My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 146 Weird Dice Game

Chapter 146 Weird Dice Game

"Your alloy battle ax can only be exchanged for the above questions. If you want to ask other questions, you need to continue to provide other valuable items." The straw hat man said.

Luo Cheng turned his palm over, and a red crystal appeared in his hand.

"I snatched this from the fire spirit. It is said to be the core of other fire spirits' bodies."

Luo Cheng flicked his fingers, and the crystal flew out, and the straw hat man caught it.

"It's a real fire spirit crystal. What do you want to change it for?"

"A book of exercises or methods suitable for ordinary people to cultivate their spirit. The grade of the exercises and the height of the cultivation are determined by the value of this crystal."

The Straw Hat said: "The crystals in the fire spirit's body are formed by the combination of volcanic magma and the law of fire. Their true value even surpasses ordinary creatures that understand the law.

The birth of a fire spirit from this crystal is a waste in itself. What I tell you so much is just to follow the rules of a businessman and let you understand the value of this crystal.

Based on the value of this crystal, I can give you three books for you to choose. "

"Please say."

Luo Cheng also didn't expect that this guy was quite wealthy and could easily take out three books on spiritual cultivation methods. Could he have something more valuable on him?

This guy definitely has space equipment and the like on him, otherwise the last time Luo Cheng wanted to deal with this guy, the flaming sword that the straw hat man casually pulled out proved the problem.

"The first book is the Flame Forging Method. Imagine your own spirit as a piece of iron, and imagine a hammer constantly hitting the iron piece to condense it.

When forging iron, you are also exercising your spirit, condensing the emptiness of spirit into substance. This method is slow to practice, but you can keep using it, but the stronger you are, the worse the effect. "

Luo Cheng understood the general principle just after listening to it once. There are two major difficulties here. Visualize the hammer and imagine your spirit as a piece of iron.

None of it is easy for ordinary people.

"The second type is called Shen Lian Jue. You can practice it by simply reciting the formula silently, but you can only practice it until you reach the spiritual liquid. Once you enter the spiritual liquid, the formula will become invalid.

The third type is called the visualization picture. As long as you visualize the real objects in the picture, you can cultivate your spiritual power. This can be practiced until you understand the rules, but there is a danger that the visualization will be affected by the real objects in the picture and become a complete madman. "

The third type is obviously a deceptive thing.

Just like the weak who see the image of God either become a madman or a believer.

The most stable one is the second one. Although it can only be practiced until it turns into liquid, at least it has taken the first step, and the second step is not far away.

The difficulty is that you don’t even know how to take the first step.

"I choose the second one, Concentration Art."

The straw hat man took out a jade and handed it over and said, "Put the jade between your eyebrows and you can feel the mantra."

Luo Cheng nodded but did not experiment on the spot. Instead, he turned and left the warehouse.

The Straw Hat continued to stand as still as a statue.

Luo Cheng drove for more than ten minutes to a quiet and remote place. In the blink of an eye, huge roots wrapped him up and sank into the ground.

When Luo Cheng walked out, he had already arrived at the scrap station, and the pickup truck was also transported by Xiaoshu.

In the warehouse, countless roots suddenly sprang out and surrounded the Straw Hat Man.

Still the same as last time, the Straw Hat Man calmly took out his flaming sword and slashed at the roots.

The roots that could be easily cut off last time did not work this time. The small tree did not even use the earth's energy, relying only on its own tenacity.

There are evident laws of fire in these flames.

Luo Cheng issued an order [decomposition, absorption and extraction]

In an instant, rows of nutrients were refreshed in front of the eyes, and at the same time, the essence of the laws was condensed.

The flames on the flaming sword went from strong to weak and finally extinguished, with all the cracks appearing in the blink of an eye.

The Straw Hat Man finally lost his calm expression. "The laws of trading are revealed."

Just for a moment, Luo Cheng's consciousness appeared in a space. There was a huge table in the middle of the space. There were dice on the table, and it was surrounded by black mist.

On the other side of the table, there was a figure wrapped in black mist. Luo Cheng guessed that it was the Straw Hat Man.

"Challenger please put down your chips." An emotionless voice sounded in the space.

Luo Cheng thought for a moment and roughly understood the meaning here. This was the method used by cross-border merchants to fight against enemies.

At the same time, a scale suddenly appeared in front of him.

Luo Cheng thought for a while and put the long sword he had taken from Ye Tian on. Luo Cheng thought it was the most valuable thing on his body.

The balance tilted towards Luocheng.

"Please give the challenger your chips."

The Straw Hat put the newly obtained crystal directly on it, but the scale only moved a little.

From the perspective of trading rules, it is obvious that the value of the long sword far exceeds that of the crystal.

The straw hat man's expression became unsightly, and he had already guessed that the sudden appearance of roots had something to do with Luo Cheng.

It was just that the easy retreat last time made him ignore it. Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for a while, the other party actually forced him to use the trading rules.

Everything here is fair and just, and winning or losing in gambling all depends on luck.

The straw hat man took out two more jade stones, both of which were engraved with cultivation techniques, and threw them on the scale.

But the scale only swayed slightly, not much. It was obvious that the value of the two techniques was not great.

The opponent gritted his teeth and threw in two more jade stones. This time the vibration of the scale was greater, but it was still tilted towards the direction of the sword.

The Straw Hat's face turned even darker.

Soon an earthy yellow crystal appeared in his hand and was placed on the scale.

Suddenly the scales became balanced, and it was obvious that the value of the long sword was equal to that of the other party's items.

"The rules of the transaction are that both parties roll the dice, and the one with the higher number wins. The challenger wins and can get all the items on the scale, and decides whether to continue the challenge.

The challenged party can obtain all the items on the scale and decide whether to continue to accept the challenge. After the challenge ends, the challenged party can randomly move a thousand kilometers.

Now ask both parties to shake the dice respectively. "

Luo Cheng roughly understood the rules, which was to compare sizes.

The two dice automatically entered a cylinder, and the darkness inside the cylinder seemed to hide a world.

Luocheng shook gently, and the cylinder made a crashing sound, but Luocheng felt nothing. The thin cylinder seemed to be separated by a world.

The sound made by the clatter is also exactly the same, so it is impossible to cheat.

As Luocheng shook, there were various sounds of dice rolling mixed in. It was so chaotic that it was impossible to tell which was real and which was false.

Moreover, in the trading space, Luo Cheng's powerful spirit seemed not to exist. Here he was just like an ordinary person.

"When the time is up, please open the cylinders each."

Luo Cheng placed the cylinder on the table and opened it, revealing three points and five points, eight points in total.

Seeing Luo Cheng's score, the Straw Hat was relieved. It was not too big, not to the point of despair.

Soon the Straw Hat Man also opened the Yuantong, but when the points were revealed, the Straw Hat Man's face looked as ugly as if he had eaten a fly.

One has two points and the other has three points. His luck is really not that good. There are only five points, which is less than Luocheng's eight points.

(End of this chapter)

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