My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 181 Level 7 Decomposition Tree

Chapter 181 The Seventh Level Decomposition Tree
In the deep pit that exuded a trace of heat, Luo Cheng sat cross-legged, running the nuclear energy cyclone in his body and absorbing the rich energy floating in the air.

The forward troops of the Black Wolf Empire on the border of Asia temporarily retreated.

It is not yet known when the attack will continue.

A voice sounded in my ear.

[The Decomposition Tree was upgraded successfully]

Luo Cheng got up, got on the patrol ship, flew high into the sky and disappeared.

It wasn't until the sky above the scrap station that the cruiser appeared and entered the underground base.

Luo Cheng's cell phone rang immediately.

"Hello Luo Cheng, I am Qin Wuwei."

"Commander Qin, I didn't expect to alarm you."

"Haha, with such a big movement, the whole world is alarmed. You alone led the armored beast into the fusion zone and eliminated the Black Wolf Empire's offensive troops.

This is what we should do, but you alone severely damaged their forward troops. "

"Haha, it's nothing. The armored beasts are hiding in the Pacific Ocean. Why not lure them out and let them collide with the Black Wolf Empire.

As long as the Black Wolf Empire's strength can be weakened, our casualties can be reduced.

I also did an experiment and it has been successful so far, but others are currently not qualified for the job. "

Qin Wuwei said: "You are right, the others can't even catch a palm from the armored beast.

The cruiser's attack also provided us with some useful data, and we are currently working hard to build the operating system.

I believe that the system we built will be generated before the automatic system of the spaceship disappears. "

"That's great, Commander Qin, how many people in the country have understood the law now."

During this period of time, Luocheng contributed a large number of eight-armed beasts, and there should be quite a few of them that were short of being transformed into liquid.

After the cyclone is transformed into liquid, the law can be understood through collision. Whether it can succeed or not is a matter of probability.

In the domestic situation, there must be some people who are lucky enough to collide with the rules.

“Currently there are more than ten, all of whom are preliminary understandings and have just stepped into the First Star.

This is also thanks to your eight-armed beast's flesh and blood. With this flesh and blood, we can cultivate more liquid-forming warriors.

The number of people who understand the law will also increase rapidly. The only shortcoming at present is that there are too few people who have condensed the spiritual cyclone.

After all, we know that spiritual cyclones last only too short a time. "

Luo Cheng knew in his heart that spiritual cultivation was indeed a slow process. If there was no spiritual essence, he could only endure it slowly.

But others don't have small trees, so it's equally difficult to extract the spiritual essence.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Cheng began to check Xiaoshu's situation after the upgrade.

【Decompose the Tree of Everything】

Root coverage range: 160 kilometers

Ability: [Decomposition] [Extraction] [Evolution] [Assimilation] [Purification] [Purification] [Slavery Order] [Second Purification] [Intelligent clone (intelligent clones can be separated based on data, and the humanoid body can control intelligent clones based on thoughts, At present, ten intelligent clones can be obtained by decomposing the Tree of All Things)]

Nutrients: 850 three [Absorb sunlight, rain and dew, decompose and absorb all things to obtain nutrients, extract, evolve, purify and consume nutrients simultaneously]

[Decomposition ability: level seven]

Mode: [Smart Mode]

Luo Cheng looked at the light screen and clicked on the smart clone's page and fell into deep thought.

Based on the data, intelligent clones were separated. Deep underground, countless roots began to extend, completely covering a cruiser in the blink of an eye.

[If unfamiliar data is detected, whether to absorb and convert it into a smart clone]

Luo Cheng roughly understood the so-called intelligent clone, which was like the control system of a spaceship, only more humane and more closely connected with Luo Cheng.

[Absorption and transformation of intelligent clones]

In front of Luo Cheng's eyes, countless complex data flashed, the patrol ship also became flickering, and various data were constantly refreshed on various large screens.More than ten minutes passed before a familiar voice sounded in the empty cockpit.

[The transformation of the intelligent clone of the Decomposition Tree of All Things is completed, please name the human form]

Luo Cheng was a little worried before. When the time came, these warships would become scrap metal. Before the country could study it, Xiaoshu had already solved it for him.

With the system, as long as there are raw materials, Luocheng can manufacture these spaceships and fighter jets.

Luo Cheng could even understand everything about the cruiser by changing his perspective, as if it were a part of his body that he could control at will.

In this way, wouldn't he be able to easily control a fleet of ten battleships?

Even Luo Cheng can command through thoughts without entering the battleship.

This feeling is more convenient than sitting in a battleship and commanding, directly turning a large airship into an existence like a drone.

[Named No. [-]]

[The intelligent clone has been recorded, and the human form is named Zero Zero One]

[Performing the first assimilation at level seven]

[It is detected that the human form has understood the law, whether to proceed with the four-in-one assimilation of the law, mental cyclone, mutation factor cyclone, and body]

This time, it gave Luo Cheng an unexpected surprise. The laws could actually be assimilated.

But that's right, the understanding of the law is not complicated. After transforming into liquid, you can understand the law with a little accumulation.

The little tree even absorbed and transformed the lives of several creatures that understood the law.

The structure of the rules should have been analyzed a long time ago, but the previous level was low and this function had not been activated yet.

[Perform four-in-one assimilation]

Luo Cheng sat cross-legged, with countless tiny roots draped over his body like a net, covering every corner of his body.

In just a moment, countless insights into the laws of the earth system flashed through his mind.

The seven law planets continue to grow and grow, and the six planets surrounding the middle planet are constantly rotating.

A torrent composed of countless laws rushed into the body and merged into the seven planets.

Especially the planet in the middle, as the six surrounding stars rotate, it grows rapidly.

It has more than doubled in size in the blink of an eye.

Countless mutation factors and spirits rushed into the two cyclones, strengthening the two cyclones.

The originally thin cyclone became thicker in an instant after being replenished by the small trees, and gradually solidified, and rotated faster.

The two cyclones gradually formed from the original liquid state into a new solid state. This solid cyclone seemed to be composed of countless large particles.

Looking closely at these particles, they look like planets rotating at high speed.

A cyclone is like a galaxy. It looks solid as a whole, but it is actually made up of countless small planets rotating.

Countless energy was integrated into Luo Cheng's body, improving his quality.

The six rotating law planets have expanded to the limit, and the only planet surrounded in the middle began to expand rapidly.

It expanded nearly thirty times before stopping completely, and it gave off a faint luster.

This is a sign that he is about to enter the stellar level.

When the law planet surrounded in the middle expands to a hundred times the size of the normal law planet and absorbs all the six planets surrounding it, Luo Cheng will officially enter the star level.

It has already expanded less than thirty times, and is only growing more than twice.

Luo Cheng opened his eyes and felt his completely different body, with the torrent of laws constantly passing through and marking his body.

The coverage range directly expanded from 500 meters to 700 meters.

Luo Cheng stood up and moved his body, planning to directly attack the stellar realm today.

Now that the right time, right place and right people are available, if the stamina is insufficient, there are still two assimilations available.

(End of this chapter)

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