My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 168 The person favored by fate

Chapter 168 The person favored by fate
[Absorb strange memories, gain nutrients and add one thousand]

[Absorb strange memories, gain nutrients and add one thousand]


A large amount of nutrients quickly passed through Luo Cheng's sight. He didn't expect that just invisible consciousness could provide so much nutrients.

Is this the foundation of a strong man who has practiced for 3000 years?

It no longer has a body, and even the remaining memory has been weakened by the light of decay. It can still provide so much nutrients, even more than the eight-armed beast that has understood the law.

The situation seems to be at a stalemate. Whenever there is confusion in thinking and there are too many invaded memories and spirits, Luo Cheng's consciousness will be transferred to the Decomposition Tree to eliminate them.

Angry and unwilling roars kept coming from the depths of his mind, but to Luo Cheng, these roars were more like incompetent barks.

The stalwart figure is an incomprehensible existence to Cang Mo, even though it is the spirit and memory he has accumulated over the past 3000 years.

But in front of God's vast time sedimentation, not even a drop of water in the ocean can be counted.

But he didn't expect that a small life form that didn't even understand the rules would have a trump card that made him helpless.

When a living body loses its body and only has its spirit and memory left, even if there were all kinds of methods during life, there is only one method now, which is the invasion of consciousness.

Even the gods only invaded by consciousness, rather than using other methods to seize Luo Cheng's body.

The shrill snarls and angry diatribes grew faster and weaker.

Cang Mo's spirit integrated into Luo Cheng's consciousness was extracted into spiritual essence by Xiaoshu. These essences will help him reach a higher realm in the future.

A large amount of memory was converted into a large amount of nutrients by the little tree, which facilitated the upgrade of the little tree.

Maybe the cloaked man was right, this was indeed fate's choice, and fate did favor him this time.

Luo Cheng didn't know how many times his consciousness had shifted. He only knew that the spirit and memory penetrating into his consciousness were getting weaker and weaker.

Angry growls turned into low whimpers.

These interferences can no longer cause trouble to Luocheng.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the cloaked man.

"It seems that fate has chosen me this time."

The cloaked man chuckled and said, "Yes, fate has indeed favored you this time.

Now you choose whether to continue the second wheel of destiny. I will give everyone who enters the forest of destiny three chances.

Whether you choose to give up or continue, you are one of the few people I have seen who is favored by fate.

Whether it is earth energy or nuclear energy, it is not something ordinary people can understand, especially before they understand the laws.

Maybe the second time, fate will give you a better choice, and you will get what you want. "

Luo Cheng didn't answer in a hurry.

"I need to think about it, and Cang Mo's spirit is still in a state of invasion. I need to consume his spirit completely."

The cloaked man did not continue speaking, but looked at Luo Cheng with interest.

He is full of interest in everyone who is favored by fate, and he will also pay attention to the final results of these people.

For thousands of years, the cloaked man has followed more than 100 people who walked out of the Forest of Destiny and were favored by fate.

After these people leave, they will basically rise rapidly within 100 years, reaching a height that is difficult for ordinary people to reach.

But most people will quietly become mediocre or die in battles in the remaining one or two hundred years.

Only a handful remain prominent.

This is why the Cloaked Man is interested in these people.Because he saw that fate will not always favor a person, without the blessing and preference of fate.

These people will soon fall or disappear, or become mediocre.

The cloaked man wanted to discover what a man who had always been favored by fate could achieve.

Or when there is no favor from fate, can anyone break the fate of mediocrity or death?

The cloaked man set a limit time for Destiny's favor, 800 years, because he paid attention to the people who left the Destiny Forest.

The strongest has returned to peace after rising for 800 years. There are no breakthroughs in cultivation, and there are almost no opportunities to go out.

In the eyes of the cloaked man, this kind of person is a person who has been abandoned by fate, but fate does not abandon him, but treats him as an irrelevant person.

Therefore, the other party did not die, but developed his own power like a normal person, experiencing a struggle for power and strength that has continued for countless years.

"I'm not willing to give in!!!!" Angry shouts roared in Luo Cheng's mind, and then disappeared into nothingness.

All the infiltrated spirit and memory disappeared, as if they did not exist.

Luo Cheng transferred his consciousness and eliminated the influence. The stalwart figure gradually became blurred from clear to finally disappeared, just like a tool man, without any fluctuation or reaction.

Just like the God of Twilight, who exists in many people's minds and has many clones, Luo Cheng is not worried that he will be noticed by others.

Because he is not very strong and has not even understood the rules yet, he may not even be considered an ant in the eyes of the other party, at most he is just an inconspicuous bacteria on the body.

All the abnormalities were eliminated. For the first time, Luo Cheng felt that his whole body was so transparent and comfortable, as if he had gotten rid of some kind of shackles.

Countless mutation factors in the Forest of Destiny quickly integrated into his body and were absorbed by the two whirlpools.

It only takes a few minutes, which is half a year less than the normal training in Shangluocheng.

Both vortexes became more condensed and larger.

He slowly opened his eyes, looking into the deep and meaningful eyes of the man in the cloak.

"You are one of the strangest people I have met in the Forest of Destiny in the past 1000 years. It seems that you have quite a secret.

But everyone has their own secrets, and each of these secrets is a choice of fate.

Now do you have the answer, go ahead and choose the second Wheel of Fortune or get out of here. "

Luo Cheng pondered for a while and said: "If I leave here, how should I come back? Everyone has three times, how can I have one more choice?"

"You are an interesting person. This is a destiny token that will disappear automatically after you play the destiny wheel three times.

You will naturally find the Forest of Destiny with the token. As for the fourth time, when the Destiny Token in your hand disappears, you will have three more opportunities when you enter the Forest of Destiny again. "

Luo Cheng took the token. It was a token between illusion and reality, with complex symbols drawn on it. But when Luo Cheng looked at the symbols, the word destiny naturally appeared in his mind.

“I had good luck today, I believed in my luck and chose the second Wheel of Fortune.

Let me see what choices fate will give me this time. "

Although Wheel of Fortune is different from the previous trading space, they are similar in nature.

It seems like a dead end, but every choice has a way to survive. It depends on whether you can find a way to survive.

The cloaked man laughed heartily.

“After countless years, I finally met the person who chose the Wheel of Destiny for the second time.

Let us wait and see. "

(End of this chapter)

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