My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 180 Chapter 1 79 The armored beast self-destructs

Chapter 180 1 Chapter 79 The armored beast self-destructs

"The captain of the Black Wolf Empire is nothing more than this, and the strong men at the stellar level are nothing more than this." Luo Cheng was unyielding when he had the upper hand, and his alloy battle ax instantly struck the opponent's mount Snow Wolf.

The three-in-one power caused Snow Wolf, who understood the law, to explode into a ball of powder in the blink of an eye, and countless laws in his body were instantly wiped out.

Snow Wolf did not regroup, but died completely.

The armored beast behind him pursued Luo Cheng and attacked crazily, with mushroom clouds coming one after another.

Ordinary soldiers, even if they are far away, will be shattered to pieces as long as they are slightly affected.

The Snow Wolf tribe captain's eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Luo Cheng.

He could kill his own mount with an axe. In the previous collision, he felt three kinds of power in Luo Cheng's power.

Not only does it have the power of law, but it also has the power of nuclear energy, which is the same as the armored beast, and there is also a kind of heavy power.

His own laws were almost exhausted when he broke through the thick layer of power.

Luo Cheng approached again in the blink of an eye: "It's not a good habit to lose focus during battle."

It's been a while since he had such a hearty battle.

Apparently this was a large group, or forward, acting alone.

Because Luo Cheng didn't see the second captain appear.

The alloy battle ax kept chopping, almost crushing the opponent.

The power of the law is offset by the opponent's law, the earth's energy offsets the remaining power of the law, and the nuclear energy quickly invades the opponent's body, destroying the law of the brand.


There was another fierce collision, and the alloy battle ax directly chopped off the opponent's head.

The opponent's reorganization speed was also slowing down, so Luo Cheng kicked the head of the armored beast.


A slap directly smashed his head into pieces.

The body that had just been half reorganized collapsed immediately, and the flesh and blood cells slowly squirmed. It was obvious that the iron-clad beast's hateful attack almost severely injured the opponent's captain.

The surroundings are filled with strong laws bearing the other party's imprint.

The armored beast rushed over quickly and fought with Luo Cheng again.

Each time the body was blown to pieces by a sudden explosion before it was completely reorganized.

In just about an hour, a stellar captain completely lost his ability to reorganize and died.

The remaining army had no soldiers who could resist Luo Cheng and the armored beasts, and what greeted them was death.

Every time there is an explosion, a group of soldiers will die. Luo Cheng has targeted these team captains who understand the law. Every time they attack, a team leader will die.

The death of the captain seemed to attract the other party's senior management, and a black line appeared again on the distant horizon.

The soil on the ground flew up, burying Luocheng in the blink of an eye, disappearing into the black plain, and he withdrew.

The armored beast lost its target and went completely crazy. Like a whack-a-mole, it kept attacking the Black Wolf Empire soldiers on the ground.

"Beast, if you dare to come to our Black Wolf Empire for massacre, today is the day you die."

An old man wearing a robe and riding a tall snow wolf appeared on the battlefield.

"Great Elder, the captain died in the battle."

"I know, and I'm going to make them pay."

The Great Elder stared at the armored beast. He had also heard of the armored beast, but he had never actually fought against it.

At this time, I sensed that the opponent's attack intensity was equivalent to the advanced star level, and I suddenly felt confident.

"It's unlucky for you to meet me. You will be buried here today." Most people in the Black Wolf Empire have understood the laws of earth, because the country is full of mountains and mountains, and understanding the laws of earth is more conducive to their actions.

Countless earth bulges formed two large hands, holding the armored beast in place. Strong earth laws enveloped the armored beast.

In the blink of an eye, dazzling blue light emanated from the armored beast's body.

Luo Cheng was already far away from the battlefield at this time. The patrol ship in the sky quickly descended, connected Luo Cheng to the patrol ship, and then flew up to high altitude.

Luo Cheng discovered the fusion area between the earth and the nameless world, which is in the atmosphere. Outside the atmosphere is the universe where the earth is located.

The interior of the atmosphere is a fusion zone. One step forward in the direction of the Black Wolf Empire, and the dark universe turns into a blue sky of unknown height.

In the sky, Luo Cheng sat inside the cruiser and controlled the spacecraft gradually to approach the battle area.

At this moment, "Boom." A violent explosion, accompanied by a huge mushroom cloud rising from the ground.

Not only was the ground vibrating crazily, but even the open space was vibrating. Even from a long distance away, the cruiser was shaken by the airflow.

Through the telescope and radar on the cruiser, Luo Cheng determined one thing: the armored beast had self-destructed.

There is a large pit with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters and a depth of hundreds of meters.

The huge Black Wolf Empire army was bitten, and suffered heavy losses before entering the earth area.

The great elder of the Snow Wolf tribe had just completed the reorganization, his face turned pale and his whole body felt weak.

The self-destruction of the armored beast is almost equivalent to the full-strength attack of a small galaxy-level expert.

Even many radioactive materials are still exploding when entering the body, causing new injuries.

Before the Great Elder, who had just recovered, could recover, a thick laser fell from the sky.

The great elder quickly raised his head and gnashed his teeth. The laser kept fraying as it approached the great elder. When the attack hit, it became only half a meter thick.

Because the speed of the laser is too fast, if it were slower, it would be completely assimilated into nothingness by the law.

Just when the great elder breathed a sigh of relief.

Thick streaks of blue light shot down densely like rain.

The great elder's face suddenly turned ugly. These lasers not only attacked him, but also attacked other ordinary warriors.

Even the team leader who understands the law will be severely injured in an instant.

The great elder was immediately angry. The wind roared on the earth, countless winds and sand formed a thick barrier in the sky, and the earth squirmed rapidly.

Lead the soldiers of the Snow Wolf Tribe to retreat quickly.

Luo Cheng did not continue to pursue. If the opponent freed his hands and knocked down the battleship, he would be the one to suffer.

In Cang Mo's memory, these primitive empires also had weapons to deal with warships, but they were rarer and more expensive to use.

Otherwise, any warship can show off its power in a primitive country. Wouldn't this world become a world of technological countries?

But the reality is that the nation of science and technology is not the strongest in the vast unknown world.

Most of the truly strong people come from stable primitive countries and have their own order and system.

But instead of developing technology, they put cultivation first.

The powerful primitive country even has flying law weapons or law airships that are similar to spaceships.

In just a few minutes, the huge army disappeared without a trace.

Luo Cheng landed slowly in his cruiser. There was still huge radiation in the air, and the ground was covered with debris left by the self-destruction of the armored beast.

The nuclear energy cyclone in Luocheng's body rotates rapidly, constantly absorbing the energy contained in these debris.

(End of this chapter)

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