My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 154 Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 154 Nuclear Explosion
A layer of earth energy extends from the palm to the whole body. The assimilated earth energy is like a part of his body and can be used freely.

It seems that the little tree has some use in communicating with the earth's energy by staying in one place.

Luo Cheng held a radiation detector in his hand. It was not about how much harm the radiation would do to him, but to observe the situation of the giant beast.

In sight, a nuclear reactor generator set was destroyed, and the radiation value on the detector began to fluctuate, and soon returned to zero.

The gleaming nuclear reaction fuel dimmed in the blink of an eye and turned into a pile of waste, its energy completely absorbed.

The closer he was to the giant beast, the more powerful Luo Cheng could sense it.

Standing hundreds of meters tall, he has a huge intimidating effect just by standing still.

As Luo Cheng approaches, one can already feel the incredible energy contained in the giant beast's body.

Luo Cheng couldn't feel the breath or fluctuation of the law. This was pure energy without any impurities.

Sure enough, the world is full of wonders, and Luo Cheng has always thought that the orthodox cultivation method in the Wuming Realm is to transform into liquid and then comprehend the law.

Now there are those who do not understand the rules and rely solely on energy to fight the enemy.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the law is also a disguised use of energy. The energy of these giant beasts also has the possibility of obliterating the law.

As Luocheng approached, the giant beast, which was enjoying absorbing nuclear fuel, noticed Luocheng's arrival.

The huge eyes looked downward, looking at each other with Luo Cheng.

"Hey, big guy." The giant beast just glanced at Luocheng and turned around to continue looking for nuclear fuel, just like humans don't care about the ants under their feet.

No matter if he didn't notice, a large amount of mutation factors poured into the sword.

A bright light of decay suddenly appeared on the long sword.

Luo Cheng stepped out quickly and jumped up.

As if aware of the fluctuations of the decaying light, the giant beast suddenly turned around.

Luo Cheng quickly approached the giant beast with his long sword in hand, and the dark outer armor exuded a thick aura.

The decaying light of the sword bearer suddenly penetrated.

"Chi." The huge resistance almost made the sword fall out of Luo Cheng's hand.

But as the light of decay approaches, the hard outer armor immediately becomes weak and soft.

Luo Cheng held the hilt of the sword and pulled it down suddenly, and a huge wound appeared on his leg.

Immediately afterwards, a huge impact force erupted from the body of the giant beast, and Luo Cheng held the long sword and flew out in an instant.

The giant beast's body seemed to be a powder keg, and the instant explosion made Luo Cheng's hand holding the sword a little unsteady.

After rolling on the ground several times before he stopped, Luo Cheng looked at the giant beast.

Glowing blood flows from the puncture wound.

The light of decay kept corroding the flesh of the giant beast, but as the blood covered it, powerful energy burst out from it.

The trend of decline and decay stopped instantly, and the wounds healed quickly.

Luo Cheng roughly had an idea in his mind.

The other party used the energy created by the nuclear reaction in the body to completely eliminate the erosion of the body by the decaying light, and this energy also had a repair effect.

If you want to kill the giant beast, you can only slowly destroy all the energy in the opponent's body.

If the other party's body is undergoing a fusion reaction.

That is to destroy a little sun that is [-] meters high.

Luo Cheng's actions seemed to anger the giant beast, and his eyes instantly locked onto Luo Cheng, and then a purple light shot out from his sight.

The buildings along the way were instantly penetrated, and these giant beasts looked more and more like artificial creatures.

It can even shoot lasers, but now is not the time to think about that.

Luo Cheng moved quickly with his feet, constantly jumping on the ground, using the buildings on the ground to hide and avoid the opponent's sight.

At the same time, he quickly approached the giant beast and suddenly jumped up like a flea. The giant beast suddenly turned around and slapped it with its huge claws like a giant palm covering the sky.Amazing blue light waves flashed in the palm of the giant palm, emitting terrifying heat.


Luo Cheng was blown away instantly and disappeared from the horizon in the blink of an eye. He flew hundreds of meters before falling to the ground.

Luo Cheng spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the earth energy on his body was shattered with a palm.

The opponent's palm not only had huge power, but was also mixed with light and despairing heat.

If it weren't for the earth's protective body, even if Luo Cheng's body was filled with flexible alloys and rigid alloys, he would still be beaten to death, and these metal cells would be melted directly.

Seemingly shooing away a fly, the behemoth continues his search for food.

Luo Cheng sat there for a while before he recovered.

Originally, I wanted to cut a piece of meat from the giant beast and take it back for Xiaoshu to study.

It seems a little difficult now.

Luocheng quickly retreated and returned to the airport.

Bai Sheng felt relieved when he saw Luo Cheng returned safely.

"I'll be relieved if you come back safely." Bai Sheng had been watching Luo Cheng's actions before. When he saw Luo Cheng being slapped away, Bai Sheng was startled. Now he was relieved to see Luo Cheng come back safely.

Luo Chengdao: "Although he was a little injured, he also figured out some of the situation of the giant beast.

These giant beasts have not understood the power of the law, but nuclear reactions seem to be going on in their bodies all the time.

The light waves in my hand were mixed with a terrifying temperature. If I hadn't had the means to save my life, it would have almost melted by now.

The energy released by these nuclear reactions that are happening all the time can not only help the behemoth quickly recover from physical injuries, but can even erase the law. "

The opponent's blood can even erase the light of decay.

"If you want to destroy the other party, unless you consume all the energy in the other party's body, or have a way to directly turn the other party into nothingness, you may be able to kill the other party.

Or there are other methods that we don't know about, at least they haven't been researched yet. "

Bai Sheng nodded, recorded the information summarized by Luo Cheng and submitted it.

Luo Cheng returned to the transport plane directly, and Bai Sheng arranged for the driver to take Luo Cheng back to Guangshan City.

He couldn't help here, so he might as well go back and let Xiaoshu continue to assimilate. He still had two assimilations that were useless.

Moreover, the nuclear fuel requested from Lin Yaohua is expected to arrive soon.

They might not be in a hurry before, but they can't be in a hurry now. Creatures that can devour and absorb nuclear fuel have appeared.

I don’t know what more bizarre creatures will appear in the future.

As the transport plane departed, Bai Sheng also left with many experts and scholars, leaving only the giant beasts raging nearby.

At the same time, Bai Sheng reported the situation of Luo Cheng's testing.

Ten minutes later, in the coastal area, on a small island outside the coastline, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

The calm sea instantly stirred up huge waves.

The giant beast that was looking for food at the nuclear power plant instantly raised its head and looked into the distance, then disappeared into the sea in the blink of an eye.

This is a small island in the Pacific Ocean. The entire island has been razed to the ground due to nuclear bombs.

At the same time, information about the domestic launch of nuclear bombs spread throughout the world.

Countless satellites moved into nuclear blast range.

The observation satellites that had been observing the domestic giant beasts before also moved with the movement of the giant beasts.

In just over ten minutes, someone guessed the purpose of the nuclear bomb, to attract the giant beast.

Since these behemoths went straight to the nuclear power plant, they must have been attracted by the radiation. The radiation of nuclear bombs is greater, which can attract the attention of behemoths.

(End of this chapter)

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