Chapter 193 Consumption

An Zhan sighed and said: "You only know that Han Te is cruel, but no one knows his cruel methods.

He is not only cruel externally, but also cruel internally. Every time he issues a task, if he cannot plunder the harvest that satisfies him.

To provide a slave that satisfies him, one must send one's own family to satisfy the Wolf King's dissatisfaction.

Most of the family members sent there died miserably. This is the main reason why many of our tribes are dissatisfied with Hante and want to kill him.

Another point is that no one in the twelve tribes can break through the constellation realm, and all those who are about to break through will die inexplicably.

I have been able to achieve my current state, but I have always kept it hidden. No one knows my true strength. "

Luo Cheng only believed one thing about the secret war. The two of them had never met.

Isn't it nonsense to work with oneself to deal with the boss of one's own country with all one's heart and soul?

However, Luo Cheng was not in a hurry to fall out. The little tree kept absorbing the power of the law and turning it into nutrients.

It's rare to find such a strong person who provides nourishment.

"What specific plan do you have? You can't defeat Hante with just some tribal elders at the level of a small galaxy.

It's impossible for Han Te not to have some trump cards. You can't even deal with me. If you want to deal with Han Te, you're courting death. "

An Zhan looked a little ugly and said: "Killing Han Te is not a one-time achievement, and the constellation level is not that easy to break through.

But if we secretly unite, we don't have to fight for life or death. Now, both sides are losing countless lives and injuries every day. Why not stop this unnecessary sacrifice. "

An Zhan's words made Luo Cheng laugh.

"You have been attacking us, not us attacking you. If you want to cooperate, just look at your sincerity, withdraw troops from the border, and then talk about alliance.

Troops are not withdrawn from the border, but you come here to discuss cooperation. Can I think you are treating me as a fool? "

As soon as Luo Cheng finished speaking, Xiaoshu immediately took action, and fists formed by countless thick roots struck down like heavy hammers.


The shadow area in the center was immediately shrunk rapidly, and the shadow area covering more than 900 meters was instantly shortened to more than 800 meters.

"You should stay here. You don't tell the truth. We were enemies from the beginning. If you suddenly come here and ask for cooperation, you are fooling me into thinking I am a fool."

The secret war instantly increased the output of the law and reached a stalemate with the roots of the small tree.

Dark War does have the idea of ​​cooperation, but it only has a rough plan to deal with the Wolf King.

Before dealing with the Wolf King, Dark War did not want the elites of the Shadow Tribe to die in the war with the Earth.

In order to reduce casualties, cooperation with Luocheng is imperative.

"Luo Cheng, I admit that I have no specific plan to deal with the Wolf King, but there is one thing you must be sure of.

Our cooperation can greatly reduce casualties.

Our Shadow Tribe may not be as good as other tribes on the frontal battlefield, but when it comes to penetration, breakout has its own unique advantages.

You can tell this from the recent public opinions on the Internet on your planet.

This is the result of cooperation that benefits both sides. "

"Such words will only insult your Zhishang. Should we cooperate? You are treating the Wolf King as a fool.

Since Hante is as cruel as you said, how long can we continue to act?

You wouldn’t think that the Wolf King would give you several years to have a stalemate with us. "

The secret war was speechless. Although Han Te had the cruelty and patience of the wolf, he would not watch them stalemate for a year or two without any results.

"This is also the second point I made in cooperation with you."

"You can tell me, I also want to see how you can fool Hunter."

An Zhan considered his words and said, "Every month you give us a certain number of captives, and I will use them to deliver the goods.

As long as the number of prisoners is sufficient, the Wolf King will not care about the actual battle situation. "

Luo Cheng was stunned by the idea of ​​a secret war.

"What a great idea. I didn't expect that the great elder of the Black Wolf Empire's Shadow Tribe is a fool. The purpose of your Black Wolf Empire's fight against us is to plunder prisoners.

Although we lost our population, we also severely damaged you and weakened you. As a result, you now ask me to hand over the prisoners for no reason, but you don't waste a single soldier.

Elder Secret War, your IQ is really worrying. "

An Zhan said hurriedly: "Although I don't know much about your history, I also know that not all of the planet is your friend.

There are more than 100 countries on this earth, and many of them should have nothing to do with you.

The Nameless World is a world where the weak and the strong prey on each other. Do you need to protect those who have nothing to do with you? "

Of course Luo Cheng didn't want to care, but facing an unknown outsider, it was impossible to reveal his true thoughts.

There are countless people missing every year in all parts of the world. Luocheng is not the savior, and it is impossible to take care of them all.

But he was very dissatisfied with An Zhan's attitude and plan, as he was being taken advantage of.

Luo Cheng was no longer interested in continuing the conversation with An Zhan.

Xiaoshu instantly increased the intensity of his attack.

Countless thick roots have increased again.

Luo Cheng retreated quickly, and the shadow area of ​​several hundred meters in radius was already covered with thick roots.

Exuding a strong earth energy, the huge solid fist kept hitting to shake and offset the law of shadow.

Xiaoshu's sudden attack caught An Zhan off guard, and a lot of sweat had appeared on his forehead.

But he must continuously release the power of law.

It seems that the talk has collapsed.

The right hand instantly became dark, like a mass of shadows, and these shadows rotated rapidly like black holes.

He raised his arm and slashed out suddenly, and a shadowy black line quickly extended with the slash.

Wherever the black line goes, all matter turns into shadow and is swallowed up by the dark realm.

At the same time, a path of more than 2000 meters long composed of shadows extends from the package of roots.


The three of them were galloping through the passage and had already rushed 1000 meters in the blink of an eye.

"Rumble." Countless roots emerged from the ground again.

Countless roots on both sides of the passage are also closing rapidly, consuming the power of the Law of Shadow in the passage.

Luo Cheng got into the pickup truck and left the place.

The small tree once again increased its coverage area, and everything within a few kilometers was blocked by densely packed roots, and the sky and the earth were dark.

Luo Cheng planned to trap the other party here.

The secret war couldn't help but stop where it was, and its retreat was blocked again.

Because of the advance just now, the shadow field of An Zhan shrank rapidly to only more than 200 meters. When he wanted to expand it again, he got Xiaoshu's crazy counterattack.

"You two are ready, we are going to fight hard."

An Zhan gritted his teeth, and a rich fire of law emerged from his body. These flames were as colorless as black holes.

Then the fire of law quickly emerged in the shadow realm, and the entire 200-meter radius turned into a world of dark flames.

The three of them walked out quickly.

Wherever it passed, a large number of roots were devoured by shadows, but they were weakened by earth energy, nuclear energy and laws.

The fire of law in An Zhan's body is also rapidly decreasing.

After half an hour, the three of them still had not left the scope of the roots.

The expressions of the three of them completely changed.

(End of this chapter)

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