Chapter 142
"Papa, Luo Cheng, I haven't seen you for a while, you have become stronger."

At some point a thick barrier rose up in the dusky sky.

A cloaked figure walked over step by step from a distance.

The pangolin looked at Luo Cheng, then at the approaching figure, and slowly backed away.

"Human, this is your enemy. It has nothing to do with me. I will not get involved in the battle between you."

As he spoke, the pangolin's feet sank rapidly, trying to burrow underground to avoid the fight between the two.

Luo Cheng glanced at the other party lightly.

The pangolin soon emerged again.

"The underground is also sealed. Human beings are going to fight. Why should I be trapped in it?"

"There's so much nonsense, you can go and die. The showdown between me and Luo Cheng doesn't require a non-human creature to talk nonsense."

Luo Chengdao: "Ye Tian, ​​you are indeed alive. It was you who did the job of making noodles for Xiaocheng."

"I said, we will meet again. God's power cannot be guessed by you.

The wild natives will die when they die. They will use their deaths to promote the rotation of the world and enhance the strength of me and the Twilight Organization. They died in the right place. "

Ye Tian glanced at the pangolin lying on the sand dune and said, "Let's get rid of the eyesore first."


A shadow flashed across Ye Tian's body, and Luo Cheng focused his attention. It was a figure similar to a clone holding a sword.

The long sword quickly passed through the pangolin's body. The pangolin was stunned and didn't react at all, so it was chopped into two parts.

Luo Cheng didn't stop him, he also wanted to see Ye Tian's methods.

"Human, this is the only way you can't kill me."

Even if a pangolin is cut in half, it still can't change its bad habits.

But Luo Cheng saw something unusual. He felt a rotten aura from the cut wound.

The pangolin squirmed and tried to revive, but quickly failed.

"The only way to make the law immortal is to fool the natives in the new world who have not understood the law. You can die in peace.

The matter between me and Luo Cheng does not require the existence of a creature with No.3's IQ. "

The decaying light on the pangolin's body suddenly surged, and the cut section quickly aged and decayed.

The pangolin stared with big eyes as if in disbelief.

He knew that there were many methods in the Nameless World that could easily kill creatures that understood the law, but he did not expect that such creatures could appear in a world that only had windows.

One Luocheng is enough, and another one is needed.

This was the last thought in the pangolin's mind, which turned into a pile of dust in the blink of an eye.

Behind, Lin Yaohua, who had been watching the situation in Luocheng through a drone, suddenly became anxious.

Originally, Luocheng defeated the pangolin, and Lin Yaohua was relieved.

But this guy who appeared later was really dangerous, and he could kill the pangolin that couldn't be killed with just one knife.

Lin Yaohua had read Ye Tian's information and found out that this guy was not only a senior member of the Twilight Organization, but he also planned the massacre in Mian Dian Town.

In a city of more than [-] people, only a few lucky people survived.

Lin Yaohua immediately took out his mobile phone to report the situation and requested missile support.

The light curtain outside the pastry town was broken by a missile last time, so nothing can happen to Luocheng.

Although this child is willful, he does not rub sand in his eyes, and he will not sit back and watch the domestic situation deteriorate.

"Luo Cheng, it seems you have no intention of stopping me from killing the pangolin."

“The law of the jungle is like a pangolin that has no laws to control itself and turns half of a small country’s town into a desert.

Seeking benevolence will lead to benevolence, he likes the jungle of the jungle, so letting him die from the jungle of the jungle will satisfy his wish. "

Ye Tian smiled.

"Luo Cheng, your way of thinking is very in line with my appetite. Cooperate with me and build a new world under the great changes. I know the nameless world better than you do. It is a boundless world with countless strong people.

Countless races and ethnic groups are struggling to survive in the nameless world, including humanoid and inhuman creatures. "

Ye Tian's tone was serious.

Luo Chengdao: "Compared with the last time we met, your thoughts have become much more mature.

It seems that your thoughts will also change because the nameless world puts too much pressure on you.

Why don't you turn from darkness to light and become a useful person to society and the country?

Even if you die, people will erect monuments and biographies for you, write them in history books, and pass them on forever. "

Luo Cheng was a little shocked by how much Ye Tian had changed. When he was captured for the first time, the opponent was only about the same strength as an ordinary member of Jiuding.

In just a short time, the other party has easily killed the pangolin who understood the law.

"Haha, I can only see Zhenzhang under my hands. Don't die easily. You are one of the few people I admire."

An afterimage gradually disappeared on the spot, and Ye Tian appeared at Luo Cheng's side in a few steps at extremely fast speed.

The long sword thrust out with a rich light of decay.

Luo Cheng felt a chill on his back.

He felt wrong before. Ye Tian might be stronger than the pangolin, but he couldn't kill him with one sword.

It is this sword that hides great power.

The long knife cut across, and the metal particles of Luo Cheng's body kept beating, accumulating huge power.

A thick aura emerged from the long sword, and it suddenly collided with the long sword.

Decay and thickness, the collision of two completely different atmospheres.

In just a moment, the two collided fiercely.

The earth's energy blocked the erosion of the decaying light very well, ensuring that the long knife was not scrapped due to collision.

Ye Tian quickly retreated. At this time, three black spots in the sky grew rapidly and appeared in the sight of the two people in the blink of an eye.

"It seems that your status in the country is more important than I thought. Also, your strength should be the first in the country.

There are good seeds everywhere. Last time they succeeded in the pastry town, so my plan was only 90.00% completed.

I won't make the same mistake again. This time the missile is useless. No one in Luocheng can save you. "

Three missiles hit the light curtain one after another but did not explode. Instead, they penetrated straight in and plunged into the ground with a huge explosion.

But the explosion was right in front of Luo Cheng, but he didn't feel anything.

"It seems like this is not a barrier, but a new space."

Ye Tian nodded and said: "That's right, I don't want anyone to interrupt the battle between the two of us.

I'm going to get serious next. "

Shadows walked out of Ye Tian's body like clones, all holding long swords, which looked a bit illusory.

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "I also want to show my strength, so as not to be underestimated by others. Ye Tian, ​​your sword is good, please stay today."

The aura on his body suddenly surged, and the dantian and the cyclone in his mind rotated rapidly.

Huge physical power was mobilized, and the flexible metal and rigid metal instantly coordinated.

Luo Cheng took one step and disappeared.

The long black knife streaked across continuously, and black semicircles bloomed in the sky.

Every time the sword went down, a shadow was wiped out by the earth energy contained in the long sword.


Ye Tian was kicked out. The huge force caused him to roll on the ground and he fell more than 20 meters. Blood spurted out as if he was free of money.

(End of this chapter)

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