Chapter 166 Fate Roulette
A slavery order appeared in his hand and was put into his pocket by Luo Cheng before he walked out of the area covered by the roots of the small tree.

The towering trees were so densely packed that no edges could be seen, and Luo Cheng didn't notice any danger.

Maybe this is really a good base for cultivating talents.

Luo Cheng moved forward quickly, even starting to jump on the big trees. In just a moment, he had already rushed hundreds of kilometers away, and still couldn't see the edge of the forest.

Still no danger was sensed, but Luo Cheng had no intention of continuing.

Return to your original position and head in the other direction.

Luo Cheng thought that this place was the same as the previous direction, a forest, but after only advancing for more than 30 kilometers, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Do you believe in fate."

The voice was like the voice of an earthling, even somewhat familiar to Luo Cheng.

Instantly, he had a chilling feeling. He had no acquaintances in the nameless world.

Luo Cheng forced himself to calm down and looked around.

A figure wearing a brown cloak sat on a branch extending from the thick tree.

The other party sat quietly, but kept looking at Luo Cheng.

"Nuclear energy, earth energy, and metal particles are integrated into one. Without understanding the laws, it is stronger than many people who understand the laws. Yes, young man, do you believe in fate?"

Luo Cheng looked at the other party with a calm expression, but he was very uneasy inside. The other party could actually talk about earth energy and nuclear energy and knew that he had not understood the law.

"Who are you."

"Me?" The cloaked man looked at the sky and then at himself and said, "I am a person who wants to control my destiny. Do you believe in fate?"

Luo Cheng knew that there were people in the Nameless World who practiced the Law of Destiny, but there were too few of them.

The person in front of him didn't know whether it was true or not. At least the feeling he gave Luo Cheng was unfathomable.

"What is fate? What difference does it make whether I believe in fate or not? Even if I believe in it, will fate favor me?"

The cloaked man smiled, showing a hearty smile.

"Fate is fair and will not favor anyone, but fate is also unfair. It will favor certain people."

Luo Cheng thought for a while and roughly understood what the cloaked man said.

"The fairness of fate is random, and the unfairness of fate is also random."

The cloaked man smiled and said, "You have a good understanding. Let's play a game."

"Before we play the game, can I ask a question."

"For the sake of making me happy, yes."

"What kind of place is this? Why is there no life that understands the law?"

"You don't know where this place is but you show up here. Sure enough, you are also a person favored by fate.

I will give a chance to everyone who is favored by fate.

This is the Forest of Destiny. As for why there are no beings who understand the laws here.

Because I control the destiny here, no one can understand the laws in the Forest of Destiny. I hate these beings who have understood the laws because they are too noisy, and I like to think about problems quietly.

Can you understand what I say? "

"I understand, thank you for clarifying my doubts."

"My game is called Wheel of Fortune."

The moment the other party finished speaking, the surrounding forest seemed to change, flickering with light and shadow, like an illusion. Although Luo Cheng was still standing in the same place, it seemed that it was no longer a world.

In front of Luo Cheng, a huge roulette wheel appeared.

There are 24 grids on the roulette wheel, and there is a small ball above the grids. These grids are not written with one, two, three, four, five.Instead, it was written in words that Luo Cheng could understand.

There are fourteen ways to die in the 24 grids, including death by starvation, death by thirst, death by burning, death by hanging, etc. There are even many death methods that Luocheng has only heard of.

The remaining ten are leaving, leaving with the treasures, solving the doubts in the heart, staying here until death, advancing to a higher level in cultivation, ten pieces corresponding to various essences of oneself, being single until old age, no descendants, no relatives and friends, no family members. My pet gained thirty pounds.

What a mess, and what the hell is a pet that’s thirty pounds fatter?

"You should know the rules of the roulette game, but it's different here, because fate is fair, and fate is also unfair.

If you are the one favored by fate, then you can leave. If not, then I'm sorry.

You should recognize the words above. It seems that you are lucky, but there are fourteen kinds of death.

I have seen a person who was abandoned by fate. He also came to the Forest of Destiny. Unfortunately, he was not as lucky as you. There are 24 kinds of death in the wheel of fate, which is a certain death. "

Luo Cheng roughly understood the meaning of the so-called wheel of fortune. The words on the wheel appeared randomly. The fewer deaths meant that you were favored by fate.

A high number of deaths means being abandoned by fate.

"If you're ready, we'll start now."

Luo Cheng stared at the other party. This was different from the previous gamble with the cross-border businessman. Now it was a gamble of his life.

Luo Cheng has already prepared to start fighting if he chooses death.

"Let's get started. My luck has always been very good and I don't die easily. But I want to change places. I think the environment here will affect my luck."

The cloaked man suddenly smiled and said: "Yes, luck is also a part of fate. Yes, you can choose the place.

The Forest of Destiny is very big, and you can leave here no matter how far you want. "

Luo Cheng quickly shuttled through the forest, covering more than ten kilometers in the blink of an eye.

Looking towards the back, the cloaked man seemed to have not moved, still sitting on the big tree, but this place was already more than ten kilometers away from before.

The cloaked man smiled and said: "Don't think about throwing me away, I am the leader of the Forest of Destiny, and the fate of all life in the forest is under my control.

A thought can occur to me anywhere in the forest. "

Luo Cheng nodded and stopped when he entered the area covered by the roots of the small tree.

Obviously the cloaked man had boasted quite a bit before, but he still didn't notice that the appearance of roots around him didn't seem to belong to this world.

"I think this is my lucky enemy, right here."

"Okay, count down to three, two, and one, and the roulette game begins."

The small ball hovering in the air fell into the roulette wheel, and the roulette wheel spun rapidly.

The ball also changes position quickly as the roulette wheel rotates.

Seeing the rows of deaths made Luo Cheng frightened. This thing is really not for humans.

However, Luo Cheng could still forcibly calm down in front of the cloaked man, making himself look calm.

The ball streaked across various ways of death, and streaked across the bodies of friends who had died, who were alone, and so on.

Four eyes stared at the small balls one after another. The small balls finally stopped in the area that Luo Cheng least wanted to choose, the death area.

"Death by possession."

The cloaked man smiled and said: "Congratulations, your body can still survive, but your consciousness is likely to be extinct soon."

"For the sake of me dying, can you tell me who can wipe out my consciousness?"

"I don't know, it's a choice of fate."

(End of this chapter)

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