Chapter 159

"You have to rely on yourself to understand the laws. Others can't help. However, many big forces also have their own methods. They spend huge costs to let the descendants of the family face the laws, so that they can understand more easily." Lan Kaidao.

Luo Cheng nodded and said: "It seems that your understanding of the law at the age of [-] is considered a genius among the Blue Water Tribe."

Lan Kai shook his head and said: "My qualifications can only be considered average, because we, the Blue Water Tribe, are naturally close to water.

We can live in water since we are born, so it is easier for us to understand the laws of water attributes.

This is also the reason why we only have tens of millions of people but can have a place in the nameless world.

The Nameless World has existed for countless years and has integrated countless worlds, but small groups disappear every few years.

Even large ethnic groups disappear every hundred years. This is a cruel world. Although there are abundant resources, there are also existential crises. "

"Thank you also for telling me so much knowledge. You brought me to Kaiming City and explained so many things to me for free.

Although these are not secrets, they are still valuable knowledge for those of us who have not yet integrated into the nameless world.

You must have something to say. There is a saying in my hometown: If you show courtesy for nothing, you will either commit adultery or steal.

You have helped me so much. If the matter is not big, I can agree. "

Lan Kai smiled and said: "As expected, I can't hide anything from you. We want to continue to expand our trade quota."

"Then expand it. There's no need to put in so much effort. Just tell us how many heads you plan to expand to."

Lan Kai shook his head.

"The essence of the third level actually plays a very small role in the beings who understand the law.

So we plan to improve the quality of trading creatures, and even trade with creatures that understand the law.

Of course, there won't be too many of these creatures. Even for us Blue Water Tribe people, the giant beasts that understand the law are a big asset.

After all, these raised giant beasts have not experienced the cruel survival of the fittest, but live a life of being raised by humans every day.

You don’t have to rush to agree, the small trade fair in Kaiming City will last for half a month.

You can think while walking around. "

Luo Cheng was not interested in so-called small trade fairs.

He is now considered poor in the Wuming World. Luo Cheng has not produced the second-purified essence, so he is probably at the fourth level at most.

Moreover, he had very little in his hands, and most of them were used for daily practice.

It is better not to look at something good than to look at it but have no money to buy it.

Moreover, he has the ability to decompose the tree of all things, and his need for many things is not strong.

“Tell me how you want to trade, I need to see if I can pull it off.

I have never extracted the flesh and blood essence of law creatures. "

Lan Kai said: "We can extract the essence of flesh and blood ourselves, and we want the essence without impurities that we traded before.

Whether it is flesh and blood essence or spiritual essence, even ordinary people who do not understand the rules can extract low-level flesh and blood essence, but there is no guarantee that it is free of impurities.

The more impurities, the lower the value. "

Luo Cheng thought thoughtfully, Xiaoshu always decomposes the material before extracting it.

Any impurities will be directly crushed into dust and then absorbed by the saplings, and what is extracted will be pure substances.

"If you, the Blue Water Tribe, can gain a foothold in the Nameless World, you should have masters who can extract the essence of flesh and blood and spiritual essence without impurities."

Speaking of this, Lan Kai's face was full of pride.

"Of course, but there is a huge gap in strength between them, and it is impossible for the masters of the Blue Water Tribe to waste their precious time extracting useless things.

No one is worth their time. "

Luo Cheng nodded, just as if there were some mutated creatures that were harmless or very harmful in Guangshan City, Luocheng District would not let them deal with them.Even the news would not reach Luo Cheng's ears.

"I need to experiment. If it fails, the losses will be borne by you."

"Okay, next time we trade, we will send you a giant beast that understands the law. Do we need to use some tricks?

Let the giant beast have no ability to resist. "

Luo Cheng chuckled and said, "No need. Of course, if you are as powerful as the armored beast, you can use some methods."

Lan Kai suddenly laughed.

"Don't be ridiculous, we can't raise that kind of guy. Even my grandfather would be slapped to death when he encountered an armored beast.

These guys will not die unless the energy in their bodies is completely consumed, and nuclear energy is the least easily consumed type of energy.

The armored beast's use of nuclear energy even exceeds that of many technologically powerful worlds.

There are also people in the world of science and technology who want to capture armored beasts for research, but they all failed in the end.

Because when they encounter force majeure, they will instantly detonate the nuclear energy in their bodies, just like the sun, instantly emitting violent light and heat, turning everything into nothingness.

Of course, there are powerful creatures that have captured armored beasts, but those existences are no longer ones we can understand. "

Luo Cheng didn't expect that the armored beast had a trick to kill them all together.

Just thinking about a hundred-meter-high behemoth suddenly exploding in the form of nuclear fusion will give you a chilling feeling.

However, if the small tree reaches a certain level, it should be able to solve the problem of the armored beast's self-destruction.

"We can provide a creature that understands the law. It is regarded as an early investment. You can trade it when you return this time."

Lan Kai took Luo Cheng for a stroll on the broad street.

There are many things in Luocheng that are just for fun.

While walking, I came to a technology mall.

Various space carriers and even various models of mechas are displayed on a large screen inside.

Maybe he could buy a mecha and go back to study it, but after looking at the price, Luo Cheng gave up.

Even cheap mechas equipped with legal weapons or nuclear weapons require hundreds of level four essences.

The fourth-level essence must be extracted from creatures that understand the law using ordinary extraction methods.

In fact, it is still an equal exchange.

It is also the product of the law and the product of the trading law, just like the cross-border businessman Luo Cheng encountered before.

It is impossible to exchange low-grade products for high-grade products.

Luo Cheng also understands why the other party keeps adopting this kind of transaction method, because this is the norm in the nameless world.

"There is no need to stay here. There are no bargaining chips. Rather than being greedy here, it is better to go back and practice hard."

Lan Kai smiled and said: "I can understand your emotions, because I often experience this kind of thing.

After all, you haven't integrated into the nameless world yet, and I'm just a hard-working farmer. "

Luo Cheng was right when he thought about it, no matter what, at least Lan Kai had thousands of giant beasts under his control, and there was also a huge tribe behind him.

These giant beasts are not the same as those farmed on earth. If an infectious disease occurs, the whole army will be wiped out and the whole family will be ruined.

These guys may look inconspicuous, but they actually have quite a lot of wealth. Luo Cheng has seen many people making a fortune from breeding in short videos.

The nameless world has a better environment than the earth, and its wealth will definitely be richer.

But since Lan Kai didn't say anything, Luo Cheng didn't bother to expose it.

(End of this chapter)

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