My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 143 I can crush you

Chapter 143 I can crush you
"Ye Tian, ​​foreign objects are just foreign objects after all. Although this sword is powerful, it cannot increase your own quality.

The law is a means, the light of decay is also a means to fight against the enemy, and the tyrannical physical quality is also a means.

Understanding the rules may greatly increase one's vitality, but when the rules don't work very well, it's physical fitness that matters.

I haven't understood the rules yet, but Ye Tian, ​​in terms of physical fitness, I can crush you. "

Luo Cheng walked over, and Ye Tian slowly got up from the ground, spat, and wiped the blood off his face.

"I'm happy to have an opponent like you, but do you think you can defeat me so easily?"


A violent light of decay rose from Ye Tian's body, and the desert on the ground quickly decayed, becoming more dry and cracked.

Even the space that enveloped the two of them was vaguely unstable and seemed to be broken.

Outside the space, drones are always observing the situation in the space, and the number of drones is even increasing.

Lin Yaohua was like an ant on a hot pot, anxious.

Fortunately, Luo Cheng's strength still had the upper hand and he was not injured.

He saw the effect of the previous missile attack. The opponent seemed to be right in front of him, but it was no longer in the earth space, as if a small space had been opened up again.

Luo Cheng became serious.

Last time at the Jiuding branch, Ye Tian used the same trick, but he committed suicide at that time.

Now there is a lot of decaying light all over my body, but I don't have any signs of decay. It seems that the other party has mastered some methods of using the decaying light.

"It's an amazing power."

"Really? I'm happy to surprise you. Feel this powerful power."

Ye Tian ran at high speed, faster than before, slashing with the long sword from different angles, and each slash brought a lot of decaying light.

A fierce collision sounded again, and Luo Cheng's powerful body completely crushed Ye Tian.

He was almost suppressed and the only thing he had to worry about was not being eroded too deeply by the light of decay.

The surface of the body is always shimmering with a thick luster. Although it is only a thin layer, it always covers the surface of the body.

Although the light of decay is powerful, it can never break through the protection of the earth's energy.

However, as the light of decay approached, a majestic figure standing in the starry sky appeared in Luo Cheng's mind unconsciously.

Every few days since this figure last appeared, Luocheng would have the tree cleared away, but it only treated the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Although Ye Tian was pressed down and beaten, a smile appeared on his face.

"Haha, you can feel it. As long as this figure appears, you will join us sooner or later.

No one can go against His will. "

Luo Cheng didn't say anything, but just struck harder. The thick earth energy was being decayed and disintegrated by the constant contact with the decaying light.

But soon more heavy breath was added.

The Tree of Decomposition uses earth energy to help Luo Cheng assimilate the body and also opens up the channel connecting the human body and earth energy.

The energy of the earth is endless, this is the origin of the earth.

The earth's accumulation over billions of years is endless.

What Luo Cheng consumed was not even a drop in the bucket.


A slash suddenly knocked the sword away, and then the sword slashed across Ye Tian's body.

The rich decaying light has no obstruction, and the long knife cuts through easily.

Lines of blood appeared from Ye Tian's body, and then his body was torn apart.

The light of decay suddenly lit up, and a brand new Ye Tian appeared.

But it no longer had the energy and energy it had at the beginning, and it was clearly declining.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I still failed after preparing for so long. I gave that sword to you, but I will come back sooner or later to get it."

The decaying light on Ye Tian exploded again, and the rich light was even comparable to the sun in the sky.The powerful aura of decay caused the thick aura on the surface of Luo Cheng's body to continuously twist.

Luo Cheng stepped back quickly and watched from a distance, watching Ye Tian gradually turn into a pile of dust.

The space covering this place instantly shattered, revealing the outside world.

Luo Cheng's hands were covered with a thick aura and he picked up the sword.

The rotten air above is not strong.

Huge mutation factors poured into the sword, and a decaying light instantly appeared on the sword.

Yes, you can let Xiaoshu test it when you go back.

As soon as the space shattered, a jeep drove over quickly.

Lin Yaohua ran out of the car.

"Luo Cheng, are you okay?"

"It's okay, although Ye Tian is strong, he is not my opponent yet.

Please ask the Forestry Bureau to have someone transport an alloy box to the scrapyard where I am. I need the box to contain this Sword of Decay. "

Lin Yaohua has seen the power of this sword in the video.

Even before I got close, I felt like I was going to die at any moment.

"Before it is put into the alloy box, people who have not understood the law should stay away, otherwise they may die and be eroded into a pile of dust."

Lin Yaohua felt solemn in his heart, nodded and said: "I will immediately arrange a transport plane to transport the alloy box over, and it will arrive tomorrow."

"Thank you Forest Bureau."

"I should be the one thanking you. Your existence has frightened many demons and demons, so that they dare not act recklessly in the country."

What Ye Tian did in the pastry made Lin Yaohua realize the importance of a strong person.

"Mr. Luo, thank you for your contribution to our Nigar. The gold has been sent to the transport plane."

"Well, the pangolin is dead. You'd better send someone to search for the location of the window to determine if there are still pangolins."

"Yes, if they are indeed a clan as Mr. Luo Cheng said, we will find a way to move and leave here."

Luo Cheng could hear the insincerity in this man's words. There were rich gold mines and oil here, and Nigar could not give up easily.

But this has little to do with Luo Cheng. He is just waiting for the alloy box to arrive before returning home.

The harvest from this trip is not small, and the value of this sword alone is immeasurable.

Luo Cheng placed the sword in a warehouse next to the hotel.

In the room, Lin Yaohua walked into Luo Cheng's room. Luo Cheng was lying on the bed with his eyes closed to relax.

"Forest Bureau, why are you here when you have time?"

"I want to have a frank talk with you. The situation is getting more and more serious now, and I'm under a lot of pressure now.

Although there are no very powerful creatures in Jianghe Province, incidents of animals hurting and killing people happen every day.

I am under a lot of pressure, my strength is not strong, and Jiuding has just started.

I hope you will keep coming back to help me. "

Luo Cheng thought for a while and said: "Lin Bureau, this kind of thing is too common. Even if I am powerful and can easily kill mutated creatures, after all, I am only one person and I have no skills at all.

Being in charge of Guangshan City has diverted most of my energy. As long as I don't understand the law, even if Jiuding cannot be eliminated, the army can easily kill it. "

"But many cross-border creatures may not be strong but are very strange and difficult to kill. Now Jiuding needs an existence that can suppress all creatures to ensure the stability of Jianghe Province.

Not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of heart. I don’t force you to take any position. I only want you to serve as a consultant or something else.

If there are creatures that cannot be dealt with, I hope you will take action without hesitation. "

Luo Cheng pondered for a while and nodded. Even if Lin Yaohua hadn't said this, Luo Cheng would not have watched the cross-border creatures act wantonly in Jianghe Province.

(End of this chapter)

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