My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 145 Straw Hat’s Loophole

Chapter 145 Straw Hat’s Loophole
The transport plane from China to Nigar arrived the next day.

Luo Cheng put the sword into the box and returned to China with Lin Yaohua.

Blue sky and blue sea.

From time to time, I see a creature in the sky that is not originally on the earth.

This strange scene made Luo Cheng once think that he was not living on earth but in a strange world.

But this is indeed the earth, but it is undergoing huge changes.

Sitting bored, Lin Yaohua told Luo Cheng about the current situation around the world.

Normal commercial trade has shrunk on a large scale.

Incidents of mutated creatures and cross-border creatures harming people often occur in many weak countries.

Many small countries that were already in chaos have even seen the emergence of many private armed forces.

Countless warlords have established separate regimes, occupying one city or multiple cities and maintaining basic survival.

The United Nations peacekeeping forces are no longer able to continue to undertake peacekeeping tasks because the chaos has spread around the world.

There are countless chaos behind the destruction of heavy casualties.

“But the good news is that the second set of gymnastics, which is a further exercise method, will soon be launched in China.

The first set of body-building methods plays a huge role in condensing the cyclone. If it can be assisted by the essence of flesh and blood, the cyclone can be condensed quickly.

In the second set of body-building methods, we go one step further. With stronger flesh and blood essence, we can theoretically cultivate the cyclonic liquid.

The details still need to be verified. "

"This is good news, regarding spiritual cultivation."

"We are currently researching it. After all, it is impossible to even conduct experiments when it comes to spirituality. It depends more on personal talent.

But I believe that as time goes by, we will soon be able to find ways to cultivate our spirit.

Perhaps we can find the answer from the nameless world. Previously in Jiangchuan City, we met a cross-border businessman.

It's just that the price he offered was too high. At present, our foundation is still very weak, and it is impossible to exchange some absorbed materials for some information. "

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "This guy first appeared from Guangshan City, and I discovered the second window in Guangshan City."

Lin Yaohua's expression suddenly changed and he said: "With two windows, wouldn't it mean that Guangshan City is very dangerous?"

"I don't see any danger yet. The emergence of the window not only means danger, it also means opportunity."

Luo Cheng then recounted his conjecture.

Lin Yaohua said thoughtfully: "What you said makes sense, the emergence of windows not only means danger but also opportunity.

Otherwise if we do nothing, the only thing waiting for us in the end is death.

When I get back, I will report your thoughts and make statistics on the windows that have appeared in various places.

It would be very important for us now if we could have a stable window to obtain resources. "

Luo Chengdao: "Those can only be resources without owners, otherwise we don't have items that can be used for trade that can impress other creatures."

Lin Yaohua nodded, that was indeed the truth.

The plane landed at Guangshan City Airport. Luo Cheng threw the alloy box into the bed of the pickup truck and then drove straight to the scrap station.

Return to the scrap station and control the small tree to disassemble the alloy box to reveal the long sword inside.

[Analysis of the components of the long sword]

The small tree extended a root system, and then the roots formed a network covering the long sword, with a thick luster shining on the surface of the large network.

[During the inspection, it was detected that the long sword contained corrupted light crystals and various unknown alloys. Please ask whether it should be decomposed and absorbed]

[Stop decomposition and absorption]

The time is not yet ripe. This sword is still useful to Luo Cheng. It has enhanced his strength and is much easier to use than his long sword.

When he becomes stronger again, he might be able to throw this sword to the little tree as nourishment.He now has two more precious things in his hand, namely the crystal in the fire spirit's body and the long sword containing the light crystal of decay.

Putting all these two things into the bed of the truck, the pickup truck roared out of the scrapyard and headed straight for Bluewater County.

A lot of thick roots have gathered around the cross-border merchants. With just one order, they will all be dispatched to surround the other side.

Here is an abandoned warehouse, with a sculpture-like man in a straw hat standing quietly in the dark corner.

Luo Cheng opened the door of the warehouse and saw the other person at a glance. He didn't know who the other person was standing here waiting for. Will anyone come here?

"We meet again. Can you wait here for the person you want to trade with?"

The Straw Hat arrived: "You're here, aren't you?"

"Haha, you are right. I came here to confirm something with you."

"Please provide the items you want to trade, and then I will judge whether the answer to the question is satisfactory based on the value of the items you provide."

Luo Cheng nodded, this deal is fair.

It is still an alloy battle axe, but this is an alloy that was re-researched by the sixth-level Xiaoshu and purified for the first time. It can block the erosion of the law for a long time.

If he could have this alloy battle ax when fighting the Fire Spirit for the first time, the battle in Luocheng would be much easier.

"Look at this axe."

The huge ax whirled in the sky, making a whistling sound, and approached the cross-border merchant in the blink of an eye, as if it wanted to cut him in half.

A barrier appeared in front of the Straw Hat Man. As soon as the ax hit the barrier, it seemed to have fallen into water, and his speed instantly slowed down.

Then the opponent stretched out his gloved hand and grabbed the alloy battle axe.

"This is a good weapon. In terms of hardness, it is no worse than ordinary law weapons. It just doesn't have the attack power of law weapons.

what do you want to trade. "

"I want a glove that blocks the decaying light."

"This ax isn't worth enough."

"How many handfuls are needed?"

"No amount is enough. It's not of the same level. It's impossible to use quantity to make up for quality when trading with me, because some gaps cannot be made up by quantity."

Luo Cheng nodded to express his understanding.

"Then let's change the information. What are the coordinates for the world to merge into the nameless world? Is it a window or something else?"

“The presentation of the window is random, and the coordinates of the world integration are positioned according to the position of the window, maybe close to a certain window, which is also random.

But when the new world is integrated into the Nameless World, it will only be integrated normally, rather than appearing in areas such as underwater or in the sky where the entire army will be annihilated as soon as it appears. "

"Are there any dangerous creatures in the forest where your cross-border window is located? How strong are they?"

"Yes, very strong, at least better than you are now."

Luo Cheng smiled and said, "You know how strong I am."

"I don't know, but I know your transaction value, and the transaction value will not lie."

Luo Cheng knew clearly in his heart that although this guy couldn't determine the strength of a certain creature, he could measure the value of the other creature. Normally, the higher the value, the stronger the strength.

"What's the price of that fire spirit? Is it higher than mine?"

"Taller than you currently, but not too much."

Luo Cheng suddenly smiled, and he roughly understood the other party's standard for measuring the value of living things.

Fire Spirit understands the law, so your own value is high in the eyes of cross-border businessmen, because you do not understand the law.

But it is not difficult for me to kill the Fire Spirit now.

Another point is that this guy is not well informed on Earth. At least he doesn't know that he has captured the Fire Spirit and killed the opponent, otherwise the opponent will definitely increase his value.

(End of this chapter)

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