My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 192: On Strategy, We Are Your Ancestors

Chapter 192: On Strategy, We Are Your Ancestors

Xiaoshu's attack did not stop because of the other party's words, but Luo Cheng left the scrap station.

After getting on the pickup truck, there were two thick-backed knives, a two-ton nuclear hand cannon and a box of fusion batteries in the bed of the pickup truck.

This is a hand cannon formed by Xiaoshu's shrinkage based on the cannon on the cruiser.

One shot can consume two fusion batteries, which is extremely powerful. It has certain miraculous effects on sniping stellar-level experts from a long distance.

Even a strong man at the level of a small galaxy can be injured by a hand cannon if he is careless.

The roots covered with thick aura emitted dazzling blue light again, which was the power of nuclear energy.


The thick and huge roots curled up into a circle and slammed into the shadow area like a battering ram.

The power of fusion nuclear energy explodes instantly, canceling out the surrounding shadow laws.

An Zhan's expression suddenly changed. He could easily use the one-kilometer law field just now, but he was caught off guard.

The area of ​​​​the law shrank rapidly, shrinking to 900 meters in the blink of an eye.

The secret war instantly increased the output of the law. If the domain wanted to expand, the aura of the shadow law became more intense. You could even feel the mist formed by the rich law in the shadows.

But trying to expand the law back again encountered great obstacles.

Countless thick roots were like thick fists, constantly smashing into the shadow area and then quickly retracting and hitting again.

Use nuclear energy, earth energy, and the breath of law on the roots to eliminate the power of law in the shadow realm.

An Zhan said: "Luo Cheng, the show of force is over. We are looking for you to discuss cooperation. Wolf King Hante's cruelty has long been unpopular.

The major tribes in the Black Wolf Empire have long been dissatisfied with him. We come here with sincerity this time. "

The pickup truck was driving fast on the road. There were no vehicles on the road. Even before Luocheng was about to take action, the police blocked the road.As the situation becomes increasingly severe.

Those people who liked to be messy and unreasonable in the past have now begun to decrease in large numbers, because mutant creatures will not tolerate these guys.

If you disobey and dare to enter dangerous areas, you must be prepared to die.

In the past two months, there had been several reports every day of people who broke into blocked areas and were killed by mutated creatures despite dissuasion.

The number has obviously decreased in the past few months, and those who were unreasonable before have become reasonable and understand the country's painstaking efforts.

Ten minutes later, Luo Cheng appeared outside the battlefield, and what he could see was a huge shadow area.

There are roots crisscrossing the shadows, and in the center is a huge sphere that keeps attacking. This sphere completely surrounds the opponent and constantly consumes and transforms the opponent's laws.

After a few ten minutes of fighting, the little tree's nutrients not only did not decrease, but increased because it absorbed and transformed the power of the opponent's law into nutrients.

Luo Cheng felt that if he could find a few more small galaxy-level experts to continuously release the law field and let the small tree continue to convert the law into nutrients, it would not take long to collect the 1000 million nutrients for the upgrade. .

He had previously absorbed several star-level Black Wolf Empire experts, and had only accumulated more than 30 nutrients.

After fighting for a while, he accumulated more than [-] nutrients. This guy is probably among the strongest at the small galaxy level. No wonder he dares to say that he wants to deal with the Wolf King Hante.

Xiaoshu's attacks gradually stopped, but the sphere surrounding the opponent did not dissipate, and the speed of absorbing and transforming nutrients did not slow down.

It forms a balance with the other party's domain.

An Zhan and his two men breathed a sigh of relief.Luo Cheng stood outside the shadow area, his mental fluctuations conveying his meaning.

"I am Luo Cheng, but I can't believe you. A tribal chief elder from the Black Wolf Empire suddenly came over and told me to eliminate the Wolf King Hante.

Do you think I am stupid or stupid? We have no friendship, but you say you want to cooperate with me to deal with your own leader.

This kind of trick is not funny at all. Maybe you haven’t read Sun Tzu’s Art of War in our country.

The Nameless World may be very strong, but it is more of a head-to-head battle. Even if it uses conspiracy and trickery, it uses the power of strange laws rather than tactics.

The Black Wolf Empire may be stronger than us, but when it comes to the use of strategy and wisdom, we can be your ancestors. "

An Zhan's face suddenly darkened. When he came, he had a condescending attitude.

As a result, Luo Cheng's words that he could be your ancestor completely broke his defense.

He didn't know what the so-called 36 strategies were, and he didn't have time to understand the history of the earth and the race where Luo City was located, nor did he have time to absorb the memories of the people in this country.

"If you want to cooperate, please submit your name first and tell us your next battle plan. I will consider cooperating with you."

Countless thick roots are swimming in the sky and the earth like giant dragons. The thick breath and blue light on the giant dragon block the erosion of the shadow law, and at the same time quickly absorb the power of the law, so that Dark War must be highly vigilant at all times. The power of the output law.

"Yes, but you can order your pet to stop consuming the power of the Law of Shadows, and I will also stop the Law's erosion of these roots."

"Yes, but I don't want to do this. Let's maintain the status quo. If you can't sustain this level of consumption, there is no need for me to cooperate with you.

Dealing with Wolf King Hunter together with you is even more of a joke. "

This is ready-made nutrient, how could Luo Cheng give up so easily.

Just by talking, the nutrients increased by several thousand, which is comparable to half of a Radiant Empire transport ship.

An Zhan said: "The empire's plan is for the Shadow Tribe to infiltrate into the earth, incite public opinion, create confrontation, and disintegrate you from within.

At the same time, several external tribes continue to make small-scale and large-scale raids, making you exhausted and fighting a war of attrition with you. "

Luo Cheng knew clearly that the various inflammatory videos on the Internet these days seemed to be the tactics of this so-called shadow tribe.

Whether it's coercion or bribery or controlling some people to post short videos, disrupting the Earth's battle plan.

Many people are not very smart, and they lose track of things when they are fooled. Especially those who are not living a satisfactory life, they immediately regard the location of the video as an ideal country in their minds, thinking that as long as they go over, they can start over and start a wonderful life.

Luo Cheng has seen this kind of thing countless times over the years.

"I believe your words for the time being, but why do you want to kill Wolf King Han Te? Although there is only one level difference between the constellation and the small galaxy, it is a qualitative difference."

An Zhan was relieved. If Luo Cheng continued to attack fiercely, he would at least be seriously injured if he tried to escape, and he would have no hope of breaking through the constellation.

“I’m not the only one who wants to go against Wolf King Hante, but many tribes have long been dissatisfied with him.

I tell you something you may not know, but you will understand it after listening to it. "

Luo Cheng was also aroused by the other party's words and said, "I would like to hear what Han Te's behavior made them hate him so much.

They even want to unite to kill the strongest man in their own country. "

(End of this chapter)

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