Chapter 194 Killing
The fire of law keeps burning countless roots.

But the nutrients that the small tree absorbs and transforms are endless, and the fire of law is constantly being transformed into nutrients, growing more strong roots.

Luo Cheng stood watching from a distance as the police cordoned off area continued to expand.

Many people have discovered the anomaly. Standing high in the buildings in Guangshan City, you can see the outline of the battlefield.

A shadow area surrounded by endless python-like roots.

Someone arranged the pictures and posted them online, which attracted many netizens to watch.

Luo Cheng didn't care too much about this. The war between Earth and the Black Wolf Empire obviously didn't end in a day or two.

People have also known about the war in the fusion zone for a long time.

Even in the future, fighting against the Black Wolf Empire on Earth and even in downtown areas will become the norm.

Luo Cheng knew that this day would definitely come from the video of the whitewashing of the Black Wolf Empire appearing on the Internet.

The penetration ability of the Shadow Tribe is so strong that apart from China, many other countries on earth have not yet popularized the body-building method.

There are even some stupid people who take these things as a joke.

An Zhan shouted: "Luo Cheng, I came with sincerity this time, but you actually took action directly.

If you don't let us leave, even if I try my best to severely injure you, I will severely injure you and kill you on the spot. "

Luo Cheng just stood and watched from a distance, too lazy to pay attention to what the other party said.

The secret battle is only at the level of a small galaxy. The difference between the two is only one level. Xiaoshu can completely drain the opponent.

The continuous fire of law is transformed into nutrients, and the number of nutrients plus one thousand in the sight keeps refreshing. It has risen to more than 90, and will soon reach 100 million.

Not hearing Luo Cheng's reply, An Zhan's face became extremely gloomy.

His original idea was to discuss cooperation with Luo Cheng. If the cooperation failed, he would find a way to severely damage Luo City, which would make it much easier for their shadow tribe to infiltrate the earth.

Even if he couldn't seriously damage Luo Cheng, he could easily leave with his strength.

It's just that all his calculations were wrong. He didn't expect that Luocheng had such a powerful pet that could trap even him.

Luo Cheng stared at the battle area. Suddenly, a dark light penetrated from the area covered by the small tree.

Then the second and third, dense black lines extended out.

Many black lines formed a complex pattern, and Luo Cheng looked at it carefully.

Like a small galaxy connected together.


All the roots surrounding An Zhan disappeared in an instant, and a black line extended directly from the battlefield to an infinite area.

The three secret war men disappeared instantly.

"It's not that easy to leave."

The coverage range of the small tree is 160 kilometers, and no life within the coverage range can escape Luocheng's sight.

[Looking for the escaped Black Wolf Empire clansmen]

Within 2 minutes, Xiaoshu's feedback arrived.

[The three people who escaped were found fifty kilometers away]

[Continue to surround and consume]

In a remote wilderness fifty kilometers away, the figures of An Zhan and two of his men appeared.

An Zhan's face turned pale. When he escaped this time, he used his life-saving ultimate move to directly materialize the small galaxy in his body into reality, destroying all the surrounding roots.

But it also damaged his vitality, and it was impossible to recover without two years of training.

“This was a mistake on my part, but Luo Cheng is so despicable that when I regain my strength, he will die.

Let's go, get out of here first, fifty kilometers is not considered safe. "

"Haha, it's really not safe." Luo Cheng's voice sounded from behind them.

An Zhan's face changed drastically, he turned around quickly, and Luo Cheng emerged slowly from the ground.

There were countless thick roots swimming around him, and at the same time, huge rumbling sounds kept coming from all around.

An Zhan looked around and saw that he was surrounded again.

"Luo Cheng, we are not enemies. We can talk about many things. There is no need to fight to the death." Luo Cheng smiled and shook his head: "We have nothing to talk about. I came to see you just to see you off.

Since you have appeared in Guangshan City, I cannot let you go out and add a powerful enemy to yourself. "

Shadows flashed past, and Dark War rushed towards him. His fists were filled with thick shadows, and they quickly hit Luocheng.

At the same time, the fist, filled with three types of energy, smashed through equally quickly.


This is the first time Luo Cheng has fought against a strong player at the level of a small galaxy.

The power of the shadow law quickly eroded the three powers in Luo Cheng's fist.

Luo Cheng pulled back his fist and punched out with the other fist.

In the blink of an eye, the two have fought for more than ten rounds.

"It seems that you, a small galaxy level powerhouse, are not as scary as you imagined."

The other party's laws were stronger than his own, but Luo Cheng had three powers and powerful physical strength, plus the secret battle had damaged his vitality, which was enough to smooth the gap between the two.

The two kept fighting and were far away from where they were in the blink of an eye.

Just as the two captains were about to leave the place, they were immediately blocked by dense roots. Then countless roots surrounded them. In just over ten seconds, the two were pulled underground by the roots.

Feeling the disappearance of his two men, An Zhan's expression suddenly changed.

Looking around, there was no figure left, only countless roots.

Suddenly, a dense network of roots spread over me.

Luocheng sank into the ground and disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, An Zhan was once again completely surrounded by countless roots.

Black lines continued to extend from the encirclement, piercing the thick encirclement, but would soon close again. Luo Cheng occasionally heard the loud shouts and curses from An Zhan, but they soon returned to calm.

I felt that Xiaoshu had completely restrained the secret war, causing the opponent to lose the ability to move.

Luo Cheng issued an order to extract the essence of flesh and blood and spiritual essence.

A strong person at the level of a small galaxy can extract the essence of the eighth level, which is enough to push Luocheng's current stellar realm to a profound level.

Within half an hour, the roots on the battlefield burrowed into the ground and disappeared.

Luo Cheng had nine more spiritual essences and eight more flesh and blood essences in his hand.

Put the essence into a small box, wrap the Luocheng with its roots, sink into the ground and disappear.

The chief elder of the Shadow Tribe and two of his confidants were completely dead.

It hasn't been long since the Black Wolf Empire emerged, but the casualties have been considerable.

The great elder of the Snow Wolf Tribe was injured by the armored beast, and several brigades suffered heavy casualties.

The four elite brigades of the White Wolf tribe were crippled, and many of their captains died.

Luo Cheng returned to the scrap station to inform the police to lift the blockade, and at the same time sent a message to Lin Yaohua, telling him that the battle was over.

Soon Lin Yaohua called.

“Luocheng, we investigated the satellites in the fusion zone and found no one from the Black Wolf Empire entering the territory.

But now there is a lot of negative information on the Internet, and some people have even gone to Guangshan City.

Is there anything you can do to prevent this? "

Luo Chengdao: "The opponent is from the Shadow Tribe. They practice the Shadow Law. They can turn themselves into a black shadow. This is why the satellite did not find it.

At the same time, these people can also contact people's shadows through the law of shadow, devour or control people, so that you don't even know what you are doing.

Those videos on the Internet are probably posted by them after they entered the earth and controlled many bloggers, with the purpose of deceiving people.

The official can clarify this aspect. As for the identification method, there is currently no one.

If you are worried about them carrying out assassinations, you can use Guangshan City as a transit point for countries near the fusion zone.

As long as the other party appears in Guangshan City, I can identify him. This is also a way to ensure safety. "

(End of this chapter)

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