Chapter 99
Throughout the second half of August, both the organizers Chen Yijie and Zhang Yang, as well as the contestants such as Lu Huiguang and Zhou Billy, were busy and nervous surrounding the Peak Fighting Competition. .

Fortunately, as the last game came to an end at the end of August, the list of finalists was officially announced.

The first to bear the brunt is the lightweight category.

Lu Huiguang, who should have won the title of seven-time Muay Thai champion, although he did not continue to fight in the Muay Thai league because of this peak fighting competition, he successfully topped the lightweight category with his excellent fighting and offensive firepower. , participate in the finals.

His opponent, who is also No. 2 in the lightweight category, is Su Jiawei, a kickboxing fighter from the Fude Club who is a disciple of Jiang Fude.

As for the middleweight class, after studying with Zhang Yang for a long time, Chou Billy, who has the richest mixed martial arts experience in Hong Kong besides Zhang Yang, naturally stands out from the crowd with his unbeatable record and dominates the competition.

But the opponent he faced was equally interesting. Guo Huaqiang, who has been studying Mizong Luohan Boxing for many years, is also the only Chinese martial arts player in this peak fighting league who has qualified to participate.

It has to be said that compared to later generations, the martial arts players in Hong Kong in the 80s have accumulated a lot of practical experience due to the long-term Sino-Thailand competition. Although when facing Muay Thai fighters in the ring, they always lose more than they win, but However, he has solidly accumulated many young players who are capable and dare to fight for Chinese martial arts.

As for the final heavyweight category of the competition, a white man's face appeared. According to the information he provided before the game, this man's name was Medini. He not only had a boxing resume of five years, but also had an American kicking career of three years. His experience in boxing has almost swept the heavyweight field in Hong Kong, where talents are somewhat depleted.

As for his opponent, Zhao Jiujiang, his strength was mediocre, and he could only be said to be the taller one among the short ones, barely promoted.

Fortunately, although the duel in the heavyweight category was a bit unsatisfactory, the light and middleweight competitions were enough to save the finals from being interesting. For this reason, Zhang Yang also put a little thought into the order of the finals.

The first thing to start is the duel between the champions of the lightweight category, followed by the heavyweight category, and the finale is naturally the one among all the players who can perform mixed martial arts to the best and has a certain reputation. Zhou Bili played.

After the schedule was arranged, on the morning of September 9st, the Tuen Mun Sports Center posted all the banners prepared in advance and the portraits of the six players outside the stadium.

After receiving the news, a large number of fight fans and Zhang Yang supporters began to prepare in advance to buy tickets.

It was not until about 9 pm on September 3rd that the game would not start until [-] pm. Shortly after lunch, there was already a long queue outside the ticket window of the Hong Kong Coliseum. Obviously, there was a huge demand for tickets to the game. You must win.

It was not until 02:30 in the afternoon, as the ticket window opened, that the queue waiting to buy tickets gradually began to move.

At the same time that the ticket sales started, a camera truck parked not far away on the street. In the car, the photographer captured all the crowded people in his camera.


There was filming going on outside, but there was also no idle time inside.

According to prior communication, ATV staff had already entered the venue's locker room through another channel.

Under Zhang Yang's guidance and introduction, they are conducting pre-match interviews with the players one by one. After the filming is completed, these contents will be immediately sent back to ATV News Station to be used as material to fill in the breaks during the game broadcast. show.

The reason why this link is necessary is also the result of Zhang Yang’s strong request.

He knew very well that if the audience did not know the players in detail, it would be difficult for them to really immerse themselves in the game. As long as they knew a little bit about the players' past, even a brief introduction would be enough to provide the audience with commentary.

Just when the interview was about to proceed, Mr. Qiu, the boss of ATV, actually arrived in person. In addition to him, there were two people behind him. One of them was Long Xiangrong, the chief percussionist of the Hong Kong Island String Orchestra.

Of course, this introduction may be a bit too general, but his other nickname will be more deeply rooted in people's hearts.

That is Hong Kong Island Drum King!
Also arriving with the drum king of Hong Kong Island was Huang Zhan, known as one of the four great talents of Hong Kong Island.The reason why the two of them came was related to the request Zhang Yang made with Mr. Qiu last time.

In order to be able to attract enough attention on TV for this final and to publicize the source of all the enthusiasm, it is natural to go on stage. But if you go on stage and don't play a game, you can't just chat with the audience through the TV. Bar?
So in order to attract the audience, Zhang Yang thought of a way.

That is for him to take the stage and personally sing the theme song of this peak fighting competition for the audience.

And the name of the song that was designated as the theme song is...

"Men be self-improvement"!
In 82, the song "Men Should Be Strong" had not yet appeared, and Zhang Yang himself did not understand music theory, so in order to present the song in its original flavor, he specifically asked Mr. Qiu to bring in the composer who originally composed the song. Huang Zhan, the composer of the song, then turned around and wrote the lyrics first, hummed them, and then asked Huang Zhan to compose the music based on the content and lyrics he hummed.

It can only be said that he is the original author. After meeting, Zhang Yang only hummed twice, and Huang Zhan quickly completed the composition of the score.

After completing the song, Zhang Yang asked Mr. Qiu to invite Drum King Long Xiangrong to play drums on the spot.

Now, the staff has been gathered together, and the players and TV stations are also well prepared.

There is only a little time left before the perfect ending of this peak fighting competition...


Five p.m.

Tsim Sha Tsui, the manager's room on the second floor of Tuberose Nightclub.

Chen Huimin was holding a wine glass and leaning comfortably on the single sofa.

Bo Zai urged Da Long to turn on the TV, and he sat next to Chen Huimin.

"Brother Min, I really didn't expect that we would be able to see Yang Zai on TV one day."

"Yes, we have all seen him on the big screen. I would be surprised if he doesn't appear on TV."

"Brother Min is right, but when I first met him, I really didn't expect that he would reach this point."

"There are many things you can't think of, but Yang Zi is a loyal person, and he will move around more in the future."

"Yes, I know."

Bo Zai nodded and was about to speak again when a sudden voice from the TV made him startled.

Not only was he a little stunned, but Chen Huimin also sat up slightly, squinted her eyes, and looked at the TV screen carefully.

On the screen, Hong Kong Island's drum king, Long Xiangrong, was beating the exciting drum beats in the center of the Octagon, while Zhang Yang in front of him slowly picked up the microphone, under the gaze of countless live audiences and cameras. Go down and speak softly.

"Arrogance and pride laugh at thousands of waves, blood and heat beat the red sun!"

(End of this chapter)

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