Chapter 104 Resignation
"You dare to cut off one of my hands. No matter who you are, you are dead this time." The young man shouted.

Luo Chengdao: "No matter who you are, I can't help anyone here. Keep an eye on your own wounds. If you can't seal them, be prepared to bleed to death."

The young man quickly took out a piece of clean cloth to block the wound, and his face became as pale as white paper.But his eyes glared at Luo Cheng fiercely.

Han Yu brought people here quickly.

"Everyone is on standby. Anyone who dares to move will be killed immediately."

More than a dozen people took out their pistols one after another and took them all down regardless of the other party's background or whether they were related or not.

The young man was escorted out and brought to the Jiuding branch along with his severed hand.

There are specialized doctors here to treat wounds on hands.

The casino was sealed directly by him.

"All gamblers go through legal procedures and should pay fines and be detained."

Luo Cheng sat in the office and took out his mobile phone to browse short videos.

Windows seem to be appearing more and more frequently.

There are news of attacks at home and abroad, and things are becoming increasingly difficult to hide, because many creatures that are not found on earth have appeared.

There was a knock on the door, and Han Yu came over and said, "Captain Luo, we just received a call and asked us to hand over the young man to the police."

"Who's calling?"

"Provincial Department..."

"If you don't pay, if you want someone, ask Lin Yaohua to call me. The provincial department can't control Jiuding."

Han Yu opened his mouth, knowing Luo Cheng's temper, so he turned around and left.

Luo Cheng got up and went to the single room where the young people were detained. The broken hand had been reattached, but it was probably left disabled.

The young man's face was still pale, but he still showed a mocking smile when he saw Luo Cheng.

"Now you know it's too late to let me out."

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "You are overthinking, other people's words won't work with me, so just stay here quietly.

I am the person in charge of Jiuding in Guangshan City. Without my nod, it is useless for anyone to speak. "

The young man said anxiously: "Luo Cheng, how dare you disobey your superiors."

"You need to figure out who my superior is first. I gave you a chance and asked the police to notify you and get out of Guangshan City.

As a result, no one listened to me, so I took action myself. "

Luo Cheng is actually also testing his position in the headquarters. He is actually not very interested in the position of Captain Jiuding.

Jiuding's resources were basically useless to him, and he had to do quite a lot every day. This was not the result Luo Cheng wanted.

His belief has never been to be the captain of Jiuding. If he has to accept various constraints to protect Guangshan City, he might as well go it alone.

Anyway, as long as the little tree is there, there won't be any trouble in Guangshan City.

Luo Cheng turned around and left, the young man gritting his teeth angrily.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the phone rang again, it was Lin Yaohua.

"Forest Bureau, what instructions do you have?" Luo Cheng asked.

Lin Yaohua smiled bitterly and said: "Hand over Han Feng to the police. Even if it means giving me face, Han Feng is the young man you captured and the person in charge of the Guangshan City Casino."

Luo Chengdao: "I need a reason. Opening casinos in the mainland is a serious crime. Since I have been chosen to be the person in charge of Jiuding, I will be responsible for many things.

This person has obviously disrupted the order of Guangshan City, and many people have lost their lives because of this casino. "

Lin Yaohua had nothing to say. "You can close the casino and transfer the case to the police. I am also under a lot of pressure now. The division of rights in Jiuding is not clear enough. In the past, the police were responsible for such cases.

Today several senior police officials called me to put pressure on me. "

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "Okay, but from now on I will not be the captain of Jiuding. From now on, you can find someone else to handle the cross-border biological forest bureau of Guangshan City."

Lin Yaohua suddenly became anxious. Luo Cheng's strength was obvious to all. Although there were not many cross-border creatures in Guangshan City during this period, Luo Cheng's ability to fight against the eight-armed giant beast had already demonstrated his strength.

"Luocheng, people can't act on their own initiative."

"Bureau Lin, I have made up my mind. Please help me submit it. As for Han Feng's matter, you can just ask Han Yu."

After that, he hung up the phone, walked to the yard, got into the pickup truck, and left with a roar.

There are more and more cross-border creatures. Many people have not realized the importance of Jiuding, or they have realized it, but they have held the power for too long and automatically ignored the changes in the situation.

Not long after Luo Cheng left, police vehicles entered the Jiuding branch compound, led by Li Tao.

Han Yu led Han Feng to hand over, looked at the vehicle park, and sighed.

Many people gathered behind Han Yu.

"Captain Luo resigns. From now on, the affairs of Guangshan City will fall on us. Other than that, cross-border creatures are not easy to deal with. Each one of these things is powerful and terrifying.

You must be prepared to sacrifice. "

Everyone's mood suddenly became bad.

They are different from Luo Cheng. They have been struggling in society for many years. They have seen too many such things.

Luo Cheng returned home, feeling indescribably relaxed. Lin Yaohua had previously invited him to be the person in charge of Jiuding in Guangshan City.

Although Luo Cheng is not very old, he does not want to let innocent people die because of his own reasons.

I didn't dare to relax for a moment after taking office, and now that I'm resigning, I feel extremely relaxed.

Lying on the deck chair in the yard, the python crawled over. Compared with the ten-meter-long body when it was first caught, it was now larger and thicker, and its movement speed was also much faster.

After licking the heads of two snakes, I walked to the warehouse and looked at the eggs soaked in water. There was no change.

Luo Cheng took out several essences, including flesh and blood essences and spiritual essences.

Crush all the eggs and sprinkle them on the shell of the eggs and in the water to provide nutrients for the growth of the eggs.

These essences are gradually melting when they touch the beast eggs. It can be seen that the eggs are absorbing the energy in the essences.

"Little one, hurry up and be born. I can't help but want to take you out for a ride."

At night, an administrative conference room in Jiangchuan City was filled with smoke.

"What do you want to say about Luo Cheng's resignation?"

"The young man seems unconvinced. Transferring the case to the police is a normal procedure. Although Jiuding is important, it cannot be out of control. He can be approved to resign, and other elites can be deployed to take over."

"The world will continue to go on without everyone, but as strength becomes stronger, people's mentality will also change. Jiuding must not become an organization that loses control.

We should have strict requirements and firm control from the beginning. "

Lin Yaohua also participated in this provincial high-level meeting.

He was somewhat aware of the reason for Luo Cheng's resignation. There were too many constraints, and even if someone wanted to arrest a prisoner in the same jurisdiction, someone would make irresponsible remarks and obstruct him.

Jiuding's rights seem to have become dispensable. People don't seem to care at all whether Jiuding can deal with cross-border creatures, they only care about the rights they have.

These people seem to have put the cart before the horse. Times are changing, and the current era can no longer keep up with the past methods.

(End of this chapter)

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