My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 153 The Behemoth of Nuclear Fusion

Chapter 153 The Behemoth of Nuclear Fusion
Luo Cheng stared at the wound closely. The blood of the giant beast was red, but it was glowing.

These glosses quickly repair the injured body.

For such a huge body, this wound can only be regarded as a scratch.

Explosive heavy weapons have little effect on such powerful creatures.

Luo Cheng knew that even if he went there, he might not have much effect.

The missile is very powerful, but it still cannot stop the giant beast from advancing.

At this moment, a larger and sharper missile fell from the sky.

The phone couldn't react at all, and could only see a flash of light and shadow, approaching the giant beast.

At this moment, the giant beast suddenly raised its head, and a huge light wave erupted from its mouth, hitting the missile in the sky in the blink of an eye.


The sound of explosion came from the mobile phone, and a huge fire enveloped the entire sky.

Huge noises and flames reaching into the sky were heard in many cities along the coast.

The speed of the giant beast did not decrease at all.

Luo Cheng dialed Lin Yaohua's phone and said, "Bureau Lin, can you analyze the composition of the energy beam emitted by the other party?

These giant beasts are obviously different from other creatures. "

"It is indeed different. Currently, many nuclear power plants near the sea have been occupied, and these behemoths are devouring nuclear fuel.

Moreover, the attack was obviously mixed with the energy released by nuclear reactions, but there was no radiation.

So we have a guess that these giant beasts can carry out full nuclear reactions in their bodies with the swallowed nuclear fuel, providing them with a steady stream of energy.

If this were true, each giant beast would be equivalent to a miniature sun. "

"Isn't this nuclear fusion?" Luo Cheng knew that fusion reactions were taking place on the surface of the sun all the time.

"Perhaps, but the fusion reaction in the giant beast is definitely different from what we humans study. If we can study and understand the difference, we are likely to completely break through controllable nuclear fusion.

At that time, there will be a huge breakthrough at the human science level, and some imaginary weapons can be realized. "

After hanging up the phone, Luo Cheng was also thinking about how to deal with this guy.

.We arrived at the airport soon, got on the transport plane, and headed straight to the seaside.

At the same time, Luo Cheng was also learning about the situation around the world.

Many nuclear power plants near the sea have been occupied by giant beasts. Many countries have experienced widespread power outages and public facilities have stalled.

An idea emerged in Luo Cheng's mind. Perhaps he could dig out a piece of flesh and blood from the giant beast and let the little tree absorb it and imitate it.

If this kind of fusion cells or structures in the body can be transferred to the human body.

Luo Cheng's strength will definitely increase significantly.

Luo Cheng placed his palm on the alloy box. Inside the box was the long sword snatched from Ye Tian.

In less than an hour, the sea appeared in sight, and the nuclear power plant below was in a mess.

A giant beast was raging among them, and the people nearby had already retreated in advance.

Monsters that can't even be killed by missiles are even more useless with human weapons.

Through the plane, Luo Cheng observed the giant beast from a distance.

The two well-developed hind legs can fully support him to walk upright.

Dazzling blue lights flashed from the nuclear reactors, and then they gradually went out.

The blue light was absorbed by the giant beast, and the entire nuclear power plant seemed to have become a supply station for the giant beast.

The transport plane finally landed at a remote airport, from which the giant beast walking in the distance could be seen.

Someone has already come to receive you at the airport.

"Consultant Luo, I am Bai Sheng, the person in charge here." "Bai Bureau, please introduce the situation and what your temporary plans are.

To be honest, I can kill this behemoth. Even if I can break through the defense, it is almost like scraping for a behemoth of this size. "

Bai Sheng nodded reluctantly and said: "We understand that this kind of giant beast that is over [-] meters has never appeared even in the ancient times of the earth.

We have invited many experts in biology. Consultant Luo will listen together and we may be able to come up with a solution. "


Bai Sheng brought Luo Cheng to the conference room. Many middle-aged and elderly scholars had already arrived.

A slide show showed footage of the giant beasts in action.

“From a biological structure perspective, the fact that this behemoth has grown to 100 meters has violated the principles of biology. Neither the bones nor the internal organs can support the behemoth growing so huge.

But the nameless world is special after all, and cannot be speculated based on the characteristics of ordinary life forms.

This giant beast is not only large but also fast, which requires a large supply of energy.

It can be seen from the opponent's absorption of nuclear fuel that the opponent's body is driven by nuclear energy. "

Luo Cheng was speechless. What he said was all nonsense. Judging from the other party's actions, it was obviously driven by nuclear energy.

Paired with a strong body, it is simply incomprehensible.

"The nuclear power units that have been absorbed by the other party have no radiation. This is the only good news.

But if not led away.Domestic nuclear power plants will be destroyed and absorbed by these guys sooner or later.

Nuclear power accounts for a large proportion of my country's power supply system, which is likely to cause large-scale power outages and cause greater damage and losses.

In particular, we are in a period of major construction and are stepping up the construction of urban areas. Many urban areas are powered by nuclear power.

In the past, many thermal power plants had been moved or shut down due to concerns about environmental pollution. "

"Behemoths can be attracted through nuclear bombs. The explosion of nuclear bombs is relatively violent and will release a large amount of radiation in an instant.

I guess there's definitely a huge appeal to behemoths. "

Bai Sheng said: "Luo Cheng, what do you think?"

Luo Cheng thought for a moment and said, "I don't understand this. Now that the experts and scholars have a plan, they can execute it.

But this time, there is more than one giant beast released from the center of the Pacific Ocean. If the giant beasts from other directions are attracted together, it will not be worth the gain.

The existence of nuclear power plants is always a hidden danger and must be solved as soon as possible. The other party absorbs nuclear fuel and nuclear radiation very quickly.

The amount of radiation from a nuclear bomb is unlikely to last long, and this behavior is like drinking poison to quench thirst.

Absorbing nuclear energy will only make the opponent stronger, but before using nuclear bombs to lure the opponent away, I want to test how powerful this guy is.

You can't just let the other side wreak havoc without even fighting. "

It's a pity that Guangshan City is located inland. If the giant beast is lured there, it will cause huge losses in the country, and we don't know what accidents will happen on the road.

Bai Sheng was a little hesitant. Luo Cheng was the number one master in the country. It would be a pity if he was lost here because of the battle with the giant beast.

The other party is the leader in cross-border trade. If Luo Cheng dies, there is no guarantee that the Blue Water Tribe will not fall out and completely invade the earth.

"Don't worry, Bai Ju. I have the means to save my life. Even if I can't defeat him, I won't die."

Bai Sheng nodded hesitantly and said, "Be sure to pay attention to safety." He also knew that he could not stop Luo Cheng.

Although he is the person in charge of Jiuding in a province, it is useless no matter how high his level is without strength.

"Bai Ju, don't let anyone get close to me. My weapons are dangerous."

Luo Cheng walked out of the conference room, came to the alloy box and took out the long sword.

The other hand holds a twice-purified black long knife.


(End of this chapter)

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