My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 187 Building a Cruiser

Chapter 187 Building a Cruiser
A huge earth arrow was aimed at Luocheng. This was an extreme compression of the earth law, with earth-colored flames burning on it.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Luo Cheng.

His hands were instantly filled with a heavy aura and he grasped forward suddenly.

Strong power was transferred from the arrow to Luo Cheng's hands, leading him to retreat quickly.

The soil underfoot surged to both sides.

The nuclear energy cyclone quickly circulates in the body and gathers on the hands.

The power of earth energy and nuclear energy began to combine, constantly eroding the power of law on the arrows.

At the same time, the earth-colored flames burned blazingly, offsetting the law flames on the arrows.

The body kept retreating, and a steady stream of power quickly surged out from all parts of the body, offsetting the impact of the arrows.

Luo Cheng noticed that his strength continued to grow under the pressure of arrows.

The power that had not been fully absorbed through assimilation many times before turned into potential that had been hidden in his body.

Now forced by the arrows, they are released in large quantities instantly.

Luo Cheng felt relieved. It seemed that he had looked down on himself before.

The power of assimilation is stronger than imagined.

The arrow pushed Luo Cheng back for thousands of meters before gradually dissipating.

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "It seems that I think highly of you. The sharp arrow array looks majestic, but its actual strength is mediocre."

In the satellite, Qin Wuwei, who had been observing the situation in Luocheng, breathed a sigh of relief and was pleasantly surprised by Luocheng's strength.

With such a strong person, the country is at least safe for now.

Luo Cheng exerted force under his feet, his speed increased to the limit, and nuclear energy exploded under his feet.

With each step, a huge pit disappeared in place, as if teleporting.

"Front Arrow Formation Points."

The two square formations of wind and earth that merged into one quickly separated.

The captain of the wind phalanx quickly bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot out a huge arrow. As soon as it flew out, it turned into countless wind arrows, blocking all the routes forward in Luo City.

The other three phalanxes were also rapidly changing their positions, and a phalanx of ten thousand people stared at possible missiles in the sky.

The other two phalanxes bent their bows and aimed arrows at Luocheng, ready to take action at any time.

The only patrol ship in the sky was constantly cruising in the sky, looking for possible bombardment opportunities.

In the scrap yard, the small tree swayed gently.

In an instant, Luo Cheng changed his perspective and gave Xiaoshu new orders.

The information of the cruiser has long been recorded by Xiaoshu, and now as long as the materials are complete, it can be manufactured in large quantities.

In an instant, countless roots grew rapidly, like a large net, reaching into the unknown world through the two windows and drilling deep into the ground.

The land of the nameless world is thicker than the earth.

Even if it is tens of thousands of meters underground, it is still a normal soil layer, containing a large amount of various metal minerals and various strange creatures.

[The minerals that make up the cruiser are detected, the fusion alloy begins to be absorbed, and the cruiser is extracted]

In the underground base of the scrap station, countless roots are spread all over the ground, and the underground base is also expanding crazily.

Numerous mechas and aerospace planes were quickly absorbed and converted into metal for making cruisers.

In just over an hour, the outlines of six cruisers had already appeared.

In the middle of America, Luo Cheng moved quickly, and the three powers merged together in his fists.

A punch hit the barrier of the wind element formation.

The nuclear energy compressed to the extreme burst out suddenly, and the fire of the earth law burned fiercely, trying to burn through the law barrier built by the opponent.

A sharp arrow pierced the air and flew over quickly.

Luo Cheng turned around and punched him. The earth law arrow was smashed into dust and drifted in the wind.

Luo Cheng kept changing his position, moving between the four square formations, his fists shining with thick luster, blue light and earth-colored light.

The three kinds of rays of light reflected each other, and the barrier of the phalanx shook with every punch.

Luo Cheng's strength has been brought to its extreme, forming a stalemate with the four square formations.

At this time, black lines streaked across the sky, and a total of eight patrol ships appeared over the battlefield.The main cannon emits a dazzling blue light, and thick energy pillars fall from the sky one after another.

The expressions of the four captains suddenly changed.

"There are reinforcements, eight Glorious Empire cruisers."

"Kill them down, and the three of us will be responsible for containing them."

The wind element phalanx moves quickly to avoid the attack of the light beam, while bending the bow and setting an arrow.

Luo Cheng said with a smile: "If I want to escape, if I want to be beautiful, I'll take advantage of you."

The body is like an afterimage, moving quickly.

Each of the cruisers in the sky began to poke out the second and third main guns and began to charge.

The huge energy of the nuclear fusion reactor was almost drained.

Most areas of the cruiser were shut down due to insufficient energy.

24 beams of light quickly fell from the sky, hitting the wind element formation at lightning speed.

The leading captain suddenly turned pale, and hundreds of squad captains all spurted blood.

The thick wind barrier only lasted for two seconds before completely collapsing.

The beam of light penetrated instantly, and the fire of the explosion spread, completely covering the group of ten thousand people in the blink of an eye.

Luo Cheng quickly retreated, but his eyes were fixed on the leading captain.


Only then did the explosion reach our ears, and howling winds swept across the land.

A thick layer was chipped away from the entire ground.

The wind element phalanx of ten thousand people was directly crippled by this blow.

Taking advantage of the chaos, a patrol ship quickly descended and picked up Luo Cheng.

Luo Chengduan sat in the hall, feeling relieved.

In the past, they used more to defeat the few, but now the situation is reversed, and it is me who used more to defeat the few.

The smoke and dust dissipated below, and eight cruisers continued to cruise in the atmosphere, revealing a phalanx of three thousand people and a disabled wind phalanx.

The three earth element phalanxes bent their bows and set arrows at the same time.

Luo Cheng quickly shifted his perspective to the intelligent clone. The eight patrol ships were like his own arms.

At the same time, he moved quickly and kept changing directions.

Each muzzle began to charge and load ammunition.

Countless magic-killers aimed at the three phalanxes below, as well as the crippled wind phalanx.

Continuous explosions sounded in the center of America, and spell-killing bombs fell like raindrops on the phalanx below.

Although the phalanx greatly enhanced the captain's strength, it also limited his movement speed.

From a tiny target to a behemoth, this is a typical target.

The thick barrier trembled constantly, from being motionless like a mountain at first to trembling at the back.

Ordinary wolf cavalry have their limits, and they continue to bombard with intensive extermination attacks.

The three major arrow arrays were soon filled with cracks and completely dissipated.

"Scatter and break through."

Countless wolf cavalry were running wildly in all directions.

The small cannon on the cruiser fired continuously, and the ordinary wolf cavalry below died in pieces.

At the same time, all main guns were locked on the four captains, especially the captain of the wind law.

The shelling before this man passed by had reached its limit.

A laser shot fell from the sky, and the opponent had no time to dodge, and was instantly blown into dust.

When the other party was halfway through reorganization, an alloy box fell from the sky and directly imprisoned the reorganized body.

(End of this chapter)

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