Chapter 191

The taxi disappeared at the airport, the roots of the small tree spread all over Guangshan City, and the traces of the other party still did not escape Luo Cheng's perception.

It's just that the roots can only perceive the taxi as a whole, but cannot detect the situation inside the cabin.

A shadow enveloped the driver, and his clear eyes were instantly covered by the shadow, as if he was a puppet being controlled.

"Great Elder, would it be too risky for us to go directly to Luo Cheng? No one knows what cards the other side has.

Since the other party can get a large number of warships from the Glorious Empire, they may have other trump cards. "

"Haha, our relationship with Luo Cheng doesn't necessarily have to be life-and-death. Maybe we can cooperate."

As soon as these words were said, the two captains immediately understood.

The two of them are the absolute confidants of the great elder of the Shadow Tribe. They were brought up by the great elder since childhood and have been with the great elder since they were born.

Knows many secrets of the Black Wolf Empire.

"The Great Elder wants to use Luocheng to plan big things together."

The great elder nodded and said: "Yes, I am only one chance away from reaching the constellation level. The major tribes have long been dissatisfied with Hante's cruelty.

Our Black Wolf Empire is the empire of all people, not the empire of Wolf King Hante alone.

Hundreds of years ago, the twelve tribes of our Black Wolf Empire were not just one small galaxy-level powerhouse.

Why is it fading more and more as time goes by? It's because all the strong men who are about to break through the constellation level have been secretly killed by Han Te.

In the Black Wolf Empire, Hante did not allow anyone to be equal to him and enjoy the same treatment as him. "


A loud noise interrupted the conversation of the three people. There was a car accident. A large pothole appeared on the road in front of the taxi, dragging the chassis.

At this time, the vehicle was on the wilderness road between the airport and the city.

A thick root pulled the car door down, then wrapped around the driver and disappeared.

[The aura of the law is detected. Should the law be removed from the body of the humanoid creature?]


In just a moment, the driver regained consciousness and appeared at a nearby public security bureau.

The police officers who had already greeted the driver quickly explained what happened to the driver.

The driver breathed a sigh of relief. Ever since the three passengers got into the car, the driver's memory had disappeared.

If Luo Cheng hadn't rescued him, he would have been in grave danger.

In the taxi, the great elder smiled and said: "It seems that we have been discovered. Let's go out and meet our future friends."

Before the three of them could get out of the car, countless thick roots had already covered the entire taxi, and the thickness of the coverage continued to increase.

At the same time, he dragged the taxi and the three members of the Shadow Tribe underground, keeping away from the city limits.


A group of terrifying shadows exploded in the package of roots, and strong law fluctuations spread. In the blink of an eye, the taxi disappeared like a group of shadows.

The countless roots wrapped around it are filled with a thick aura, resisting the invasion of the other party's laws.

When the taxi disappeared and he felt the other person's breath, Luo Cheng sensed the strength of the three of them.

He could deal with two star-level people easily, but the other one was obviously not a star, but a small galaxy level.

A mass of substantial shadow enveloped the three of them and spread continuously, turning a kilometer in radius into a world of shadows in the blink of an eye.

The thick earth energy on the surface of the roots is constantly being worn away, and some of the thick roots are also constantly weakened by the law, like nothingness.But this is the territory of Luocheng, with countless roots covering 160 kilometers, constantly absorbing a large amount of nutrients from everywhere, including the underground of the Nameless World, and continuously extending more roots, completely surrounding the three people.

Looking from the outside, it is a completely dark world with a radius of one kilometer.

In the dark world, countless thick roots emerged from the ground and enveloped the three people.

Even for a strong man at the level of a small galaxy, it is not easy to escape when being wrapped in a small tree. At least he has to shed his skin.

Luo Chengpan sat in the scrapyard, paying attention to the battle situation all the time.

The phone rang.

Lin Yaohua's voice sounded: "Luo Cheng, has something happened? I see a huge shadow covering the outskirts of Guangshan City."

Luo Cheng had no intention of hiding it and said: "Yes, a small galaxy-level strongman from the Black Wolf Empire sneaked into Guangshan City, and it is estimated that the target is me.

But don't worry, as long as I'm here, the other party can't do anything. "

Luo Cheng's words made Lin Yaohua's heart almost jump out of his chest.

The best satellites in the world were always staring at the two fusion areas. Unexpectedly, the other party came to Guangshan City without making a sound or alerting anyone.

If it is used for assassination, I am afraid no one can stop it.

Lin Yaohua suddenly felt that the changes of the times were no longer under his control.

This situation will be particularly serious when there is a mismatch between power and strength.

"I see. Be careful yourself."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yaohua quickly reported the situation. This was no longer a question of whether Luocheng could resist the Black Wolf Empire's infiltration of enemies.

It is about how to prevent people who hold power but do not have the corresponding strength from being assassinated by hostile forces.

In the Wuming World, all the emperors or people with power in each country are among the top powerful men in the country, and they are not worried about this situation.

Luo Cheng didn't know Lin Yaohua's random thoughts.

He is controlling the small tree to continuously attack the shadow area.

The powerful men from the Black Wolf Empire who came this time were obviously different from before. Before, Luo Cheng encountered either wind or earth.

Now it is a very rare shadow. It seems that the opponent can use the shadow to control people, and can even turn three-dimensional objects into two-dimensional shadows, and then be swallowed by his own shadow, thereby strengthening his body.

The shadow law in the great elder An Zhan's body kept spreading around, blocking the roots' attack.

But this kind of attack also consumes a lot of money on him.

"Great Elder, I didn't expect Luocheng to have such a method. What is this? A slave of the plant system, so powerful, at least at the level of a small galaxy."

An Zhan said: "It's hard to say, plant-based creatures are famous for their strong vitality and long combat time.

Even if the level is low, if you cannot kill it immediately, you may still kill an opponent who is stronger than you. "

An Zhan looked at the overwhelming roots that were not stopping at all, and there were more thick roots wandering in the distance like giant dragons, covering their retreat layer after layer.

The sky and the earth completely formed a huge cage.

The original plan of the secret war was to teach Luo Cheng a lesson, let him see his own strength, and then talk about cooperation.

Unexpectedly, before he could show off his power to Luo Cheng, Luo Cheng came to show him his power.

"Luo Cheng, I know you can hear me. I am the great elder of the Shadow Tribe, An Zhan. I came here this time to discuss cooperation with you."

(End of this chapter)

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