My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 190 Public Opinion War

Chapter 190 Public Opinion War

There are very few residents in the border city in western Asia, although it has not been attacked.

But those who had some conditions found a way to move away.

In the dark corner, three cloaked figures appeared in the shadows.

At this moment, a homeless man wandered into the corner and planned to solve the urgent problem.

When he looked up, he saw three pairs of eyes looking at him.

The homeless man looked a little embarrassed and said, "You guys were here first, you guys deal with it first, I'll move to another place."

The first person smiled and said: "No, I have something to ask you. If your answer satisfies me, I can find you a nice place to live. It will definitely be much better than the wandering you are now."

The homeless man was stunned for a moment and said, "What's going on? I don't know much about it."

"Do you know Luo Cheng?"

"Who doesn't know him? He is on all the major video platforms in modern times. Without him, our earth might have been occupied by others."

A shadow appeared at the tramp's feet, and then swallowed him up.

One closes one's eyes, and after a moment many fragments of the homeless man's memories come to mind.

“Perhaps we can disrupt the minds of people on Earth through the so-called Internet.

In the earth's propaganda of our Black Wolf Empire, the words primitive, cruel, and slave appear.

But people on earth have never been to the Black Wolf Empire, and there are many fools with little experience in life who believe it to be the truth after seeing some videos on the Internet. We can start from this aspect. "

The cloaked man's name is Luo Fei, the captain of the Shadow Tribe and a star-level powerhouse.

He is just one of many teams sent by the Shadow Tribe.

Their mission this time, in addition to exploring the reality of the earth, is to disrupt the atmosphere of unity within the earth.

Since the high-level people on earth promote the primitive brutality of their Black Wolf Empire, no one has actually been to the Black Wolf Empire.

People are blind.

Within a few days, videos about the Black Wolf Empire appeared on the Internet.

A foreign blogger made a public video and said: "Brothers, I am in the Black Wolf Empire now.

It's not as cruel as the news says, and it's very friendly.

If your life on earth is not satisfactory, you can come here and start over in a world where no one knows you. "

Soon another blogger No.2 posted a video.

Neatly organized tribes, pristine scenery, smiling people from the Black Wolf Empire, and a tribe full of laughter.

A huge bonfire shows the hospitality of the tribal people.

Beauties of all ethnic groups sang and danced, boldly showing off their figures and dances.

It seems that everything is different from what the higher-ups on earth advertise.

Then blogger No.3 posted a video.

"As long as you come to the Black Wolf Empire, you can receive free training techniques and resources. After you get started, you can get your own mount, a cute little wolf.

You can practice while growing up with Little Wolf.

When the little wolf grows up, you will be a wolf cavalry, fighting side by side with your companions. "

The picture shows the interaction between humans and small animals, which looks warm and full of love.

Luo Cheng also saw the video, not to mention the surprise in his heart, and the comments below were even more varied.

“Damn, this is great, there are free methods to directly comprehend the rules and cultivate to the stars, and there are also mounts.

You don’t have to worry about mortgage or car loan. You can eat meat and drink wine without any stress at all.

Everyone lives in the tribe, and houses are given to the tribesmen. This is simply my ideal place.

I decided to join the Black Wolf Empire and leave overnight tonight. I will go to West Asia first and enter from the fusion zone. "Brother, don't be fooled. The top management is so vigorously promoting the Black Wolf Empire, and we fought them twice. You will know whether it is bad or not by looking at the war scenes." "

"You can't say this kind of thing, buddy, go explore the road first. If you can send a video, I will go there immediately. Anyway, I can't afford a house here, so I might as well go to the Black Wolf Empire to have a try.

At least there aren't so many comparisons there, they all live a primitive life and don't have to worry about their children going to school. "

Comments like this are constantly being updated, and Luo Cheng can tell at a glance that there is something written by the Black Wolf Empire.

Unexpectedly, a primitive empire started a public opinion war on the Internet.

Luo Cheng thought it was similar to the way he used to engage in e-mail fraud in the past.

At that time, many people in the country believed these words and had to get away with it even if they broke the law. They had long since lost their ability to think.

As soon as these videos came out, Luo Cheng knew that many people couldn't stop him, and Luo Cheng had no intention of stopping him.

If you are willing to be a slave, no matter how much you say, it will not only have no effect, but others may think that you are blocking his rise.

When people truly see the brutality of the Black Wolf Empire, no one will believe this kind of video.

In the past, there was some electronic fraud, but the country could still take action to get people back. Once you go to the Black Wolf Empire, you can't come back. Whether you can survive is still unknown.

If it doesn't work, it will end up in the mouth of some cruel guy, or it will be chopped into pieces and used as feed.

Luo Cheng opened the light curtain:

【Decompose the Tree of Everything】

Root coverage range: 160 kilometers

Ability: [Decomposition] [Extraction] [Evolution] [Assimilation] [Purification] [Purification] [Slavery Order] [Second Purification] [Intelligent Clone]

Nutrients: 30 to [-] [Absorb sunlight, rain and dew, decompose and absorb all things to obtain nutrients, extract, evolve, purify and consume nutrients simultaneously]

[Decomposition ability: level seven]

Mode: [Smart Mode]

There are still more than 900 million nutrients left to upgrade, which is a long way off.

[The third assimilation at level seven begins]

Luo Cheng sat cross-legged. He didn't know when the crisis would come. The most important thing was to strengthen his own strength first.

In an instant, a large net formed by roots enveloped Luocheng.Countless kinds of energy are input into the body.

Luo Cheng sat cross-legged, constantly rotating the cyclone in his body, sorting out various powers.

This action lasted for two hours, and all the energy that had been assimilated into his body was sorted out by him.

The flames on the surface of the law star burned more intensely, and at the same time, the color of the law star gradually deepened and became thicker.

The next level of stars is the small galaxy level.

The sign of this level is the splitting of stars into small galaxies composed of multiple stars.

A plane landed in Guangshan Airport in the sky.

More than 100 tourists from all over the country stepped out of the plane.

Just when these passengers got off the plane, Luo Cheng, who was practicing at the scrap station, was stunned for a moment.

Xiaoshu sent him a message.

[High-energy organisms have been detected within the envelope, please prepare your human form]

At the same time, Xiaoshu's perspective was transferred to Luo Cheng's sight.

At the bustling airport, three figures got off the plane, blending inconspicuously among the crowd. Then the three people took a taxi and left the airport.

The scenes in the perspective continue non-stop, including the driving scene of the taxi.

In Xiaoshu's perception, these three people were like a group of shadows, with no specific aura, and seemed extremely elusive, which made Luo Cheng a little unsure of the origins of these people.

(End of this chapter)

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