My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 144 Chapter 1 43 Perspective Shift

Chapter 144 1 Chapter 43 Perspective Shift
In the Nigar Hotel, Luo Cheng sat cross-legged and shifted his perspective to the small tree.

After upgrading, this was the first time Luocheng changed his perspective and experienced all things from the perspective of decomposing the tree of all things.

In the underground space, the fire spirit was sitting restlessly. The Decomposing All Things Tree could clearly feel the flow of mutation factors around it, gathering towards the fire spirit.

This guy still practices secretly while he is away.

He probably thought that Xiaoshu was just a plant life that he controlled, but he never thought that it was his clone.

Countless roots penetrated the soil and bounded towards the fire spirit.

Fire Spirit opened his eyes, and a large amount of black flames appeared on his body.

"Luo Cheng is not here, and you, a little plant life, want to restrict me. You are simply looking for death."

The small tree of the Luocheng Controller extends countless roots to form a large net, and the surface of these large nets is filled with a heavy aura.

The black flames ignited the large net, but the roots of the Decomposing All Trees were not burned and turned into ashes as before.

The light flickered but still tenaciously bound Huo Ling's body tightly.

Luo Cheng issued the order [Decompose and Absorb].

At the fifth level, it was not possible to decompose the fire spirit and convert it into nutrients for absorption. Now at the sixth level, the fire spirit is no longer a strong one to the assimilated Luo Cheng.

Sure enough, as Luo Cheng's order was issued, the Decomposing Tree immediately began to decompose and absorb the fire spirit.

The level [-] decomposition ability can already decompose the absorption law.

The fire spirit was trapped in a small tree. He originally planned to resurrect outside the tree by reorganizing his body, but as soon as it turned into a part of the flame, it was instantly extinguished.

The laws imprinted on the body are also being rapidly absorbed.

A large area of ​​nutrients in front of Luo Cheng was transformed and absorbed.

[Absorb the law of fire and convert it into one hundred nutrients]

[Absorb the law of fire and convert it into one hundred nutrients]

This kind of information that has been converted into a large amount of nutrients is flooding the screen like crazy. It has been a long time since Luocheng was so happy to see the nutrients increase.

As the level of the small tree becomes higher and higher, the more nutrients it needs, and the substances that can provide nutrients become more and more advanced.

In the past, a piece of scrap iron could obtain certain nutrients. Now, absorbing a hundred kilograms of scrap iron does not provide as many nutrients as absorbing one kilogram at the first level.

"How is it possible, Luo Cheng, if you don't keep your word, you will get the same fate as me sooner or later."

As the little tree absorbed and transformed, the fire spirit's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

Luo Cheng was always observing the state of the tied up Huo Ling.

The black flame patterns on his body gradually faded and finally disappeared completely.

Like charcoal, the body is gradually shrinking, and finally there is a red crystal at the core of the body.

[Flame crystal detected, whether it is decomposed and absorbed]

【Save it】

Luo Cheng estimated that this was the essence of the fire spirit, which might be useful in the future.

Fire Spirit once said that their clan was born in volcanic magma and was not reproduced by life.

This crystal may have been nurtured in the volcano for a long time, and then the fire spirit was born due to some accidents.

In an area of ​​[-] kilometers, most of the counties in Guangshan City are covered.

Only some remote counties and remote villages and towns are still outside the coverage.

Countless roots immediately began to spread over a large area, like giant pythons extending in the channels that had been built on the ground.

In just over ten minutes, the entire urban area returned to Luocheng's supervision.

Then countless roots extended outward, and during the process they also encountered some creatures that were quite powerful for ordinary people.

However, Luocheng did not kill these creatures, so it was time for the people of Jiuding and Guangshan City to feel the pressure.

Without pressure, there is no progress. Killing mutated creatures and exchanging resources from the official system can give ordinary people another way to survive.These days, Luo Cheng also learned about the situation in other areas.

Since the country opened the exchange system and free hunting of mutant creatures, many places have been in full swing.

Only those who have experienced battle can develop strong men.

Only delicate flowers can be cultivated in a greenhouse. Luo Cheng has heard this saying for a long time, but as the situation becomes more and more serious, he feels this sentence more deeply.

As long as no powerful mutated creatures appear, Luo Cheng will not take action.

Roots are constantly extending underground like a large net, and creatures that are powerful to ordinary people are constantly being sensed in the wilderness suburbs.

These creatures with keen senses also immediately sensed the terrifying aura of the Decomposing Tree of All Things, and were so frightened that they immediately lay on the ground with their tails between their legs and shivered.

The small tree completely overwhelmed these creatures in terms of momentum.

Luo Cheng paid no attention to these creatures and continued to extend the huge network, with dense roots growing and dividing all the time.

Soon, a second window appeared in Luo Cheng's perception.

This window is close to the area where cross-border merchants appear. It seems that the straw hat man he met before crossed the border from here.

A thick root sneaked in. This is a lush forest.

The roots branch out into countless smaller roots forming a network that extends all around.

It's peaceful here, with only a few gentle herbivores, and beyond the reach of the small trees.

Lin Yaohua is right, the areas entered by two very close windows are likely to be unrelated.

The large lake connected to the window at the bottom of the Blue River is boundless.

The feeding area even occupies only a small portion of the Great Lakes.

After all, there are a large number of wild beasts living outside the breeding area.

These wild giant beasts obviously have the life to understand the laws, otherwise it would be impossible for the Blue Water Tribe not to capture them all and raise them to create greater value.

Two windows appeared in the area of ​​a prefecture-level city. One of the two windows connected to the lake and the other to the forest. Luocheng was not sure where Guangshan City would appear after the integration.

In other words, which window coordinates the earth will take, or it does not take the window as the coordinates.

Luo Cheng was stunned for a moment when he thought of this. Perhaps these windows themselves were not coordinates, but gave the world an opportunity to integrate into, a channel to find ways to obtain power resources from the windows.

As soon as this idea came up, Luo Cheng couldn't bear it anymore and quickly perfected the idea in his mind.

Wumingjie's external integration with the world obviously wants to continue to strengthen itself.

There is no doubt about this, just as people will become strong if they eat meat, and they will become weak if they starve.

If merging a world means destroying a world, it would be better to destroy it directly and spend the effort to fuse it.

The blending and integration of the underlying logic of the world takes a lot of time, and the emergence of windows obviously also requires a lot of energy.

It is impossible for the nameless world to merge with a destroyed world. Of course, this is just Luo Cheng's guess and needs to be verified.

The roots of the small tree quickly completed the construction of the root network, and Luo Cheng opened his eyes.

Many questions here may be answered by cross-border businessmen.

Take out the token given by the cross-border merchant and enter the mutation factor.

The location was soon revealed. The other party was in Lanshui County of Lanhe City, a county very close to Guangshan City, and even within the reach of Roots.

Luo Cheng smiled. The last time he let this guy run away, he didn't even test his strength. This time Luo Cheng planned to continue testing.

This guy has a lot of good things. If he can be taken down, it will be a windfall.

But before dealing with this guy, Luo Cheng planned to have an in-depth conversation with him to clear up the doubts in his heart. He now also has items imprinted with the law. If everything goes well, these items can be snatched back from cross-border merchants.

There is nothing more satisfying than making a business without capital.

And this deal came from a sinister businessman.

(End of this chapter)

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