My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 203 The Divided Earth

Chapter 203 The Divided Earth

In the sky, dense patrols and space carriers appeared, covering most of the country and many cities along the coast.

These warships have been input into the system by Xiaoshu. They have fixed programs and can run automatically. They start to clear out the invading mutant creatures at designated points. Then they capture the weakened mutant creatures and transport them back to the scrap station to be used as nutrients by Xiaoshu.

A large transport ship flew over, and then alloy boxes fell from the sky, loading all the tigers and transporting them away.

Luo Cheng boarded the battleship and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

He dialed Qin Wuwei's number.

"Commander Qin, how is the situation?"

“Luocheng, thanks to the fleet you sent, various cities have now been relieved.

It seems that it is indeed necessary to build a metropolitan area. If the metropolitan area is built, we only need to place heavy equipment outside the urban area to prevent attacks by mutant creatures or other empires.

But now they are scattered to countless small and large towns. We can only ensure the safety of big cities first. Small towns and even villages are not rescued in time, resulting in heavy losses. "

Luo Chengdao: "This is just the beginning, the dark forest is boundless, and it is a paradise for mutant creatures.

The Black Wolf Empire cannot be compared with the Dark Forest, but it has its advantages. When we are strong, the Dark Forest is our hunting ground, where we can hunt mutant creatures and make various essences. "

Qin Wuwei laughed at Luo Cheng's words, but looking at the miserable conditions in various coastal towns, he couldn't be happy.

"Commander Qin, those air patrols and space carriers that support various places should be nationalized directly after completing their missions.

The dark forest is right next door to us. The country needs a strong defense force. I will purchase a batch of warships for border defense. "

In the past six months, Luocheng has made a lot of profits by using Xiaoshu to build battleships, and now it is a little bit less profitable than the cruisers and aerospace carriers.

He also thought about building a more advanced warship, but he couldn't buy it even with his relationship as a trader.

Scarce things are no longer a question of value, unless someone can afford a price that no one can refuse, such as level [-] top-grade essence.

This can only be extracted from the bodies of Xinghai level powerhouses and those who understand the heart of law.

Of course, it can be exchanged for something that can destroy the strong ones at the constellation level.

Fortunately, they were bordered by the outer reaches of the dark forest, and there were no powerful creatures.

Most of them are at the planet level and star level, and there is not even one at the small galaxy level, let alone a strong one at the constellation level.

Luo Cheng boarded a small galaxy-level battleship and began patrolling along the border. If powerful mutant creatures crossed the border, they would be immediately eliminated.

Some of the mutated creatures in the dark forest rushed into the country through the fusion area, and a large part rushed towards all directions of the fusion area.

The nearest maritime countries were attacked by mutant creatures almost simultaneously.

A large number of cities suffered heavy casualties and became food for mutated creatures.

Calls for help were sent to the country like snowflakes.

Countries with some strength around the world have also observed through satellites how their countries have solved this sudden convergence area.

Thinking about how to make good relations with the country and protect the security of our country.

A global online meeting was held urgently again. This time, most countries agreed to form an alliance immediately, with domestic leadership of the entire alliance to lead the earth to survive this disaster.

"Commander Qin, now only you have the strength to deal with these powerful creatures in the nameless world. If you don't help us, we will have no way to survive.

Many island countries in the Pacific are still being attacked by mutant creatures.We are even willing to become part of your country, as long as you are willing to station troops in our territory and help us maintain law and order. "

"I agree with the above point of view. It is impossible for the nearly two hundred countries on the earth to survive in such a chaotic world. I think they should indeed be integrated."

However, some developed countries do not want their countries to be managed by others. They are the ones in power in their own countries and have vested interests. If they are merged into other countries, their interests will be greatly harmed immediately.

"China has so many warships, and they can definitely help us, such as selling some warships to us, so that everyone can tide over the difficulties."

Qin Wuwei had already thought of this kind of thing, and had already discussed with Luo Cheng how to solve it.

"Everyone knows the situation in our country. Do you think we have the strength to acquire so many warships?

These were temporarily rented by Luocheng from traders, for which we paid a huge price.

Every time we help the country overcome a crisis, we have to pay materials of equal value. Even if we can't afford it now, we will have to pay it in the future until we have the strength to gain a foothold in the unknown world.

To be honest, we can't help you. If you want to get through this, just try to find cross-border merchants.

I believe that many forces have information about cross-border merchants. As long as they can reach a deal with them, the enemy can completely guarantee their own safety as long as they do not exceed a certain limit. It depends on whether you are willing to pay the price. . "

Traders do have this kind of trade, and the earth also has mercenaries. This kind of trade is similar to that of mercenaries. They use money to buy peace.

It depends on whether each country can come up with something to trade.

As for the land, the Wuming Realm is infinitely large, and you can have as much land as you want. In the Wuming Realm, the least valuable thing is the land.

The countries immediately began to think deeply, and most people believed whether Commander Qin's words were true or false.

Many countries also have windows. Although large-scale trade cannot be carried out, small-scale trade still exists.

Many people know the price of a battleship. We are all on the same planet, and everyone knows what resources they have.

It is impossible for China to come up with the materials to purchase a large number of warships.

Everyone was speechless for a moment. They wanted to merge with China because they saw that China was powerful and had a large number of warships.

Now that I know you are renting, I immediately lose interest. If you can rent, we can also rent. In the end, the country still belongs to us.

There are many people who hold this idea.

An online international conference ended hastily, but I did not expect that it would be the last global conference.

The next day, violent spatial fluctuations were heard in the coastal area.

Dark forests began to emerge in large numbers, squeezing many sea areas along the coast into unknown places.

And some of the island countries closest to the country were squeezed into unknown places and submerged in the dark forest.

Taking the domestic coast as the dividing line, the south is basically covered by dark forests.

Most of the ocean and the island countries above it are thousands of miles away.

The sudden change caused many countries to panic completely.

Although there were nearly two hundred countries on the earth originally, everyone was together and could occasionally ask for help, especially some weak countries that basically had no ability to protect themselves.

Now it is very likely to be divided, and then they will completely lose the ability to protect themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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