Chapter 147
"Sorry, I won." The thick fog obscured Luo Cheng's smile.

But the tone of his voice and his cheerful energy could not be concealed.

Several items appeared in front of Luo Cheng at the same time.

Luo Cheng picked up a piece of jade and placed it between his eyebrows. This was one of the three spiritual cultivation methods proposed by the Straw Hat before: imagine yourself as an iron block and then visualize the hammer.

Luo Cheng continued to place the remaining three jade stones between his eyebrows for observation. One was a visualization cultivation method, and the other two were mutation factor cultivation methods, both of which could be practiced before the law.

These things are below the level of the law, and their value to the Straw Hats is actually not high.

The Fire Spirit's crystal is back, and what the Straw Hat lost was only the skills under the law.

The only thing of value that the Straw Hat Man took out was this earthy yellow crystal.

Luo Cheng picked it up. It contained the power of law and was more concentrated than the Fire Spirit Crystal.

“The challenger should continue to challenge or give up.”

Luo Cheng did not respond, but looked at the straw hat man.

"If you give me something valuable enough, I can give up and continue betting with you."

"Hmph, this is robbery. I don't believe you can always win. A person's luck cannot always be good.

I am a businessman and follow the trading rules. It is possible for you to win and for me to win, both of which are 50.00%.

Why don't I bet this 50.00% but let your winning rate become [-]% in vain?

Place your bet, I have enough chips to bet with you. "

"it is good."

What seemed like a fair deal actually had loopholes, at least in Luo Cheng's eyes.

The long sword that Luo Cheng placed on the scale for the first time was obviously a law item, and the long sword containing the light of decay was higher than ordinary law items.

Although the Straw Hat's four jade stones are for practicing skills, they are obviously not at the level of laws.

It is only the straw hat man's own rule that quantitative change cannot achieve the value of qualitative change, but there is no such rule in the trading rules.

Luo Cheng stretched out his hand, and a black knife appeared in his hand. This was the second advantage he discovered, that as long as the thing belongs to you, you can trade it whether you are around or not.

This secondary purified weapon is already comparable to a law weapon, but Xiaoshu can make it continuously.

The second black knife appeared in Luo Cheng's hand and was placed on the scale.

The straw hat man obviously knew what Luo Cheng was thinking, but his expression didn't change at all.

The third black knife, the fourth black knife, all the way to the tenth black knife.

When Luo Cheng was about to take out No. 11 black knife.

But the scales appeared in front of the Straw Hat Man.

"Please be challenged by the challenger."

The voice of the Straw Hat Man sounded: "The scales can only hold ten items, because the rules of trade are merciful.

Each game will not push anyone into a desperate situation and give each side a 50.00% winning rate. "

Luo Cheng was not angry at all. The ten secondary purified weapons were worth a lot.

In terms of hardness, these weapons are even better than legal weapons.

The straw hat man took out another piece of jade, which was obviously another skill.

Obviously the Straw Hat Man is not stupid, and the items related to exercises are neither valuable nor valuable.

Priceless to those who need it, not so valuable to those who don't, and it can be copied.

Luo Cheng didn't care. These things were of little value to the Straw Hats, but they were of great value to Luo Cheng.

There is currently only one physical training method for all mankind, and there is an urgent need to enrich various cultivation methods. If there is a law and above, it will be a huge profit.

The jade stone was placed on the scale, and the scale suddenly tilted halfway.

Luo Cheng's eyes lit up, this thing was of great value.

The Straw Hat Man placed another jade stone, and the scales were completely balanced.

Luo Cheng picked up the cylinder and quickly shook the dice, making a complex clattering sound.

The Straw Hat Man was also shaking the cylinder.

In the quiet space, there was only the sound of clattering dice hitting the cylinder, and it was so densely packed that one could not tell how many dice and cylinders there were.Luo Cheng clasped his hands on the table, lifted the cylinder, and suddenly smiled.

One is five o'clock and one is six o'clock.

"Looks like I'm lucky, you might lose again."

"That's not necessarily true. Although eleven is big, it's not the biggest."

The straw hat man also opened the cylinder, one with five points and one with two points, for a total of seven points.

Luo Cheng smiled and said, "Sorry, I won again."

Two jade stones appeared in Luo Cheng's hand.

Pick up a jade and place it between your eyebrows.

[God Refining Art] Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected surprise.

The back is marked with the second level of the Divine Refining Art and the third level of the Divine Refining Art.

It is an unexpected surprise that it can be used for a period of time after cultivating the law.

Unexpectedly, the Straw Hat man has a lot of money and a lot of good things.

Pick up the second jade stone and put it between your eyebrows. This is a cultivation method. You can also practice it for a while after understanding the law.

"Whether the challenger continues to challenge."

Luo Cheng shook his head and said, "No challenge."

His goal has been achieved. Each has a 50.00% probability. If he continues to play, Luo Cheng will have a high probability of losing.

His biggest trump card is the long sword and crystals. If the opponent wins and places a heavy bet, and Luo Cheng comes up with ten items that cannot balance the opponent, he will be very passive.

Luo Cheng disappeared into the space and appeared on the pickup truck, still speeding on the road.

As Luo Cheng disappeared, the Straw Hat Man breathed a sigh of relief, but he still hated Luo Cheng.

"Teleport me five hundred kilometers away."

The scale appeared, and there was a silver weight on one side of the scale. The straw hat man kept putting various things on it, all of which were low-quality and low-grade goods.

The scales gradually balance, and the Straw Hat Man disappears into space and at the same time disappears into Blue Water County.

In the pickup truck, Luo Cheng took out his token and entered the mutation factor, and found that the opponent had left the province and was nearly a thousand miles away from him.

Sure enough, even if the opponent doesn't win, there is still a way to move long distances.

All six jade stones recording the skills were placed on the passenger seat.

Soon the pickup truck entered the yard of the scrap yard.

The big python came over, Luo Cheng pulled off two snake heads, took out two essences and stuffed them into his mouth.

The big python crawled away contentedly.

Luo Cheng took out the jade stone marked with the Divine Refining Art and placed it between his eyebrows.

This is a difficult to pronounce mantra. Luo Cheng slowly followed the voice in the jade stone and recited it.

He was suddenly surprised as he recited these awkward formulas.

These sounds actually resonated with the spiritual cyclone.

As it vibrates, the speed of the liquid cyclone increases.

He can still practice like this. The person who created this technique is also a genius.

Resonance with the cyclone can be achieved just by relying on different sounds.

Luo Cheng took out an earth-yellow crystal, and the fluctuations of earth laws emanated from the crystal.

At this moment, the python crawled over.

If I usually feed him essence, this guy will always find a place to sleep.

This time he actually got up, his eyes staring at the earth crystal.

At the same time, a feeling of longing passed into Luo Cheng's mind.

Python was given a servitude order by Luo Cheng, and he was regarded as his most loyal subordinate.

(End of this chapter)

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