My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 186 Chapter 185 Strong Enemy

Chapter 186 Chapter 180 Five Strong Enemies

The captain of the Black Wolf Empire in front of him had obviously practiced some kind of skill that could integrate all the spirits of the tens of thousands of people in the entire brigade into a whole.

This approach has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it can greatly enhance one's own strength and raise one's upper limit.

The disadvantage is that there are too many people to take care of and the coverage is too wide.

The Wolf Cavalry's pale face gradually turned red, and he glanced at the cruiser, which looked like a black dot in the sky.

His hands immediately made the motion of drawing a bow and shooting an arrow.

The spirit and law fluctuated violently in the void, and a long bow that looked like a substance emerged as the bow-drawing action progressed.

Immediately afterwards, a hundred-meter-long arrow composed of wind-sand mixed with soil appeared quickly, with blazing fires burning on the long arrow. These fires were not red but earth-colored, exuding strong law fluctuations.

Luo Cheng's expression suddenly changed. The two cruisers quickly took off, the power of the fusion reactor was turned to the maximum, and a thick energy shield emerged.

In just an instant, the cruiser had risen into the atmosphere.

At this moment, a stream of light shot straight from the ground into the sky, like an earth-colored light pillar, connecting the sky and the earth.

The thick clouds and atmosphere spread instantly, revealing the scenery of outer space directly in the clear sky and daylight.

The moment the [-]-meter arrow disappeared, it had already penetrated one of the cruisers. The huge hole was clear from the front and back, and the cruiser fell crookedly downwards, heading straight to the area where the small tree was.

If it was the temporary system of the previous Glorious Empire, it is estimated that the cruiser disintegrated directly in the sky.

But now after being reorganized by Xiaoshu, all aspects have been strengthened and improved, and the system has also been replaced by Xiaoshu's intelligent clone.

Almost instinctively, the cruiser quickly returned to the area where Xiaoshu was after being severely damaged.

With the saplings around, the cruiser can be disassembled, extracted, and reorganized to build a new cruiser.

The coverage area of ​​the small tree is now 160 kilometers.

A large part has already penetrated into the unknown world through the two windows of Guangshan City, absorbing various ores underground.

Perhaps Luocheng was unable to repair or build the battleships of the Nameless World before because there were no corresponding metal minerals.

But now, as Xiaoshu explored and searched the two windows, he discovered many unknown minerals, which could make up for the lack of raw material minerals on the Glorious Empire battleship.

The hundred-meter-long arrow burning with earth-colored flames penetrated the cruiser and entered space, exploding instantly, and a huge wave enveloped tens of thousands of miles.

Countless observation satellites, communication satellites, and starlinks were smashed into powder by the fluctuations, turning into grains of sand, floating in space.

This was the first time Luo Cheng saw the primitive empire's method of dealing with the technological empire, and it was indeed sharp.

Another loud horn sounded.

In the distance, three huge triangular phalanxes advanced rapidly as if they were teleporting. One of the phalanxes even jumped out of the way quickly, like a breeze, and arrived in front of Luo City in the blink of an eye.

Stand side by side with the first front line.

Luo Cheng did not feel the weight of the laws of the earth element in this square formation team, but the lightness of the wind. This team was obviously a team that understood the laws of the wind system, not the conventional earth system.

"Who are you? You dare to block the progress of our Black Wolf Empire by yourself." shouted the captain who was exuding the law of wind.

Luo Cheng laughed loudly: "What a joke, my hometown is behind me, how could I allow you to enter at will.

If you want to invade, defeat me first. "

Luo Cheng also became serious. It was obvious that the captains and brigades he met before were all parallel imports, and these four brigades were the real elite.

The tens of thousands of people in each phalanx are almost integrated into one body, whether in spirit or law, they are all integrated.

Luo Cheng didn't know what secret technique the other party practiced, but this secret technique was obviously very strong.

If it can be plundered and promoted in the domestic military, it will definitely quickly improve domestic strength.

When the time comes, you will have the means to fight against powerful enemies.The battle between Luocheng and the enemy attracted the attention of high-level officials around the world. In particular, the image of the Wolf Cavalry brigade shooting an arrow into space, causing the cruiser to fall and turning satellites thousands of miles into dust, was deeply imprinted in the eyes of many people. and heart.

At this time, many senior leaders of small and weak countries began to waver in their hearts, wondering whether they could surrender and strive for the greatest interests for themselves.

If Luo Cheng knew what these people were thinking, he would just say naive.

The Black Wolf Empire is a typical law of the jungle, where the strong dominate the weak, and the weak are not qualified to command the strong.

Maybe after the top leaders of a small country surrendered, there was no elite soldier with a high status.

In the command center of the domestic headquarters, many senior officials looked at the four huge square formations on the screen with solemn faces.

Two were still advancing quickly, and two were already confronting Luo Cheng.

"Commander Qin, do we need support?"

"Yes, Luocheng cannot be defeated, he is our last trump card.

If Luocheng is defeated, the Black Wolf Empire can march straight in, quickly capture most of the territory, and kidnap a large number of people.

This time it’s America, next time it might be us.

The notice continues, lock the two phalanxes of 51 people in the rear, launch our newly developed No. [-] nuclear missile, and prepare the launch silo at the same time.

Aim at the two phalanxes ahead, ready to launch high-yield nuclear bombs at any time. "


Giant missile vehicles loaded with huge No. 51 missiles drove out from the hidden underground base and locked the battlefield area through satellites for the first time.


Huge missiles rushed into the clouds and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Several nuclear bomb silos are also slowly opening, and powerful nuclear bombs are beginning to be filled in, ready to be ready at any time.

But in the blink of an eye, two other phalanxes of ten thousand people appeared in front of Luocheng.

The four phalanxes of ten thousand people were like four huge arrows, each one hundred meters apart, as if they could pierce the heart of Luocheng at any time.

"Array formation."

The phalanx that understood the laws of the wind system and the phalanx that understood the laws of the earth system quickly approached each other, and merged into a huge phalanx in the blink of an eye.

The two wolf cavalrymen bent their bows and arrows at the same time, aiming directly at Luocheng.

The light wind mixed with the heavy soil quickly formed a large bow, and then a huge arrow quickly formed, with green and earth-colored flames burning on it.

Luo Cheng instantly felt the huge threat, kicked his feet to the ground, and quickly retreated.

Thick earth energy gathered on the surface of the body, forming a thick barrier.


The breeze blows, cutting through the thick earth energy like a sharp blade.

The arrow flew directly into the sky after grazing Luo Cheng's side, and several black spots were clearly visible in the sky.

The arrow flew to a high altitude and disintegrated instantly, turning into countless small green earth-colored arrows, carrying a violent sandstorm and sweeping towards the high altitude.


Huge explosions followed one after another, as if there were countless more suns in the sky.

Luo Cheng suddenly understood that this was because the country saw him at a disadvantage and sent nuclear bombs to support him.

(End of this chapter)

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