My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 158 Enlightened City

Chapter 158 Enlightened City
Originally, Luo Cheng also planned to promote other domestic technology products and electrical appliances.

However, after seeing that there were still electric lights here and there was no sign of falling behind at all, Luo Cheng gave up the idea.

Maybe many technologies in the nameless world are more advanced than those on Earth.

At that time, it did not export much, but instead became a dumping ground for products from the unknown technology world.

"Luo Cheng, today is Kaiming City's annual small trade fair. Are you interested in going and seeing it?"

"Kaiming City? The name of a city."

"Well, this is the largest city in the vicinity for thousands of miles, and it is a city dominated by us humans.

The city lord is the most powerful being within a thousand miles. If you are interested, you can come with me to see it.

At this time of year, merchants from all over the country and people with treasures of all kinds will go to Kaiming City to trade or exchange for materials that are useful to them. "

This time Luo Cheng was really interested.

Luo Cheng followed Lan Kai out of the two-story building and walked toward the back of the island.

Before I even got close, I heard a high-pitched chirping sound.

A big bird with yellow feathers landed on a big tree and preened its feathers.

The big bird is more than ten meters tall and has a wingspan of almost 30 meters. It is absolutely huge.

Even bigger than many eight-armed behemoths.

"This is a golden-feathered beast. It flies very fast and smoothly. I bought it with a lot of money. It can be accelerated using the laws of wind."

These words made Luo Cheng know a little more about the Nameless World, but he immediately understood that the guy who accompanied Lan Kai across the border and called himself Grandpa Lan Kai said that among the giant beasts they raised, there were creatures that understood the law. .

It can be seen from this that understanding the law is not omnipotent, it only proves that you are out of the category of ordinary people.

If you meet a strong person, you may also be treated as a pet or sold to become someone else's pet.

In the blink of an eye, the golden feathered beast soared into the sky, and Luo Cheng and Lan Kai sat on the golden feathered beast's back.

Despite his extremely fast speed, Luo Cheng didn't feel any wind.

On the back of the golden feathered beast, a transparent shield blocked out all the wind.

Spacious and comfortable, this is the first feeling of Luocheng.

The scenery below quickly recedes. Standing at a high altitude, scanning the entire lake makes you feel how vast it is.

You can see groups of giant beasts raised in every area below, all kinds of giant beasts.

Within two hours, land appeared, and the land as far as the eye could see encircled the entire lake.

You can also see many Blue Water people living here by the lake.

Once you cross the living area of ​​the Blue Water people, you can see all kinds of people.

Luo Cheng also opened his eyes.

The golden feathered beast began to accelerate, like a light and shadow flashing across the sky.

Luo Cheng watched as the scenery on both sides began to distort.

When the big bird stopped, a towering giant city that stretched beyond sight appeared in Luo Cheng's sight.

Various flying giant beasts landed in the sky above the giant city. Luo Cheng glanced over and his eyes widened in an instant.

He actually saw several spaceships similar to space carriers slowly landing in a certain area.

As the giant beast landed, it was surrounded by various docked giant beasts.

"Flying is prohibited in Kaiming City. There are areas on all sides where flying behemoths can park."

Luo Cheng nodded and kept looking at the other side, where there were densely packed spaceship-like aircraft parked.

As expected, this trip was not in vain. The many difficulties that currently plague the earth's technological progress may be just childish for other civilizations.

At the very least, if the Earth wants to research these huge space carriers, I don’t know how long it will take.

Or you can find a way to buy one and use it as a means of transportation. This thing is more popular than a big snake.As long as it appears, it will instantly attract the attention of people around the world.

"How much does one of these spaceships cost?"

Lan Kai followed Luo Cheng's gaze and said, "These spaceships look good, but they are dead objects and are not worth spending a lot of money to buy.

Instead of buying these spaceships, I might as well buy a flying beast.

Flying behemoths can become stronger after being fed and trained, but these dead objects will only become more worn out with use, and may be scrapped over time.

But if you want to buy it, you have to come up with something of the corresponding level.

Even if these large spaceships do not have law weapons, they still need thousands of level four flesh and blood essences.

If you have a level [-] spiritual essence, you only need [-] pieces. But what I am talking about is the average value. There are better ones and of course there are worse ones.

As for aircraft equipped with law weapons, it depends on the above weapons and defense systems. "

The price is not expensive, nor is it expensive, nor is it cheap.

Lan Kai made a deal with Luo Cheng, exchanging an eight-armed beast for five third-level flesh and blood essences.

"How many third-level essences can be exchanged for one fourth-level essence?"

"The normal price is one to ten, but only low-level people will exchange it. But when it comes to high-level ones, such as level seven and above, many exchange ratios even reach one to fifty and no one is willing to exchange."

Luo Cheng nodded. The low-level ones didn't work for many strong people, so naturally no one wanted to change them.

In other words, if you want to change to a low-level space carrier, you will need [-] level three essences.

Luocheng can't bring out so much essence.

A purified third-level essence appeared in his hand, and Luo Cheng asked: "What level does this essence belong to?"

Lan Kai looked at it carefully and said: "This is already the best level three essence. I didn't expect you to have such pure essence."

Luo Chengdao: "I'm also lucky. Occasionally, one of these top quality ones appears, and I keep it for myself."

After clearing up the doubts in his mind, Luo Cheng gave up the idea of ​​purchasing the space carrier immediately.

Follow Lan Kai into Kaiming City.

He held a map of Kaiming City in his hand.

The entire Kaiming City is composed of 32 wide roads in the east, west, south and north.

In the middle is the city lord's palace.

There are many shops on both sides of the street.

“In addition to essence, law crystals are also the main currency used for transactions.

The stronger the power of the law, the higher the level. "

In Luo Cheng's hand, there appeared the law crystals taken from the cross-border businessman and the crystals taken from Huo Ling.

However, the fire laws in it have long been transformed into nutrients by the small tree, and now the essence in his hand is a transparent ball the size of a thumb.

"Look at what level of essence this is."

Lan Kai nodded and said: "I didn't expect that you have never been to the Nameless World, but there are a lot of things. It seems that there are many cross-border creatures in your world."

As he spoke, Lan Kai took out a law crystal and said: "This is the lowest level crystal, and it is a pure crystal.

People who understand the law can activate the crystallization of the law by inputting the power of the law into it, allowing people to understand more laws.

But people who have not understood the law cannot activate the crystallization of the law. "

Luo Cheng didn't expect such a statement.

"Doesn't this mean that the crystallization of the law is like useless to those who have not understood the law?"

"you can say it this way."

(End of this chapter)

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