.

After all, whether it is Golden Harvest, New Art City, or Shaw Brothers, they have established themselves as distributors. Making money and producing films are just one aspect. The various channels they have at their disposal are the key to their current success. capital.

Seeing that Zhang Yang didn't seem too moved by his words, He Guanchang picked up the red wine on the table, shook it, and spoke again.

"Yangzi, I know that the boxing gym and league you are running are very prosperous now, but how much money can you make from this thing? Boxing depends on physical strength after all. While you are young and can fight well, you will naturally be able to do it in the fighting circle. If your business continues to be prosperous, what if you get older? How can you run a boxing gym and earn as much as you do as an actor, don't you think?"

There is a fallacy in what He Guanchang said.

Zhang Yang didn't bother to expose him, after all, it was just like what He Guanchang said before.

You can never go wrong by making more money while you can.

Too lazy to continue arguing with him, Zhang Yang picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. "I know, Mr. He, I will prepare the new film. When the script is finalized, I will ask you to allocate the budget."

Seeing Zhang Yang nodded, He Guanchang immediately smiled and said happily: "Okay, okay, as long as you come with the script, we can negotiate any budget. As soon as possible, Yangzi, I'll wait for you!"

While chatting and laughing, He Guanzhang personally sent Zhang Yang out of the office and watched him leave.

After he closed the door again and returned to the office, the accountant who was busy at the desk couldn't help but ask the secretary.

"I remember the last time I came here, they just had a fight. Why does Mr. He have such a good relationship with him now?"

The secretary raised his head and glanced at it, and sneered: "If you can help me earn more than ten million, I guarantee that I will smile brighter than Mr. He just now. Is it your first day working in Jiahe? If you have the ability to make money, It’s as big as the sky, do you know?”


Although He Guanchang agreed to prepare a new film as soon as possible, Zhang Yang did not study the script immediately after leaving Jiahe.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's just that he really doesn't have the time.

After two and a half months of competition, the first peak fighting competition is about to enter its final stage.

In order to plan for the finals to be held at the Hong Kong Island Coliseum, during this period, Zhang Yang traveled every day between the Island Coliseum in Tuen Mun, Fude Club and his own boxing gym. The purpose was naturally to rent the venue and let the competition held as scheduled.

Fortunately, after several previous cooperations, Island Coliseum has a high degree of trust in Zhang Yang's abilities.

After several brief negotiations, they quickly agreed to rent the venue to Zhang Yang.

Just after the venue was secured, a sudden phone call from Pan Disheng took Zhang Yang directly from Tsim Sha Tsui to Kowloon.

Kowloon Tong, in a cafe on Broadcasting Road.

Zhang Yang pushed open the door and entered, and then led by the waiter directly to the private room on the second floor.

Pushing open the door of the private room, Pan Disheng was accompanying someone, whispering in a low voice. Seeing Zhang Yang coming over, Pan Disheng immediately stopped what he was saying and greeted with a smile: "Yang Zai, let me introduce to you, this is Asia Television Gold The boss of the station, Mr. Qiu."

Zhang Yang nodded slightly to Mr. Qiu, but unexpectedly he smiled slightly.

"I've watched your Peak Fighting Competition with Di Sheng. You did a great job and it was quite enjoyable."

After a pause, Mr. Qiu extended his hand to signal Zhang Yang to take a seat.

After Zhang Yang sat firmly, Mr. Qiu leaned forward slightly and spoke slowly.

"What about your finals this time? Our Asia Television Prime Channel wants to broadcast the entire event. Are you interested?"

(End of this chapter)

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