Chapter 202 Dark Forest
Offshore, the calm sea is sparkling, and countless fishing boats are out fishing.

At this moment, the gentle seawater suddenly set off huge waves, and countless small boats were smashed into pieces by the sudden huge waves.

Countless amounts of seawater were drained away, and people playing on the beach witnessed all this happening.

Countless waters washed up on the shore, carrying countless people and rushing them far away.

The sea water shoots in the air, revealing an endless forest.

"It's a fusion zone, and our fusion zone has also appeared."

"Where is that place? It's so dark. These big trees don't even have any other colors. They look scary."

People are looking this way.


The huge roar caused the nearby humans to spit out blood instantly and die on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, a group of more than ten winged tigers rushed through the dark forest and rushed directly towards the city in the distance.

These tigers are tall, with a shoulder height of more than two meters and a body length of more than five meters.

By flapping its wings, it can fly in the sky, and only light and shadow can be seen.

"Run. These guys are scary."

Unfortunately, it was too late for these people to run away.

As a tiger incited them, countless wind knives began to appear in the air, flying in all directions, and countless people were cut into pieces.

Then the tigers lined up in the sky and rushed towards the nearby city.

In just over ten minutes, smoke and dust were everywhere in the city, and everything in the city was in chaos, as if it had experienced a small war.

In an underground base in the city, the person in charge dialed the number of the headquarters.

"This is Haichuan City. A fusion zone has appeared in the sea. Haichuan City was attacked by mutated creatures and suffered heavy losses. Please support."

Not just in Haichuan City, dark forests appear along the edges of many coastlines.

The mutated creatures inside have attacked domestic coastal cities and destroyed public buildings.

At the general headquarters, Qin Wuwei immediately asked people to transfer the situation in various places to the big screen through reconnaissance satellites.

Smoke has already risen in many cities.

Although I had known that this day would come, I never expected that it would come so unexpectedly.

In Guangshan City, Luo Cheng was practicing in the courtyard. Several large birds flew in groups in Guangshan City in the sky.

Sensing the abnormality above his head, Luo Cheng didn't take it seriously, only thinking that there was a group of mutant birds coming from somewhere.

Until I saw this group of mutated birds appearing in the sky above the city, they launched a large-scale counterattack toward the ground like falling missiles.

The sharp mouth is like a drill, piercing the target's body in just an instant.

Luo Cheng then took a serious look and realized that these birds were not earthly creatures at all.

His face suddenly became serious.

[Catch all the birds in that flock. 】

In just an instant, thick roots gradually rose up from all directions of the flock of birds.

Then countless large nets were created and rushed in all directions.


The flying birds made piercing screams and sprayed out thick pillars of fire, but it had no effect. These flying birds obviously understood the laws of fire.

The big net fell, and countless birds were caught. The thick roots were rolled up, and all these big birds were taken underground and slowly digested.

At this moment, Luo Cheng's phone rang.

"What is Commander Qin doing?"

"Luocheng, a new integration zone has appeared, right on the seaside, almost next to us. Now several coastal cities have been attacked."

"I already know Commander Qin. Just now, I captured a group of mutant creatures that came over.

Many of these creatures have understood the law and have the army dispatched to delay as much time as possible.I'll go out immediately to see how strong these guys are. "

Luo Cheng came underground. The current underground base has turned into a large parking cabin.

Luo Cheng entered one of the small galaxy-level warships and quickly took off. Twenty small galaxy-level warships behind him also quickly took off and headed towards the nearest city to be invaded.

The citizens of Guangshan City are no longer surprised to see such a scene. After all, they see each other not only every day, but also every once in a while.

The originally bustling high-rise buildings in Haichuan City have turned into ruins.

The tigers who led the law kept gathering the wind knives and sending them out.

A tiger parked in front of a huge residential building.

Countless people in the building looked at the scene in front of them nervously, as if waiting for trial.

The tiger roared, and countless wind knives suddenly appeared out of thin air, just as these wind knives were about to be launched.

The tiger suddenly turned around, and countless wind knives quickly moved forward.

"Boom" a violent explosion sounded in the sky.

The power of energy bombs is obviously stronger than that of the Tigers.

Luo Cheng looked at the tiger below, and the desire to fight arose in his heart.

Quickly jumping out of the exit, the battleship and the dozen or so battleships behind it went to the city to look for enemies.

Luo Cheng fell to the ground and looked at the tiger in front of him. He wanted to see the strength of the dark forest creature. After dealing with this thing, it would become the norm.

"Come on, let me see your strength."

The tiger seemed to understand the meaning of Luo Cheng's words.

The tiger seemed to have heard Luo Cheng's words, and suddenly let out a huge roar.

Dense wind knives condensed in front of him, and thick earth energy suddenly appeared in front of Luo Cheng. The earth energy was covered with the power of law. .

In terms of understanding the laws, Luo Cheng was even stronger than the tiger in front of him.

"Whoa." Countless wind knives suddenly spun and flew over, like countless sharp blades.

"Bang bang."

Countless collision sounds rang in my ears, and the strong wind knife was a little afraid to look at it in front of the earth's energy.

The first collision was full of cracks, and then turned into air and dissipated in the sky.

"Haha, it's great for you guys to live freely in the forest. If you have to come out to seek death, I will help you today."

Luo Cheng stepped out and kicked the ground with sudden force.

A large hole was created in the concrete ground by a strong force.

Luo Cheng had disappeared and appeared in front of the tiger.

The fist containing three powers slammed forward.

In an instant, a wall made of heavy wind appeared in front of the tiger, shining brightly when illuminated by the sun.


Huge power immediately erupted from the fist, and surging nuclear energy poured into the wind wall and exploded inside.

A crack began to appear in the solid wind wall, followed by a second and third one, and finally there were all densely packed cracks.

The final "bang" turned into a gentle breeze.

Luo Cheng's fist did not slow down at all and struck the tiger on the head.


Huge force exploded on the tiger's head.

The huge body was like a chicken, and was punched away by Luo Cheng.

The nuclear energy that rushed into the body exploded in the sky while the tiger was still in the air, turning into countless fragments.

After more than ten minutes, the Tigers completed their reorganization not far away.
(End of this chapter)

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