My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 105 Find the window

Chapter 105 Find the window
A village near Guangshan City. Zhang Haihong came here after escaping from Guangshan City.

Two black cars parked in front of a two-story building in the village, and six burly men got out.

These six people have different skin colors, including black, white and yellow, and have sharp eyes.

Zhang Haihong walked out with a smile on his face.

"You are finally here."

"Zhang, I hear you want to get rid of an enemy. Do we need all six of us to take action together?" said a tall Bai Feng.

Zhang Haihong organized his speech and said: "The other party is very strong. He can dodge bullets himself. He has already practiced cyclones and has certain attainments. This is why I invited you here.

Luo Cheng's existence may ruin our affairs. He and I had conflicts before, and now the conflicts have escalated again.

As long as I kill him and transfer the case to someone else, I can get everything back and continue to work for the organization. "

All six people nodded. Zhang Haihong had provided them with a lot of confidential information before.

"Before, Luo Cheng was the person in charge of Jiuding in Guangshan City. I misjudged the situation, but that's no longer the case. Luo Cheng just resigned.

Attacking the person in charge of Jiuding is a serious crime. Now he is a common man. As long as we handle it well, we won't cause any waves.

Then I can find someone to take the blame, and I can continue to take control of Haihong Group and continue working in the organization. "

"Zhang, your plan is very good. When will we take action?"

"Looking for opportunities, just these two days."

Zhang Haihong hasn't taken Luo Cheng seriously since he learned the cyclone, and it's still the same this time. Even if he knew that Luo Cheng had learned the cyclone, he didn't think there was much difference between the two.

I started upgrading from a small tree and before I knew it, 24 hours had passed.

In the scrapyard, Luo Cheng waited impatiently.

[The upgrade of the Decomposition Tree is completed]

Luo Cheng immediately opened the light curtain:

【Decompose the Tree of Everything】

Root coverage range: [-] kilometers

Abilities: [Decomposition] [Extraction] [Evolution] [Assimilation] [Purification] [Purification] [Slavery Order (Three enslavement orders can be extracted from the decomposition tree of all things, and the enslavement order can enslave living things)]

Nutrients: [Absorb sunlight, rain and dew, decompose and absorb all things to obtain nutrients, extract, evolve, purify and consume nutrients simultaneously]

[Decomposition ability: Level [-]]

Mode: [Smart Mode]

The coverage area has doubled. Forty kilometers is eighty miles, which is enough to cover the entire Guangshan city and a large area around it.

The explanation about the slavery order attracted Luo Cheng's attention, and he found several helpers for him.

Soon, a small white token appeared in its hand, and at the same time the usage method was passed into its mind.

A ray of spiritual power was transmitted into the white token, and the white token suddenly glowed with white light.

"Whoa." The token disappeared and entered the python's body.

The three tokens are non-replaceable once used.

The python raised its head with a confused look on its face, crawled to Luo Cheng's feet and continued to lie down.

As the enslavement order disappeared, Luo Cheng felt an additional layer of connection between himself and the python. Luo Cheng could even control the python through the token and issue orders.

"Get up and dance in a circle."

Almost without thinking, the command acted directly on the python's mind, and its body instinctively got up and circled around the place.

Luo Cheng nodded and roughly understood the function of the slavery order.

Walking to the pool in the warehouse, a trace of spirit merged into the token again. The token turned into a ray of light and flew into the egg of the eight-armed beast and merged into it.

Luo Cheng roughly sensed that the creature inside the egg had not yet taken shape, with only an undeveloped heart beating.Eighty miles away, it covers the entire urban area of ​​Guangshan City, and at the same time, the purification, which has always been gray, lights up this time.

Luo Cheng also wanted to try what effect purification had.

The roots rested on the corpse of the eight-armed beast.


[Using the purification function of the human form, we are now beginning to purify the flesh and blood of the eight-armed giant beast]

[Purification completed, generating a high-grade flesh and blood essence]

Luo Cheng held the essence in his palm. The essence purified this time was like a transparent glass bead, purer than ordinary extraction.

In the past, whether it was an ordinary creature or a mutated creature, even the flesh and blood essence extracted from the eight-armed giant beast was not said to be high-level or low-level, although the energy of the two was very different.

It's different now. It's just been purified, and the ordinary flesh and blood essence has immediately become high-grade.

Holding the transparent bead in your hand, a mark instantly appeared.

[Advanced flesh and blood essence, purified from flesh and blood essence, contains powerful energy, please use with caution]

Luo Cheng put it in his mouth. If the essence of flesh and blood before was a trickle, now it is a torrential river.

Violent energy instantly filled Luo Cheng's limbs and bones, which was countless times stronger than the gentle essence of flesh and blood before.

Luo Cheng didn't care how much ordinary flesh and blood essence a high-level flesh and blood essence consumed, he only cared that these flesh and blood essence tubes didn't work.

Three minutes later, Luo Cheng nodded with satisfaction as he watched the cyclone grow a little stronger.

The perspective shifts, possessing the tree of decomposition of all things.

Previously, Luocheng had been unable to find the window location in Guangshan City due to insufficient coverage. Now it can be searched in detail.

Countless roots extend from the ground, branching out into more tiny roots, forming a dense network that covers the surrounding area.

Soon, the entire urban area of ​​Guangshan was covered, and everyone's every move was within his range of perception.

In the Jiuding branch, the room was lit with lights, and it seemed that something was being processed.

Continuing to spread in all directions, towards the Blue River, the roots extended directly into the river.

Luo Cheng smiled. In a remote corner at the bottom of the Blue River, there was a depression hidden in the mud.

In the recess, a colorful window stands quietly.

Found it, the window of Guangshan City, and then Luo Cheng frowned, thinking of the big birds that could control thunder clouds before. These two big birds didn't seem to be aquatic creatures.

Is there a second window? Luo Cheng guessed.

It's just that there is no evidence yet.

Feeling the changes in the window, Luo Cheng was fascinated.

Many gaps in the window look small but are actually very large. Otherwise, how could a huge creature like the eight-armed beast get through?

This time, Luo Cheng wanted to see what it was like on the other side of the window.

A root slowly came out, spotted a gap that was expanding, and quickly got through.

In an instant, a picture was transmitted to Luo Cheng's perception.

This is a body of water. As soon as it crosses the boundary, the roots begin to wither. It seems that there is some powerful force preventing the roots from peeking into this world.

After only holding on for a few seconds, the screen disappeared, and Luo Cheng didn't quite understand.

Different from the withering of the rotten air, this is like the roots suddenly dying due to malnutrition, rather than being decayed.

Luo Cheng didn't know why he was malnourished. This kind of thing still needs to be explored slowly.

Two updates today.

(End of this chapter)

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