Chapter 204 Future Plans
The spacious conference room has a huge conference table with a brand new world map on it.

Now a curved line is drawn directly from the domestic coast on the map, turning it into a dark forest.

Qin Wuwei said: "After investigation, more than 30 countries have completely lost contact with us due to the integration of the Wumingjie, and they have been squeezed into I don't know how many kilometers away.

Maybe on the other side of the dark forest, maybe not too far away from us.

But this has little to do with us. The integration of the Nameless World may not divide the entire continent, but only divide the ocean.

It can be seen from the fusion areas that have appeared. The fusion areas where the Black Wolf Empire is located are at the junction of North and South America and the junction of Europe and Asia. "

Luo Chengdao: "I have a map of the Black Wolf Empire here. These two integration areas will not expand the distance between Europe, Asia and the United States.

Because these are his two horns, even if they are completely fused, the fusion area of ​​the Black Wolf Empire will not expand much. It can reach a hundred kilometers and reach the sky. "

Luo Cheng turned on his phone, pulled out the map of the Black Wolf Empire, and enlarged the picture on the big screen.

“Those two corners are the fusion areas, maybe because of the ocean.

The earth will not be covered by land when it merges into the nameless realm, but will only continue to expand.

Now I have two hundred patrol control rooms and space carriers, and twenty small galaxy-level warships in my hands. These will all be stationed in important areas for defense and will be dispatched by the general headquarters.

We are united and hope that we can overcome this difficulty. Our force may seem strong, but it is actually very fragile.

We have not encountered powerful life so far, which is also our luck, but we must be prepared for this. "

Luocheng's voice is becoming more and more important now, and many people have realized that without Luocheng's funding, this invasion of the Dark Forest may have turned a large number of cities into ruins.

"Luo Cheng, what do you think?"

Luo Cheng thought for a moment and said, "My current idea is to move some people into the Nameless World in advance."

Luo Cheng took out his mobile phone, opened the map he took from Lan Kai, and projected the map on the screen.

"Everyone has seen the map of the Nameless World. The Black Wolf Empire, the Iron Hoof Tribe, the Golden Dragon Empire, and the Dark Forest are all major forces that have appeared or will appear around us soon. There are also various small forces that are not shown on the map. power.

Now that the Black Wolf Empire has appeared, the Golden Dragon Empire and the Iron Hoof Tribe have not yet appeared.

Apart from the Dark Forest, the Ironhoof Tribe is the strongest force.

The Dark Forest is powerful because of its large area, and no one knows how many mutated creatures there are.

But the Iron Hoof Tribe is really strong, and the strongest enemy we have to face next is the Iron Hoof Tribe.

If we can resist the Iron Heel Tribe, we will have the qualifications to stand firm in the Nameless World.

If not, then prepare for the worst. My current plan is to send some young people to the unknown world. Even if we fail, they will be our fire.

So I named this plan the Tinder Plan. Of course, this is the worst plan. "

Everyone immediately whispered to each other.

"Luocheng, we put people somewhere in the Nameless World. We are not familiar with the people and places in the Nameless World.

Even the Blue Water Tribe who trades with us may not take in a large number of Earthlings. "

Luo Cheng stood up and pointed to an area in the Nameless World: "Here."

"Tianming City?" One person asked doubtfully.

"Yes, you may not know Tianming City. I often go to Wuming Realm and am very familiar with Tianming City.

This is a larger city than Kaiming City. Needless to say, the safety inside is not to mention that even the strong men at the constellation level dare not take action here.

To live in Kaiming City, you either have to stay in a hotel or have your own real estate.

What I mean is renting a large building at the edge for people to live, practice and live.The resources on the earth are not valuable to Tianming City. This requires people in the unknown world to have the ability to make money on their own. They need to support themselves and obtain resources for cultivation.

We can help them pay for the supplies they need to rent a house in the early stage. "

Everyone was talking again.

"Tianming City is very close to the area where we are integrating. Once we have established a foothold, we will develop business, and Tianming City is the largest trading place among the nearby powers.

These people are talents we have cultivated in advance, and they can also help us integrate faster. "

Many people smiled, and many people were nervous because of the previous Tinder plan.

Now that they know they are just standing in front, many people are relieved.

“Since we have chosen Tianming City as our outpost, we should think about what we should run.

Since we went to the largest trading city around, we had to do some trade. "

"But our technology is far behind the technology empire of the nameless world. At least for now, we can't build a cruiser that can fight against the stellar level."

Everyone nodded, this was indeed true.

Luo Chengdao: "Then start selling the simplest ones, such as drones. Our own drones are the most advanced ones on earth.

I have here the drawings of the drones in the space carrier. I believe you have also taken them apart and reverse-engineered them.

There are no particularly rare materials in it, so they are easy to copy.

The nameless technology empire basically abides by the regulations of technological isolation.

But this provision is aimed at various warships and weapons of mass destruction.

It does not include single attack equipment such as mechas, aerospace planes, and drones.

We can reverse engineer the Radiant Empire's drone system and improve it on our own system, just to test the waters. "

Everyone immediately started discussing that this was indeed the best way.

Others, such as cruisers, cannot be built even if there are blueprints.

At present, China is only at the level of building aircraft carriers. Building space carriers requires upgrading of the entire industry. Even with the technology, it cannot be completed in a day or two. It will take at least five or six years.

Although small trees can manufacture, they cannot replace the entire domestic manufacturing industry. Only by continuous improvement can we become stronger.

"In Luo City, how many people do you think is appropriate to go?"

Luo Cheng thought for a while and said: "Currently, we will send 1000 people. These people must be all-rounders with flexible minds. They must be proficient in technology and have good cultivation talents.

You must also have a certain ability to protect yourself, and at the very least you must be a senior cyclone.

Maybe in a few years, we can still harvest a group of planet-level backbones. "

Everyone agreed with Luo Cheng's point of view. Previously, many people looked confused because they didn't understand the nameless world.

After Luo Cheng's introduction, everyone's understanding of the Nameless World deepened, and the fear in their hearts gradually disappeared.

Soon, a relatively complete screening method was released, and screening will soon be carried out in the country.

At the same time, this is also a statistic, counting how many people in the country have condensed cyclones.

After the meeting, Commander Qin came over and said, "Luo Cheng, thanks to you, we are in such troubled times. Otherwise, we wouldn't know what to do next."

Luo Chengdao: "It's nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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