Chapter 98 Booking a Program
Asia Television Prime Channel...

Looking at Mr. Qiu in front of him, Zhang Yang thought hard for a long time before finally remembering the origin of this TV station.

If he remembered correctly, before Mr. Qiu acquired it, the real name of this prime Asian TV station should be... Li's!
That's right, it should be Li's!
When it comes to TV stations on Hong Kong Island, the first name that pops up in many people’s minds is TVB, which is TVB.

But in fact, in the early 80s, when the Wutai Mountain War was coming to an end, Li's reputation was not inferior to that of TVB.

Especially in 81, Li's TV station launched the Thousand Sails Plan with great fanfare, and the ratings continued to rise. Even TVB, which was under direct pressure in the short term, was a little breathless. But at this time when Li's TV station was at its most prosperous, England's voice The company suddenly transferred all 51% of its original shares.

For a time, Thousands of Fans was completely dead, and everyone inside Li was panicked. TVB took advantage of this and poached a lot of people from Li's radio station, which made Li's already declining situation even worse. .

What happens next is just like what Zhang Yang sees now.

Since June, Mr. Qiu of the Far East Group has begun to purchase large amounts of shares of Li's TV Station. Finally, in July, he successfully completed the control of Li's Group and renamed Li's to Asia Television Gold. tower.

From then on, there was nothing beautiful in Hong Kong except ATV.

The reason why these things are mentioned is also related to Mr. Qiu's desire for the broadcast rights of the Peak Fighting Competition.

According to Mr. Qiu’s estimate, the reorganization of the TV station’s team will not be completed until late August and the broadcast will be officially restarted in September.

But he took over in a hurry, and many of ATV's old team were poached by TVB. They wanted to launch a TV series offensive like during the Qianfan era. Now it's obviously too late. But the TV station can't re-run the previous productions when it premieres. ’s old drama, right?

Pan Disheng also knew the dilemma that Mr. Qiu's ATV was facing at the moment. Therefore, before he approached Zhang Yang, he had already set his sights on Zhang Yang's peak fighting competition, which contributed to the current situation.

This is a win-win negotiation.

Pan Disheng took this opportunity to allow his Jourdan brand, which he had just taken over, to take advantage of the opportunity of the Peak Fighting Competition to enjoy advertising on the TV station. As for ATV, when the TV station premiered, the popularity card of the Fighting Peak Competition attracted ratings. As for Zhang Yang , not only did he get a sponsorship fee of 200 million from Pan Disheng, but he could also use the ATV premiere to further expand the influence of the Peak Fighting Competition.

No one wants to do this kind of business where no one loses money.

So after just a brief communication, the three of them made a quick decision and signed the contract.

After talking about this business matter, Zhang Yang was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he picked up the coffee cup in front of him and smiled at Mr. Qiu: "I just took over such a big business of a TV station. Mr. Qiu, after this competition is over, do you think... Have you figured out what to do next?”

"Let's take one step at a time."

Mr. Qiu also seems to have a headache when it comes to arranging TV programs.

It’s no wonder that although today’s film and television industry in Hong Kong is enough to support programs to be broadcast and filmed at the same time, the problem is that the reorganized ATV now does not even have a comprehensive basic team. Even if it wants to restart filming TV series, it will always need a sufficient team. ?
Now, although he has made the program list for the first day of the broadcast almost complete, there is always a need to add programs during the subsequent gap period. Although the old dramas of Fangli can last for a while, they still need to be supplemented. If these things are shown every day, it is obvious that the ratings will decline, and this is not a good sign.

Just when Mr. Qiu was upset, Zhang Yang took a sip of coffee and slowly opened his mouth.

"Actually, I have an idea about the show."

"What do you think?" It can be seen that Mr. Qiu is also a bit sick and seeking medical treatment at this moment.

As soon as Zhang Yang opened his mouth, he couldn't wait to ask further questions.

"I wonder if Mr. Qiu is interested in doing a variety show?"

"Variety show? What variety show?"

Mr. Qiu does not resist the word "variety show". After all, TVB's former specialty program "Happy Tonight" was also a variety show. From its launch in 67 until now, it has been a strong guarantee of ratings.

If Zhang Yang can create such a program, it will be too late for Mr. Qiu to be happy.

But obviously, Zhang Yang's variety show is different from the "Happy Tonight" that Mr. Qiu had in mind.

"In Hong Kong Island now, the problem of violence and bullying in schools is very serious. Many child gang bullies are admitted to juvenile detention centers every day. Mr. Qiu, I think we, as aspiring young people in Hong Kong Island, should do our best for Hong Kong Island. For the future of young people, we must set a good example."

"Mr. Zhang is right, but I don't know what you plan to do?" Mr. Qiu asked curiously.

"What I do is actually very simple."

Zhang Yang put down his coffee cup and said slowly with a smile: "My plan is to invite the victims of bullying on campus in each episode. After interviewing them about how they were bullied, they will then talk about the children who bullied them. Party bullies were also invited to the show."

"When both sides are invited to the show, the contracted players selected by our league at the end will fight. If these child gang bullies really think they can fight, as long as they are not KOed by our players on the spot in one round, we will Just give him a bonus of 1 Hong Kong dollars, but if he can’t hold on, we will give the 1 Hong Kong dollars to the victim and let the bully apologize on TV.”

After Zhang Yang finished speaking his mind, before Mr. Qiu could speak, Pan Disheng's eyes suddenly lit up, he laughed and clapped.

"No wonder Mr. Zhang was able to create such a big stir in the Hong Kong film industry in such a short period of time. Your idea is really brilliant. It not only upholds justice, but also draws everyone's attention to the current social issues in Hong Kong. Not bad. , it’s really good.”

After hearing Pan Disheng's repeated praise, Mr. Qiu, who was already having a headache due to the lack of content, no longer hesitated.

He took a deep breath and said to Zhang Yang with a serious face: "Mr. Zhang, I will discuss it with the director and the director when I get back. If there is no problem, I will contact you as soon as possible to organize this show! As for now... "

Mr. Qiu paused after saying this.

Obviously, although he didn't say it out loud, his meaning was clear.

Whether or not to organize subsequent programs ultimately depends on whether Zhang Yang’s Peak Fighting League can be successful. If the league can be prosperous, then everyone will naturally discuss the following programs. If the program cannot be held, other programs will not be held. Naturally, it becomes empty talk.

"Don't worry, I'm confident about the Peak Fighting Competition, but if I want him to look good on TV, I actually have one more thing to do. I want you two to help me."

(End of this chapter)

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