Chapter 188 Surprised
Underground at the scrapyard, Xiaoshu is still making a steady stream of cruisers.

But there are no more places for intelligent clones, and the data absorbed by Xiaoshu after decomposing the cruiser and space carrier can only be used to reorganize the new automatic system.

Luo Cheng controlled the cruiser to carry out targeted elimination of many elites of the Black Wolf Empire underground.

Even the team leader who understands the law cannot withstand the bombardment of a few spell-killing bullets, and the mark of the law will be completely wiped out and he will die.

The four half-broken phalanxes completely dispersed and fled in all directions. The Black Wolf Empire's request for help signals continued to blast in the sky.


Another laser blast shattered a captain into pieces, and at the moment when he was reorganized, he was imprisoned in a gold box.

The same scene keeps happening, and some powerful planet-level experts will also attract Luo Cheng's interest and be imprisoned.

The eight cruisers are equipped with a large number of temporary prisons, enough for Luocheng to store enough nutrients.

Deep in the Fusion Zone, the area ruled by the White Wolf Tribe in the territory of the Black Wolf Empire.

The great elder sat cross-legged quietly in a spacious stone room.

A wolf cavalry quickly walked into the stone house and said: "Great Elder, in case of emergency, the reconnaissance team saw the help signals from the four major phalanxes.

Do we want support? "

The four major phalanxes are the real elites and trump cards of the White Wolf tribe, except for the great elder, who is a small galaxy-level powerhouse.

What remains are the four major phalanxes, each member of which is carefully selected.

The great elder glanced at the cavalryman who sent the message and said, "Is support still useful now?

Since a call for help signal is used, it means that it is a critical moment of life and death.

Counting the initial call for help, we have six captains who have encountered powerful enemies.

This invasion was simply a failed plan. We never investigated the other party before, so we have suffered heavy losses today.

You must know that the White Wolf tribe only has thirteen brigades in total, but this time it sent ten brigades.

Now that six brigades have sent out signals for help, the remaining four may be in danger. Whether the remaining three tribes can defend our own territory is another matter.

The other tribes in the Black Wolf Empire will not watch the declining White Wolf tribe continue to control many resources.

We have suffered heavy losses this time. Send a retreat signal and capture as many slaves as you can.

People can come back as much as they want. The great elder of the Snow Wolf Tribe was injured by Iron Armor Black because he personally took action. He couldn't recover within two years.

Learning from the past, I cannot take it easy. The White Wolf tribe itself is sick and has suffered heavy losses. I can still ensure the integrity of the tribe if I am intact.

If I fold inside, the destruction of the White Wolf tribe is not far away.

Even if there is no attack on the tribe, those small tribes can easily divide the White Wolf tribe. "

The knight who delivered the order said: "Great Elder, how do you explain this to the king?"

"I will tell you personally then."

The twelve major tribes have long accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction with Wolf King Khante, but Wolf King Khante is too strong. Real constellation-level powerhouses will basically crush them at the small galaxy level.

The entire Black Wolf Empire is actually under the high-pressure rule of Wolf King Hante.

Huge fireworks rose from the sky above the White Wolf tribe, and then fireworks exploded all the way to the fusion area.

Many wolf cavalry who penetrated from the north and south defense lines saw the signal and retreated quickly, some even taking a large number of slaves with them.

Luo Cheng drove the cruiser and watched all this from high in the sky.

The two air carriers quickly returned to join the cruiser, and this sudden battle was over.

The coalition forces composed of the two continents, the North and the South, suffered heavy losses in this battle, especially the countries close to the integration area.

Many cities suffered tribute from Wolf Cavalry squads, and a large number of civilians were kidnapped.

Luo Cheng controlled ten airships and returned to the scrap station, and many airships entered the underground space one after another.Countless gold boxes were taken out of the cruiser by Xiaoshu and sank into the ground.

Luo Cheng's eyes began to refresh nutrients again.

The phone rings.

"Commander Qin, do you have any instructions?"

"Luocheng, the invasion of the Black Wolf Empire is over. Although the American Allied Forces suffered a lot of losses, they were not injured because your timely appearance reduced their losses a lot.

Even without you, they wouldn't be able to withstand the phalanx of four thousand people that appeared.

Leaders from two continents would like to thank you personally in a video. "

Luo Cheng shook his head and said: "Commander Qin should know that I am not interested in this, you can just take my place. The Black Wolf Empire is composed of twelve large tribes.

The White Wolf tribe that invaded this time is only the weaker tribe among them, and it is the closest to us.

If the Black Wolf Empire fails this time, it will definitely continue to send stronger tribes to pay tribute.

Even if two tribes unite, as long as the Wolf King Han Te does not give up, these tribes will not stop paying tribute.

The truly difficult moment has not yet come, and now is not the time to be happy. "

Luo Cheng's words poured cold water on people, allowing them to calm down from their excitement.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Cheng took out a dice, which was the fate dice obtained from the Wheel of Fortune.

Danger, safety, survival, desperate situation, change, opportunity.

Each of the six sides represents a different destiny.

Luo Cheng took out the cross-border businessman's token again.

Luo Cheng had no good things in his hands before, and even if he entered the trading space, he couldn't gamble on real good things.

Luocheng now has no shortage of valuable things in his hands.

Whether it is the crystallization of laws, or the essence of flesh and blood and spiritual essence.

A trace of mutation factor was input into the token, and the location of the cross-border merchant suddenly appeared in his mind.

The other party obviously learned wisely after being intercepted by Luo Cheng last time and stayed away from the country. Instead, he stayed in western Asia, close to the integration zone.

Luo Cheng got on the cruiser and started heading towards the fusion zone in Asia.

Half an hour later, Luo Cheng was walking in a park in a small city.

In a shadow of the park, a sculpture-like figure wearing a straw hat stands, as if performing performance art.

This small town is not far from the fusion zone. Most of the people have moved away, and the remaining ones who have not moved are looking for various ways to get out of here.

"We meet again."

The straw hat man's downcast eyes swept over Luocheng for the first time, and he felt as sick as if he had eaten a fly.

The straw hat man was 90.00% sure that the robber last time was Luo Cheng, but there was no evidence, and over the years he had already developed a calm mind.

Luo Cheng smiled and said, "I want to make a deal with you."

The straw hat man looked up at Luo Cheng: "Please tell me your request."

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "Weapons or warships that can severely damage or even kill strong people at the level of a small galaxy will do.

Don’t worry about the chips, I have money now.If it's not enough, you can continue to get more. "

The cross-border businessman was really surprised this time. It had only been a long time since the last transaction with Luo Cheng. "

(End of this chapter)

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