My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 167 Consciousness Invasion

Chapter 167 Consciousness Invasion
"Where is the consciousness that appeared?" Luo Cheng looked around, but there was no consciousness that appeared out of thin air.

He is not too worried about being invaded by the so-called consciousness. He still has the imprint of the God of Twilight in his mind. If he wants to invade his consciousness, he must first fight with the God of Twilight.

It would be best if the mark could be eliminated, which would eliminate a hidden danger for Luocheng.

The roots of the small tree are also here, just like clearing away the erosion of the God of Twilight, clearing away the abnormal erosion in the brain.

"Will you imprison me or put me into a coma? Will anyone survive after choosing death?"

The cloaked man seemed to smile and said: "Of course, the roulette wheel is a choice of fate, and staying alive is also a choice of fate.

Everything is fate, I will not take action. No matter what the outcome is, whether you are alive or not is the guidance of fate. "

Luo Cheng nodded and roughly understood that every grid on the roulette wheel was a law of destiny.

If you can bear it, it means fate favors you. If you can't resist it, it means fate hates you.

"Then let the death I choose come true and see if fate favors me or hates me."

In just an instant, a huge consciousness surrounded Luo Cheng's consciousness, penetrating into his brain like water.

Luo Cheng's consciousness was like a rock in the sea, hard and tenacious, but in an instant, memories that did not belong to him flooded into his mind.

Luo Cheng had never experienced this memory before, but it came out of thin air.

This memory explains the so-called death by possession.

The owner of memory believes that people live by memory, and powerful beings have already integrated memory and spirit instead of storing memory in the brain.

Because the brain and body will die, but the spirit can continue to exist after being strong enough to find a suitable body.

When the huge spirit finds a suitable body with a long memory, it begins to penetrate it.

When the infiltrated memory is like a sea, the person being infiltrated is like a drop of water.

His consciousness is filled with unfamiliar memories, but his own memory is squeezed into the most inconspicuous corner.

The owner of the body naturally changed its owner. After the unfamiliar memory took control of the body, it evaporated or annihilated the drop of water at a negligible cost.

The body is still alive, but it's a different person.

Luo Cheng imagined the God of Twilight in his mind. Almost instantly, a majestic figure appeared on the bright galaxy.

The stalwart figure gradually became clear from blur as Luo Cheng visualized it.

The transformation of the figure of the God of Twilight from blur to clarity is also an invasion of consciousness.

It's just that the invasion of the God of Twilight is more pure and unpredictable. It will appear whenever you think about it, and no memory can be accessed during the invasion.

There are only three consequences of being invaded by the God of Twilight: becoming a madman, becoming a fanatical believer, and becoming a clone with its own independent consciousness.

There may be others, but they are not what Luo Cheng can understand now, and his understanding of gods is still at the most superficial level.

The memories in Luo Cheng's mind began to increase, but the other party's spiritual power inevitably touched the God of Dusk standing above the starry sky on the way.

Even though it's just an image, a projection, I don't know how far away it is from the real God of Twilight.

But the strong mental power and huge memory are rapidly weakening and disappearing.

Luo Cheng even faintly heard the wails and angry roars from his soul in his mind.

The cloaked man watched with interest. He had already noticed a trace of dusk aura appearing on Luo Cheng's body.

"Haha, what an interesting creature. It seems that we still don't know who fate will favor in the end.

Is he a strong man who has been waiting for countless years to be possessed and reborn or a young strong man. "Although Luo Cheng has not understood the law, both earth energy and nuclear energy can obliterate the law, so he is considered a strong man in the eyes of the cloaked man.

The figure of the God of Twilight became increasingly clear, as if he was about to step out of the starry sky, and even Luo Cheng's consciousness became sluggish.

Because of his continuous visualization, the figure of the God of Twilight appeared faster and faster.

At the same time, more and more memories appeared in Luo Cheng's mind, which were intermittently incomplete.

The other party's memory intrusion has obviously been greatly damaged, and it cannot even form a complete logic.

Even if Luo Cheng's consciousness is lost, the other party will become a madman after completing the possession.

However, the consciousness and spirit of the intruder were very powerful. Even though a large part of them had weakened, Luo Cheng still felt that the other party's sea-like spirit was slowly permeating.

As the memory increases, some incomplete memories can be connected together through thinking.

The owner of the memory is named Cang Mo. He has been practicing for 3000 years and was killed in a war.

The rest are all bits and pieces, and only by seeing some clues can Luo Cheng sort them out.

Luo Cheng stopped imagining the God of Twilight, and the opponent's invasion slowed down instantly. The consciousness of the invasion quickly merged into Luo Cheng's mind after being corrupted by the God of Twilight.

When the thoughts in his brain began to become a little confusing, Luo Cheng's consciousness instantly transferred to Xiaoshu.

The God of Twilight is his first trump card to deal with the invasion of consciousness, and Xiaoshu is his second.

Because Luo Cheng's consciousness can be transferred to the Decomposition Tree, and the cloaked man, as an observer of fate, will not take action.

This also gave Luo Cheng an opportunity.

[Clear strange memories and strange mental power from consciousness]

All things in the Decomposition Tree include not only tangible substances, but also intangible substances.

Just as the Decomposing Tree of All Things could eliminate the invasion of him by the majestic figure, it could also eliminate the erosion and pollution of Luocheng's spirit by other foreign objects.

[Spiritual fluctuations outside the human body are detected and begin to decompose, whether to extract them into spiritual essence]

[Extraction] Luo Cheng didn't expect an unexpected surprise. This guy's spirit is absolutely powerful.

[Detect memory fluctuations outside the human body, whether to decompose and absorb them and convert them into nutrients]

【Convert into nutrients】

Luo Cheng couldn't help but smile. The powerful consciousness of the invasion not only provided him with spiritual essence, but also provided nutrients.

The chaotic and sluggish consciousness suddenly awakened and became extremely fast. The spirit became pure again, and even improved.

Luo Cheng's consciousness returned to his body. In his body, strange consciousness was still intruding, and it was still being weakened and decayed by the majestic figure.

As soon as Luo Cheng's consciousness shifted, a large number of memories began to appear in his mind, interfering with his thinking.

But some of these interferences were too weak. They could affect his thinking before because they lasted too long and the other party penetrated too much.

Luo Cheng's consciousness transfer eliminated these interferences, and Xiaoshu's decomposition of consciousness and spirit was completed in an instant.

The accumulated unfamiliar memories can't affect him yet.

A smile appeared on the cloaked man's face and he said: "What a surprising young man, he has quite a few cards.

The chaotic consciousness becomes clear and pure almost instantly. It seems that fate still favors you more. "

(End of this chapter)

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