My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 148 The person in charge of the metropolitan area

Chapter 148 The person in charge of the metropolitan area
"Do you want to eat?" Luo Cheng felt the desire and yearning in the python's heart.

The python may itself be an earth-type creature and wants to swallow this crystal to complete its own transformation.

"If you want to eat it, I'll give it to you. You have to be proud and don't embarrass me."

Since the enslavement order was inserted into the python's body, the snake has never lacked spiritual essence and flesh and blood essence.

The length and diameter of the body have also continued to grow, and now it has evolved into a giant.

With a length of more than 20 meters and a diameter of more than 40 centimeters, it is a huge monster.

However, Luo Cheng still hopes that this guy will evolve towards a mythical creature such as a dragon.

Riding a python out of town always feels a bit out of character, but if it were a dragon, it would instantly fill you up.

The snake head kept rubbing against Luo Cheng, and the desire in his heart became even stronger.

Luo Cheng stuffed the khaki crystal into the python's mouth, and the python quickly crawled to a corner, lay down and fell into a deep sleep.

There is also a crystal of the law of fire. Obviously the eight-armed beast has nothing to do with this crystal. If he eats it, it will explode and die.

Luo Cheng placed the seven jade stones on the table in sequence and wrote the recorded exercises under each jade stone.

Two of them taken together are the complete God Refining Art.

Luo Cheng put away the second and third levels of the Divine Refining Art.

Although the practice of the Divine Refining Art is convenient, it can only be practiced by one person at a time.

He has no words, but awkward pronunciations, vibrating through sounds and cyclones.

Luo Cheng could practice by relying on these pronunciations, but he couldn't do it by making the sounds again.

Not only is the sound not standard, it also has no ability to vibrate with the cyclone.

Therefore, he could only practice the second half of this technique by himself first, and let the research institute study the first part to see if the sound could be copied.

Then he copied all the techniques. This time Luo Cheng was not prepared to hide his secrets.

The situation is becoming more and more urgent, and human beings are still far behind in their cultivation.

In the high-level conference room of Jiangchuan City, all the top leaders of the province gathered here, and even higher-level leaders attended this meeting.

"Jiang Bu, this meeting is discussing the construction of a metropolitan area.

The current plan is to build two large metropolitan areas in the entire Jiangha Province, the Guangshan City Metropolitan Area and the Gangchuan City Metropolitan Area.

Each metropolitan area is expected to accommodate 4000 million people, and the entire population of the province will move to these two cities on average. "

Jiang Bu listened to Hui's report: "This is the original plan, but the biggest problem now is what to do with supplies.

Today's super-large cities rely on supplies delivered from several nearby provinces to ensure the operation of the super-large cities.

Housing and buildings are easy to solve, but eating is a big problem. "

“Our current plan is to convert the entire area outside the metropolitan area into large-scale farms.

When the population is concentrated, there will be more land for cultivation, and there will be no shortage of supplies.

Be it fruits and vegetables, poultry, livestock, meat, eggs, and milk. "

Jiang Bu nodded and said: "The specific plan will be submitted in writing and we will quickly review and approve it.

The Guangshan City metropolitan area was established because of Luocheng, otherwise you wouldn’t have made Guangshan City a metropolitan area.

Compared with other cities, Guangshan City has no advantages. "

"Yes, we are planning to apply to the higher authorities to let Luo Cheng become the chief armed officer of the metropolitan area and be responsible for the defense and security of the metropolitan area.

This matter will also be reported in the near future. Others don't have Luo Cheng's strength. When they can't hold it anymore, they still have to ask him to take action. It's better to let him directly serve as the top commander.

Next, he can be paired with several deputy positions to be responsible for daily work. "

Jiang Bu nodded. He had also known Luo Cheng before. He was not interested in dealing with trivial matters, but he had a nonchalant attitude that made many senior leaders look at him with admiration.

In the coming troubled times, we must boldly use this kind of young people.

Because they dare to fight hard and are decisive in doing things. They are not as slick as adults and can do things more neatly.Only when such people serve as senior leaders can the efficiency of the following people be maximized.

"The above also means to accept Luo Cheng as the senior leader. He is the number one master we know so far.

The research institute has studied the fire spirit arm handed over by Luo Cheng. The law is a very profound knowledge. It is difficult for us to understand the law in a short period of time without the skills. "

At this moment, Lin Yaohua's phone rang, and everyone looked over.

Lin Yaohua took out his cell phone and said, "It's Luo Cheng. Maybe there's something wrong with him."

"Luo Cheng, is there something wrong?"

"Bureau Lin, come here. I bought a few exercises from a cross-border businessman. You can take them back and study them. They may be valuable for promotion."

Lin Yaohua suddenly became excited.

"Luo Cheng, is it true? The current technique is the most precious thing to us.

If the practice can be popularized, the domestic average level will be greatly improved and casualties will be significantly reduced.

I'll be at the scrap station in an hour. Please wait a little longer. "

After hanging up the phone, not only Lin Yaohua was excited, but all the senior executives present were also excited.

The reason why domestic cultivation progress is slow is because there is no cultivation method. Now that Luocheng can come up with the cultivation method, it is a huge contribution to the country.

"Lin Yaohua, let the helicopter bring you back the martial arts. You stay where you are, explain the situation to Luo Cheng, and let him put forward his opinions on the construction of the metropolitan area.

Since Luo Cheng is invited to serve as the top defense officer, he needs to make decisions on many matters. "

Many people nodded in agreement. Maybe some people had different opinions. After all, Luo Cheng was just an ordinary high school student before.

But in today's society, Luo Cheng is the strongest person on the surface, and you have to listen to his opinion on many things.

Luo Cheng hung up the phone.

Sitting cross-legged and practicing quietly, the sound of a helicopter soon appeared in the sky and landed directly in the open space outside the scrap station.

When the scrap yard was being expanded, Lin Yaohua thought that one day, he would level the land so that he could park helicopters.

Lin Yaohua almost ran out of the helicopter.

"Luo Cheng, I don't even know what to say. Without you, we would have suffered heavy casualties when integrating into the Nameless World."

"Bureau Lin, let's save these words for later. This is a technique. Those who have the spirit of cultivation can also practice mutation factors.

The level is not high, and it can only be practiced to the point of cyclone turning into liquid. There is a book that can be practiced to the early stages of the law, but there is no matching spiritual cultivation method. "

"That's enough."

Soon several exercises were put into a box, and someone took the box onto the helicopter. In the blink of an eye, the helicopter took off and disappeared into the sky.

Lin Yaohua stayed.

"Forest Bureau, something happened."

"Well, the first thing is the expansion of Guangshan City into a large metropolitan area."

Luo Chengdao: "I don't know much about this thing. It's enough to just start construction after the design. There's no point in telling me."

"It's useful, it's of great use. After a large city is built, I don't know what the situation will be like.

The superiors intend to accept your order to take charge of all the military armed forces of the entire Guangshan metropolitan area and to take charge of all the defense forces of the entire Guangshan metropolitan area.

So your opinion matters. "

Luo Cheng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he would become the top leader of a large city in charge of tens of millions of people in the blink of an eye. Lin Yaohua's words were indeed beyond his expectation.

"Forest Bureau, why should I be appointed? I have no experience in serving as the highest command."

"Because you are the strongest, as long as you exist, you can make everyone feel at ease. No matter what the reason is, this top defense officer must be you."

(End of this chapter)

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